Lord Of The People: Zero Arms Construction Maniac

Chapter 532 In The Demon Night Region, There Is A Peach Blossom Demon

The Battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms, the Demon Night Region, is an area adjacent to the Ten Thousand Insects Region.

Every region in the battlefield of ten thousand realms consists of ten thousand regions.

Going up to the land without beginning, down to the edge of the battlefield of ten thousand realms,

Therefore, for regions, there are only left and right points.

There is no situation where a region is included by the other four regions.


If it's a land without beginning, that's another story.

The Land without Beginning is called the Ancient Battlefield, the Ancient Battlefield, etc. by the old lords of the Battlefield of Myriad Realms.

In a broad sense, the Ten Thousand Realms Battlefield naturally refers to the entire Ten Thousand Realms Battlefield,

In the narrow sense, the battlefield of ten thousand realms generally refers to the area other than the land without beginning.

after all,

Hundreds of millions of living beings have almost no chance to contact the land without beginning.

Even the first lord closest to the Land of No Beginning,

Most of them are just afraid of the land without beginning and dare not set foot on it.


A woman in a pale pink dress and a peach blossom ornament on her head,

Walking in the demon night area, set in the area of ​​the first lord.

She looked to the north curiously,

To the north is the land of no beginning.

Today is the day when the domain lord of the Yaoye region holds a birthday celebration.

For domain masters who have lived for tens of thousands of years, birthday celebrations are usually held once every hundred years.

Therefore, for the Yaoye region, it can be regarded as a big 27 event.

In general regions, the naming rights are obtained by the greatest power, such as "Wanchong" in the region of Wanchong.

The Yaoye region is an exception,

This is named after a person.

The domain owner of the Yaoye region: Yaoye, sincerely invites all the lords to come to the celebration.

Up to the first lord,

Down to the lords of class 11521,

They can all sign up through Wanjiecheng, and then come here through Wanjiecheng.

The new lord of the 11521st class, Tao Yao, is one of them.

to be frank,

For new lords, it has just started for more than a month, and it is still spring, which is a good time for development.

Think about how to spend summer and winter, and how to survive the disaster in the battlefield of ten thousand worlds,

Such time-wasting celebrations should not be attended.

It's just Taoyao, who likes adventure, and prefers novel things.

She followed the news, and when she learned that the celebration here was not far from the Land of No Beginning, she rushed over immediately.

and most importantly,

The Monster Night Region is separated from the Ten Thousand Insect Region!

If given the chance, wouldn't it be possible to enter the Myriad Insect Realm?

Tao Yao withdrew her gaze from the north,

No matter how mysterious the Land without Beginning was, it was beyond her reach.

But her heart is still very excited,

Because, this may be the closest she is to the "Legend of the Holy Lord" of the human race!

"It would be great if I met a big brother who could take me to the Ten Thousand Insects Region..."

Tao Yao whispered softly.

Her race is a peach blossom demon, which is a very inconspicuous race in the demon clan.

And what she dreams of is to travel all over the world and see the whole world.

Of course, as an adventurer...it is basically difficult to realize your dreams.

So, she became a reporter.

With the status of a lord and a reporter, it is destined that she rarely stays in her own territory,

It can be regarded as a wonderful lord.

Now, what Taoyao is most interested in is the "Legend of the Holy Lord".

When it comes to the "Legend of the Holy Master" recently, there is only Li who is the pride of the human race.

Before entering the battlefield of ten thousand realms and before becoming a lord,

Taoyao's life diary was swiped by "Legend of the Holy Master",

Some people say that the human race will regain its former glory.

Some say it was just a flash in the pan.

Some people say that the once-in-a-thousand-year ranking battle of ten thousand races is nothing.

Some people also said that the night seat is back.

No matter which one it is, for Taoyao, it is very attractive.

She not only wants to see the world by herself, but also wants to tell the world to the world,

If you can get some news about the "Legend of the Holy Lord",

Then she doesn't have to worry about the resources for her initial development.

"Hello everyone."

"Hi guys."

"Hi sir."

"Hello, my lord."

As Taoyao was walking, every time a lord passed by, she respectfully said hello.

She is just a new lord, so to her, any lord is her predecessor.

This attitude is what it should be.


Is it really a waste of time for the new lord to attend the birthday party of the great lord Yao Ye?

That's not necessarily true.

For the new lord, it may be a good opportunity,

Especially those who don't have any powerful background,

Once it is appreciated by the big boss, its development will definitely be ahead of other new lords by a large margin!

At least, you don't have to worry about the monsters in the wild on the Ten Thousand Realms battlefield, protecting and opening up the territory, it's smooth sailing.


Tao Yao likes this kind of celebration very much, not only for her development as a lord, but also for reporting events as a reporter,

For her, it has all benefited a lot.

Hi boss. "

"Hi sir."

Tao Yao greeted every lord,

There are monster races, human races, elves, ghost races, ghost races, etc.

However, none of the lords paid attention to her.

This situation was also expected by her. A lord of class 11521 said hello. If they could respond a little bit, it would be a great deal of face.

No one paid attention, Taoyao didn't mind,

Because, she knows, as long as a lord pays attention to her, her chance will come.

"Hello boss." Tao Yao tirelessly continued to say hello to every lord.

"Don't you have a seat?"

A short, purple-haired Zerg lord asked suspiciously.

listen to this,

Tao Yao's eyes lit up.

"No, no..." She replied hesitantly.

"Then sit here, I'm here alone." The purple-haired Zerg lord said.

listen to this,

Tao Yao's heart pounded and jumped up,

She didn't just ask someone to say hello at random,

In the scale of this kind of celebration, one person can have one table... At least, it is a big lord!

In front of him, this purple-haired zerg lord is a great lord!

Of course, many big bosses are in companions, and the situation of one person at one table is still relatively rare.

"How embarrassing is this...... Then I will, respect is worse than obedience."

Tao Yao only slightly declined, and couldn't wait to sit down.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Taoyao, a Taohua demon clan, and I am a reporter. Taoyao has a smile in her eyes.


"My name is Betty, hello, Taoyao."

Sister Chong Betty was surprised, and looked up and down at Taoyao, thoughtfully.

Since Betty signed the soul contract with Su Yu,

Su Yu has never looked for her,

This made Betty very happy and happy. Originally, she thought she had obtained a slave brand,

Unexpectedly, the other party didn't care about her at all,

She is still free!

But as time passed, seeing more and more legends about Su Yu,

Listening to the news that Su Mu fell and destroyed the "Revelation Land",

Betty gradually became a little uncomfortable.

This seems to be... a very thick thigh, you have to hug it tightly.

At the same time, a resentment arose in Betty's heart,

I, after all, can be regarded as Su Yu's person, right?

Why are you ignoring me...

If..... can expand your reputation through reporters,

Then Su Yu, will you be able to notice yourself?

Betty looked at Tao Yao thoughtfully.

At the same time, a white cloud galloped towards the Monster Night area,

The time item guided by Tianhua roulette is in the Yaoye area. .

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