Lord Of The People: Zero Arms Construction Maniac

Chapter 490 The First Eternity, The Elf Queen's Plan!

[Ultimate Ion Spark Tower: "Lihuo"]

【Grade: Myth】

【Level: 50】

[Loyalty: 1~00 "Life and Death"]

[Health value: 5.5442 billion (basic health value 840,000 + "Curse of the Devil" + "Blessing of Sainty" + "Unfalling City" + "Blessing of Yanhuang Infrastructure" + "Building Maniac-Demon" + "Creation")]

[Attack power: 12197.3 billion (basic attack power 840000 + "Curse of the Devil" + "Blessing of Santi" + "Unfalling City" + "Blessing of Yanhuang Infrastructure" + "Building Madness" + "Heart of Light"-+ "Creation")]

[Defense: 5,544.2 billion (basic defense 840,000 + "Curse of the Devil" + "Blessing of Sainty" + "Unfalling City" + "Blessing of Yanhuang Infrastructure" + "Building Maniac" + "Creation")]

[Attack Range: "Single Lock"

Use any territorial building as a point to attack the point within a radius of 10 light years (non-war lost zero area, single target attack. (10 times more effective)]

["Beyond Boundaries": As a building of Ten Thousand Realms, it can exist in Ten Thousand Realms multidimensional universe, and can launch cross-universe boundaries and carry out cross-universe attacks (regardless of distance).

"Ion": Concentrate all the power to carry out a devastating single target attack, causing attack power x 100 times (10 times effect) damage, after successfully killing the target, the energy of the attack will be locked on the next target, and chained in this way attack.

Every time the "chain attack" successfully kills a target, the energy of the "ion" is doubled. After reaching 20 chain attacks (10 times the effect), the accumulated energy will activate the "spark" effect.

"Spark": detonate the splendor of life.

"Chaos Immortal Body": Obtain eternal lifespan, immortality. 】

fire properties,

It can be described as exaggerated.

As a one-time building, her basic attributes are 10 times higher than other mythical buildings!

A hero comparable to mythical level!


With the blessing of Su Yu's territorial power, it has reached a terrifying attack power of 12 trillion.

This is just an attribute, not the final attack effect.

The custom civilization gain of the sixth-level territory gradually shows its power,

Civilization gains, each item can eventually increase by 120%!

That is 2.2 times the original!

The civilization gain of different items can be added!

This attack power is just the superposition of "Construction Maniac" and "Mechanical Expert",

If one more civilization gain is satisfied, the attributes will soar more than twice!


Can simultaneously satisfy "Building Madness", "Machine Expert", "Heart of Light" and "Power of Arrow Feather",

Then, the attack power attribute of Lihuo will exceed 40 trillion!

very scary.

When it reaches level 7 territory, level 8 territory... Civilization gain, it will continue to improve.

Su Yu was slightly absent-minded,

It's not in vain for me to stop leveling for so long in order to obtain the mythical custom civilization core.

As the strongest building in the Ten Thousand Realms,

Under the effect of "Santie's Blessing", Lihuo can exert 100 times the attack power of the attribute!

That's 1200 trillion attack power!

And this is just the beginning,

Due to [Ultimate Ion Spark Tower], it was originally a one-time attack building with only one attack ability.

Therefore, its attack has a chain attack effect!

Every time a target is successfully killed, the attack power is doubled!

Originally, it can only be superimposed twice,

However, under the 10 times blessing of the special effect of "Santie's Blessing"...

If..... is superimposed to the end, the attack energy of that blow will be 2 to the 20th power times!

To be honest, such a blow made Su Yu think,

Is it possible to kill the seven supreme gods, or even... destroy the world?

After all, Lihuo can attack across the universe.

I don't know how the machine clan designed such an unpredictable building.

After killing a target,

Why can the attack energy of ions be doubled?

Is it absorbing the opponent's power from the life level, or what?

Su Yu didn't understand at all.

Although I don't understand it, it's hard to restrain my inner excitement,

To know,

Lihuo, which has taken [Source of Chaos], is no longer a one-time building.

Such an attack...she could launch an infinite number of times!

It's time to unify the human race.

Su Yu smiled happily.

With Li Huo around, he felt at ease like never before.

That nightmare that I haven't had for a long time, comes from the nightmare where the night seat killed him,

Perhaps, never again.

this moment,

Su Yu has incomparably strong self-confidence,

Even if the inheritor of the Black Night Seat is the first lord of the Ten Thousand Realms,

He also has self-confidence and does not lose to the opponent.


He has to plan for the worst, if the other party is the lord of the ancient era,

That would be difficult.

He still has to continue to be cautious and improve his strength,

……… Ask for flowers…

Until the day when you become the strongest in the Ten Thousand Realms!

The later the stage, the more the territory develops,

Su Yu understood more and more that his previous goal was far from enough.

"My lord, what's the matter?"

Looking at Su Yu with a smirk on his face, Li Huo was puzzled.

"I remembered, a little happy thing."

Su Yu smiled and reached out to hold the sky.

"What happy thing?" Sylph asked curiously.

With a firm grip, Su Yu held the sky firmly in his hands.

"Unify all worlds..."


"I am better than the former Human Race Supreme Kuroyaza."


"Then you have to work hard." Sylph smiled like a flower, she had heard too many legends about that one.

Talked to Lihuo,

Su Yu arranged for her to live in Liuli Tiangong.

With the size of Liuli Tiangong, it is more than enough to accommodate a few people,

It's just a pity that Apollo, with his own "restricted area for living creatures", cannot live with them.

Li Huo was very moved, she was very fond of everything in this world,

are strange and curious,

She who has obtained eternal time has unlimited time to come and see this world.

Su Yu didn't expect either,

【Source of Chaos】Combined with Lihuo, there will be such an exaggerated effect,

Not even Estana mentions this.


In Estana's eyes, eternity is just something that is within reach and does not need to be explained.

Only for the vast number of creatures in all worlds,

Eternity is a gate unique to the gods, with laws, and it keeps hundreds of millions of sentient beings out of the gate.

away from fire,

He is "Never Fall", the first person to obtain eternity.

While Su Yu was receiving the intelligence information from Yeliyana,

While starting to plant flowers and plants in the territory,

【Shen Nong Cauldron】It is one of the ancient Ten Lori's words, so it can't be dusted with him.

【Xunji Tianhua Roulette】can help Su Yu to find the remaining "Nine Layers of Black Lotus Ring (Incomplete)", but... the distance is too far away,

Looking at it now, it's a bit out of reach.

at the same time,

Millia Gus, who lives in the city of Unfallen, has a plan in mind.

She was wearing the noble white robe of the elf queen, and her eyes showed excitement.

this time,

Whatever she said, she would also overthrow Su Yu.

With the determination to win, Milly Argos smiled back.

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