Lord Of The People: Zero Arms Construction Maniac

Chapter 462 Su Yu's Coldness, The Seven Clans Come Together!

"Yang, Yangchang?"

Everyone stared at Yang Chang in a daze, Yang Chang was a little at a loss.

"I, I don't know him..." The nervous Yang Chang stammered a little.

upon hearing this,

The eyes of the Blue Star Alliance and others turned cold.

Of course they believe in Yang Chang,

Believe in this partner who gets along day and night.

Since there is no holiday,

The behavior of the iron tower is pure humiliation.

"Don't even think about it!" Bai Xiaowei scolded, her eyes glowing with anger.

"Cut." Tieta pouted,

"It's fine if you don't want to, why get angry."

"Trading is what you want and what I want."

"Either, let that young lady serve me for seven days, or don't talk about it."

"These bosses can drop legendary items, even epic items. I advise you to think about it.

After the iron tower finished speaking, he waved his hand, turned around and left.

Leaving behind some Holy Lords lords, they looked at each other in blank dismay.

Although they are not very willing to have other people to share the boss rewards.

But the behavior of the iron tower...... Isn't it too much?

These people are related to Su Yu,

Not to mention, there is also Bai Xiaowei......


What if they complain to Su Yu?

Some big lords showed hesitation, but finally decided to keep up with the iron tower.


It seems that even if Su Yu is dissatisfied, he has no calendar for them.

after all,

Everyone regards you as the master, and they didn't say anything, so they must listen to you.

You are just a lord who has entered the battlefield of ten thousand realms for one year,

If it's not Toragi,

who cares about you

The great lords of the Church of the Lord departed,

I have to say that the money given by the five major civilizations is very good,

The public opinion is also given in place.

People's hearts are the most difficult to defend against attacks.

The most devout believers in the light will fall into darkness at times,

Not to mention their faith in Su Yu.

What's more, why should a strong person believe in a weak person?

In the Church of the Lord,

Those powerful lords often do not believe in Su Yu, but believe in the benefits of the human race brought by Su Yu.

Only those who are weak,

It's only been a whole day, calling the name of the Holy Lord of the human race.

mighty lords, even gods,

When I meet Su Yu, I am willing to call out the Holy Lord,

As for the rest, it's hard to say.


The Wanzu Ranking Tournament is over, there is no place for Su Yu to show off.

In the eyes of some people, it is better for him to continue to be a vain holy master.

The Holy Lord will need a belief to overthrow the rule of the five major civilizations,

In the name of righteousness, it is better to take action.

It would be better if faith could be a god of nothingness.

Unfortunately, it is Su Yu who actually exists,

"Iron Tower, will it be a bit bad to do this?"

Someone worried about keeping up with the footsteps of the iron tower and asked.

"What's wrong?"

Iron Tower was expressionless.

not good?

For him, it couldn't be better.

It was his intention to dislike people from the Blue Star Alliance.

Watching the lords of the Lord's Order leave,

Bai Xiaowei clenched her teeth tightly, with a look of resentment.

these guys,

Su Yu is not worthy to be the main one at all!

Not worthy to enjoy the benefits that Su Yu brought to the human race!

And the members of the Blue Star Alliance on the side,

Looking at the back of the iron tower, he felt a little lost.

The Lord's Association, like the Blue Star Alliance,

They are all standing behind Su Yu,


Who is nobler than whom?


What the Holy Lord can give to Su Yu is definitely better than what the Blue Star Alliance can give to Su Yu.

Much more.

tower attitude,

many people have a sense of crisis,

For Su Yu, the Blue Star Alliance is not unique.


The Blue Star Alliance and the Holy Lord's Association may be in a competitive relationship,


Bai Su Yu couldn't mention this matter.

"Then, that...how about I..."

Yang'e weakly raised her hand to her chest, and said obsequiously.

It was only seven days sent by someone,

If this happens,

Can bring BOSS benefits to everyone in the Blue Star Alliance,

It can also ease the relationship between everyone and the Holy Master's Association...

She is willing to do this bridge.


Bai Xiaowei, furious, glared at Yang'e.

Yang'e's head also flinched.

"Yang'e, don't have such thoughts, how can we let our companion out?" Gu Ling'er frowned and looked at Yang'e.

"Just being sent by him for seven days, I, I can bear it..."

Yang'e lowered her head and said in a low voice.

She has been enjoying the benefits brought by the Blue Star Alliance, and she also wants to do something for everyone.

To know,

She joined the Blue Star Alliance,

Not through the selection of the lord,

Just, just because she is Su Yu's classmate.

There are more than 20 members in the Blue Star Alliance, all of whom are classmates of Su Yu.


"Yang'e, things are often not as simple as they appear on the surface.

"If you go, it will be like a sheep entering the tiger's mouth."

"Maybe, how will I be tortured by him..."

Jian Ruiming also persuasively said, very tactfully,

This girl, Yang'e, is so innocent, as if she has never been in contact with the dark side of human nature.

Yang'e bowed her head, and responded with a cry.


At this moment, Bai Xiaowei stared at Yang'e and said in a commanding tone:

"Yang'e, open the lord's terminal!"

"Do, what are you doing?" Yang'e froze for a moment,

Still following Bai Xiaowei's instructions, she opened her lord's terminal,

Presented it to Bai Xiaowei.

see this,

Bai Xiaowei stepped forward in two steps, and quickly fiddled with the hungry lord's terminal.

"I'm being bullied, come and save me!"

Bai Xiaowei uses Yang'e's lord terminal,

A message was sent.

The object of the information is Su Yu.

Looking at the chat window with Su Yu, Yang E stared blankly.

She hastily put away the open function of the lord terminal,

I sent another message to Su Yu:

"No, that message just now was sent by Bai Xiaowei..."

at the same time,

Su Yu is following the Red Witch and others to defeat the BOSS.

Just now, he got another useful epic item, and he was in a good mood.

Su Yu was surprised by the sudden prompt from the lord's terminal.

Many people's messages were blocked by him,

However, he naturally did not block the information of his classmates.

The students know how to measure and will not intentionally harass him.


Su Yu frowned slightly,

I remembered the same table sitting next to me in high school,

With a frail look on his face, he still asks him to borrow love from time to time.

The impression left on him is that he is lazy, playful, and very introverted.

I did not expect,

She can also successfully pass the test of the monster tide and become an official lord.

"She should be with everyone in the Blue Star Alliance, right?"

Looking at the content of 543's message, Yu showed doubts.

He replied, "What happened?"

Yang'e: "No, nothing!"

Su Yu: "Tell the truth."

Yang'e had no choice but to tell Su Li about the Blue Star Alliance and the Holy Master's Association.

Su Yu's complexion gradually turned cold.

he stopped,

The Red Witch and the others also stopped in their tracks and looked at him suspiciously.

"I have a friend, and something happened in Damoluotian..." Su Yu said.

"Ham, what a big deal, brother Su Yu, I'll ask our undead tribe to help them!

Gu Mumu patted Yimapingchuan's chest.

"I'll send a message to the people of the Sky Demon Clan right now." Yaomeng smiled.

"Who can't think about it so much? I'll join in the fun too." Clarence opened the lord's terminal,

Now, Su Yu is everyone's "lucky tool"

How can I make him leave?

"Hehe, which coordinate, maybe there is a beast clan nearby." Feng Jiu asked, the beast clan members all act alone.

"Well... the speed of the machine clan should be the fastest to catch up." Ji Ling'er also sent a message.

"I have notified the angel family." Muse sent messages at the fastest speed.

"Do you need help from the Red Demons?" the Red Witch asked.

Everyone's enthusiasm made Su Yu a little uncomfortable,

Even though it was only a temporary team, he still accepted the favor.

"Thank you very much."

Su Yu said thanks,

Then use the terminal, using the power Toragi once gave him,

After inquiring, now the Holy Master will be the master of Yinmaluotian.

"Luo Shuqin?"

Looking at the name, Su Yu looked puzzled,

The coldness in the eyes has dissipated a lot.

Isn't this Toragi's granddaughter?

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