Lord Of The People: Zero Arms Construction Maniac

Chapter 585 Do You Want To... Kill God?

"Moonset is online?"

"Is this... a showdown with Su Yu?"

"Impossible, it's just a gimmick."

"Go, go and have a look, and see how strong the moonset is now.

"Yeah, I'm also curious, who is stronger, he or Su Yu."

"It is said that Yueluo is the uncrowned king of the 11520th class, but I still think that Su Yu who won the first place in the Ten Thousand Clans Ranking Tournament is stronger.

"Fart, when everyone is still learning to walk, the moonset will fly "He is a long way ahead of the 11520th lord! Su Yu must not be able to compare!"

on the terminal network,

The topic of Yueluo and Su Yu was aroused.

Under TW's marketing, it has successfully aroused everyone's controversy,

There are those who support Moonfall, and those who support Su Yu.

Controversial places never lack heat.

"Very good!"

"This number has exceeded expectations!"

"This time the simulated battle with the specification of "The Strongest Lord" will never lose!"

Marcus looked at the number of people who went online in the TW simulation battle, and the number rose sharply,

There was unstoppable joy on his face.

at the same time,

The first area of ​​influence of the Moon Shadow Sect,


"Master Xuanji!"

The door of Su Xuanji's lord's mansion was pushed open,

A little fox demon ran up in a panic,


"Is the leader not here?"

She froze for a moment, then immediately used the lord's terminal to contact Su Xuanji.

Moonset is online!

For such an important matter, you must tell the teacher as soon as possible!


In the lord's terminal, the message she sent has never received a response.

Send a message now, but nothing will go away,

This made her anxious.

The little fox demon Su Luoluo is waiting to log in to the simulation space,

Even if Su Xuanji couldn't be contacted, she still had to take pictures of every angle of Yueluo and forward them to Su Xuanji.


"The leader is... TW online?"

Su Luoluo froze for a moment, her face full of bewilderment,

Since the leader is online, why didn't you reply to her message?

Ten Thousand Worlds Battlefield, Dew Territory.

"Moonset Forest".

[You have entered the territory "Moonfall Forest", the domain owner left a message: I am busy with something, so I will not accept visits. 】

Several big lords froze for a moment, with strange expressions on their faces.

"The territory name of this new domain lord... Moonset Forest?"

"This, she won't have anything to do with Yueluo, right?"


"Is it a coincidence?"

"How about... let's forget about today's action first?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, extremely hesitant.

Those legions and arms of the Lord of the Fallen Feather suddenly disappeared mysteriously.

It has been more than a month,

The great lords of the Fallen Feather area, no matter how confused they are, they will react,

Something may have happened to the Lord of the Fallen Feathers,


There are people with bad intentions who are ready to come here.

It was the first time for them to enter the territory of the Lord of the Fallen Feathers,

Unexpectedly, the name of this publicly disclosed territory is called "Moonfall Forest"

Many big lords retreated.

Moonset Forest, Lord's Mansion.

Lin Luoyue looked melancholy, sitting by the window,

At this time, the Ten Thousand Worlds Battlefield is in summer, and the air is full of scorching summer.

The grass withered, the mountains and rivers dried up,

Even the sea, to the west, became a dark abyss.

But it's such a hot summer,

Feeling the ultraviolet rays coming in from the window, Lin Luoyue's heart felt extremely cold.

moonset is online,

When she heard the news for the first time,

I was going to tell Su Xuanji.

Unexpectedly, when she boarded the TW simulation space,

It was discovered that... Su Xuanji was also online.

This shows that Su Xuanji has been released from the demonized state,

This is very good news for her.

But she... was a little unhappy.

Why, Su Xuanji suddenly logged into the TW mock battle?

Why, Qiluo will suddenly go online?

Su Xuanji...who is she...right now?

"Yueluoluoyue, I didn't expect...it was really you.

A bitter smile appeared on the corner of Lin Luoyue's mouth.

If Su Xuanji hadn't been brought into the first universe,

Likely it wouldn't have happened...

"The Crazy Moon..."

If I had known that Su Yu was Moonfall,

Will I still help Su Xuanji?

With Su Xuanji's obsession...

Lin Luoyue was confused, she didn't know, she didn't know,

I only felt a slight tingling in my heart.

"Forget it, I took the initiative to bring her with you.

Lin Luoyue took a long breath, opened the Lord's terminal, and logged into the TW simulation battle.

just entered,

I found TW's official promotion,

this time,

What Yue Luo chose was a 2V2 team battle!

And his teammate is the leader of the Moon Shadow Cult, Su Ji!

Lin Luoyue has complex eyes,

Suddenly, she smiled with relief.

Isn't it a good thing that one's good friend can find happiness?

Isn't this what she has been looking forward to?

Hmph, Su Yu, you waited for me, you kept it from us for so long...

…0 for flowers………

Not only did I handle it,

Now, I have even taken care of my best friend,

You wait for me!

Flower Heart Carrot!

Thinking of Su Yu, Lin Luoyue's teeth itch with anger,

But on his face, there is an unstoppable smile,

The tingling pain in the heart also completely disappeared.

Yueluo, Luoyue...... This means that in his heart, he occupies the most important position, right?

That being the case,

It's not... impossible to give Xuanji a little bit of space.

Lin Luoyue squeezed into the spectator space,

Following the lively crowd, watching the scene of the battle.


"Yue Luo actually... fought with Su Xuanji, the leader of the Moon Shadow Sect?"

"My God, I feel like I'm eating melons!"

"Su Xuanji, isn't that the one who loves the moon?"

"They appeared together, does it mean that Yue Luo accepted Su Xuanji's confession?"

The noise of the crowd, from the moment Su Yu and Su Xuanji appeared on the stage,

It never stopped.

"My heart is broken, woo woo woo...Yue Luo is actually with Su Xuanji.

"What's the point of living in this world..."

"What's good about that little fox demon?"

"Hold the grass, you don't even look in the mirror, you are a f*cking female orc, can you compare with Su Xuanji from Muying?"

"That's right, Master Teacher, he is the cutest in the world, okay?"

"Praise that vixen so much, you must be a member of the Moon Shadow Sect!"

"So what, hum change."

"Why is my heart broken? I don't even know what Yue Luo looks like. If she is as handsome as Su Yu..."

“Certainly not as good as Su Yu!”

"Why can't you compare to Su Yu, angel family, have you ever seen an ugly angel?"

Controversy keeps ringing in my ears,

Lin Luoyue chuckled, the quarrel between these guys was really meaningless.

Like a bunch of idiots.

That guy Su Yu, he didn't think of me as a fool before, would he see my jokes?


simulated battlespace,

Su Xuanji stood beside Su Yu, since she logged into the TW simulation battle, she has been in a state of confusion,

And Su Yu looked up at the starry sky,

In the simulated battle space, every star in the starry sky means a space to watch the battle,

The brighter the stars, the more spectators.

Looking at the sky full of stars, Su Yu couldn't help feeling that Yue Luo's reputation hadn't diminished in the slightest.

That being the case, if it was just an ordinary match, it would be a bit disappointing to their expectations.

Su Yu looked at Su Xuanji beside him, and asked with a smile:

"Do you want to... kill God?".

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