Lord Of The People: Zero Arms Construction Maniac

Chapter 616 The Beauty Of Elves, Eating In The Bowl And Looking At The Pot

"I...I have something to do with Millia Gus."

Ilodie said hesitantly.

She really couldn't think of an excuse, so she had to imitate Sylve's words.

Since Sylve said this and the lord agreed, then she said this... The lord should also agree, right?

Ilodie also has something to do with Milia Argus??

Su Yu showed doubts on his face, but he didn't ask Iloty,

He understands Iloti's character, and if there is something wrong, then there must be something wrong.

If it's not a personal matter, she will tell herself,

But since she didn't say it, it means she didn't want to say it, Su Yu naturally wouldn't force Ilotti.

"Okay." Su Yu's voice was helpless.

He actually didn't want Sylph and Iloti to go to the multidimensional universe of the world.

There is no better than the battlefield of ten thousand realms,

Once any danger occurs, it is difficult to avoid it.

There is no "never fall" protection......

To be honest, Su Yu is quite worried about Sylph and Ilodie.

The two of them occupy a place in his heart because they are too important.

Sylph and Elodie,

It does not have the characteristics of building a spirit character, so you can move as you want. Under the effect of [Twin Saint Flowers],

All of Su Yu's building spirit characters can teleport back and forth between the Ten Thousand Realms multidimensional universe and the Ten Thousand Realms battlefield at any time.

They also don't have the stealth ability like Yeliana, which can avoid danger.

They must be well protected, Su Yu secretly made up his mind.


Before his territory grew up, it was Sylve and Elodi who protected him,


It's his turn to protect Sylve and Ilodie.

Su Yu opened the lord's terminal and applied to go to the Ten Thousand Realms multidimensional universe.

Cosmic coordinate drop point - the big world of elves.

【Human lord Su Yu, who came from the battlefield of ten thousand realms, applied to enter the world of elves, do you agree?】

A lord cannot directly teleport into the universe of other races from the battlefield of ten thousand realms at will.

The consent of the family must be required.

"Human lord Su Yu, which Su Yu is it?"

"Is that Su Yu?"

In the Great World of Elves, Qika Star, which is in charge of controlling the records of foreign races,

In a control room on Chika, an elf looked at the application request suspiciously.

He checked the reporting records,

There is no filing of this application request.

Generally speaking, it should be rejected,

However, because of Su Yu's name, he didn't dare to jump to conclusions, and immediately notified the matter to Qika Star's top diplomat——Qikale Enfel.

"If there is no application for registration, just reject it directly. What is there to notify?"

Qi Kale looked at the information in the terminal speechlessly, her eyes showed impatience.

As the highest diplomat of the elves,

There are so many things to deal with all day long that no matter how quiet a person is, he will become impatient.

"But...Master Chikale, this applicant's name is Su Yu."

"Su Yu? What's wrong with Su Yu, there are too many people named Su Yu in this world."

Qi Kale closed the terminal, looked at the documents on the table, and rubbed the space between her brows with a headache.


A flash of light came to her mind,

Su Yu?

Could it be....... is that Su Yu?

"Wait a minute!" Qi Kale quickly opened the terminal, telling the elf in the control room not to refuse.

"Master Qikale, this is what I have to deal with today..." A blond elf, holding the document, walked quickly,

But her footsteps still couldn't keep up with the vigorous woman in front of her.

"No time!"

"But Lord Chikale, these documents are very important, and they are related to the friendship of the Grom tribe."

"If I say no time, then there is no time! Not to mention the Grom clan, it won't work if the hundred clans come!"

Chikale took a step,

Quickly walked towards the outdoor teleportation array, the windbreaker moved lightly, and her steps were extremely fast.

If Su Yu really came to the world of elves, she must greet her in person.

Step into the teleportation array,

Qi Kale felt inexplicably nervous,

She turned on the mirror function of the terminal, and took advantage of the transmission time to tidy up her appearance.

In the mirror, the elf with blond hair and green eyes has a dignified appearance and picturesque features.

Qi Kale smiled slightly, and immediately, the woman in the mirror burst into a spring-like smile.

I don't know how long, I haven't laughed, but fortunately... the beauty is still the same.

Qi Kale weighed the two lumps of flesh on her chest,

It's just this thing, it's a little in the way, no matter how much you lose weight, you still can't lose weight, and it's as big as before.

Qi Kale shook her shoulders, looking at her black standard windbreaker with gold embroidered jade edges.

Although I can't see a little dirt,

She still used a Qingfeng Jue to cleanse her body.

Teleportation light dissipates,

Qikale came to the entrance of the outer space of the elf world,

There are people of many races coming and going.

The elves are not like the thirteen universes of the human race, which reject foreigners,

In addition, they are generally beautiful and have noble etiquette, so there are very many foreigners who travel to the elves.

Chikale was nervous, and greeted a teleportation platform

The elves on duty were all surprised when they saw the arrival of the top diplomat, but no one came forward to ask.

The light of the teleportation platform numbered 11520 gradually faded away.

A man and two women loomed from the light.

It was Su Yu, Sylph and Ilodie,

As for Geng Xiao, the moment he arrived, he sneaked into the high-latitude space.

As Su Yu's eyeliner, Geng Xiao is destined not to be revealed in front of others.

"Master Su Yu, I didn't expect it to be really you."

With a bright smile on her face, Qi Kale bowed to him.

The move of the top diplomat caused an uproar.

Some foreigners also followed the sound and looked over curiously.

"That's...... Su Yu?!"

"Which Su Yu?"

"Su Yu of Wanzu, which Su Yu is there?"


"The lord of class 11520?"

"I heard that I won the first place in the Ten Thousand Clans Ranking Tournament, which is quite impressive."

"Hehe, no matter how powerful it is, it can't compare to Yueluo.

There was a lot of discussion among the crowd.

With a famous figure, wherever he goes, it is easy to cause commotion.

"Master Su Yu, please follow me. 17

Qi Ka Le looked apologetic, and made a please gesture to Su Yu.

If I had known that Su Yu was coming here,

That area must be emptied, lest those idlers disturb Su Li.

Now Su Yu, as the Holy Master of Human Race,

Compared with the elves, that is the identity of the elves queen.

Qikale naturally did not dare to carry it,

More importantly, Su Yu won the respect of the Elf Queen.

4.7 It is rumored that the elf queen's residence in the Ten Thousand Worlds Battlefield has been moved to Su Yu's Buluo City......

Therefore, in the elves, there have been rumors about the queen's boyfriend.

It's just that no one dared to talk about it because of the majesty of the elf queen, so they could only whisper in private.

Su Yu followed Qikale, looking around curiously,

It seems that no matter which race they belong to, the style of the universe is similar.

The difference between ethnic styles should only be reflected on the planet.


This elf family is really big.

Su Yu quietly glanced at the mountain peak on Qi Kale's chest.

This was seen by Sylph who was holding his arm.

"Darling, eat in the bowl and look at the pot?" Sylph looked at Su Yu with a smile,

He also deliberately squeezed Su Yu's arm.


The peeping eyes were discovered, and Su Yu showed embarrassment. .

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