Lord Of The People: Zero Arms Construction Maniac

Chapter 657 Discussion On The Kidnapping Of Su Yu

"Indeed, this method is good!"

Li Carl praised and said, he looked at Carl with admiring eyes.

Said: "Wait later... Li Xiao found a treasure with laws, and the first one will be handed over to Gal for use."

Hearing this, Al Tian bowed and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Seeing Gal receiving the award, the other high-ranking members of Daybreak couldn't sit still.

"My lord, I have a plan!"

"My lord, I have something to say too!!"

"Your Majesty, I have the best solution here, and I will make Su Mu catch him without a fight!"


The huge Liguang meeting hall suddenly became lively.

The law is related to becoming a god, and that is the eternal lifespan!

Those who didn't want to speak just now became anxious.

Throughout the dawn, there were only seven False God Lords,

And these seven were all promoted by Li Carl, even after they became False Gods, they did not develop independently of Li Xiao.

Therefore, for Li Carl's reward, these 99-level great lords are extremely eager.

Li Carl only likes to enjoy life, not good at ruling,

But sometimes, he can win many hearts with the reward alone.

After all, no one will struggle with interests.

Unless one day Li Carl loses his cards, unless one day an irresistible enemy 22 hits the door,

Otherwise, it would be really difficult to disband the dawn under Li Carl's rule.

Through some controversy,

Li Carl finally decided to kidnap Li.

In his opinion, kidnapping Su Yu is the safest and safest method.

Li Carl made a decision, and many high-level leaders stopped arguing,

It's just that there are still some people who show disapproval on their faces.

They looked at the smiling Gal, their eyes full of envy.

"My lord, I still think it's a bit inappropriate to kidnap Su Yu."

A level 99 great lord of the Dawn Tribe, Karoba, summoned up his courage and said.

She is really not reconciled, and when she encounters a treasure containing laws in the future, she will just give it to Gal...

Under normal circumstances, no one dares to question the decision made by Li Carl.

This is Daybreak, Li Carl is the Lord of Daybreak, he doesn't set up any members, elders, etc.

Breaking dawn is what Lai Carl said.

It’s just that Karoba, like Li Carl, belongs to the Dawn tribe and is a woman,

That's why I mustered up the courage to question Lai Carl's decision.

"Oh? Karoba, what do you think is wrong?"

The matter is of great importance, Li Carl is not angry at Caroba's questioning.

Listening to this, Karoba said seriously:

"Then Su Yu is powerful, and it is said that he is also Yue Luo's friend..."

"If it causes Yue Luo to attack, then the loss outweighs the gain."


Hearing this face, Li Carl was slightly taken aback.

Indeed, so far, he has never considered the issue of moonset.


"Karoba, then you worry too much."

"Yue Luo is such a character, how could he take action because of Su Yu?"

Gal smiled and shook his head.

He could tell Karoba's thoughts at a glance.

Wasn't it just to make his plan of kidnapping Su Yu go to waste, and then rank according to the plan just debated, and it's her turn to make the next plan.

Want to compete with Tagal for treasures that contain the power of law?

Even if you belong to the Dawn Clan, it is impossible for me to let you go.

With a smile on his face, Gal looked at Karoba tit for tat, without giving in.

"No, Gal, you're wrong in saying that.

Karoba shook her head, her eyes serious:

"Back then, when all races attacked Su Yu's Buluo City, that was the reason why Yueluo came forward.

"At that time, Yue Luo said that he would not intervene in the battle between the new lords."

"But as the senior lord, if you attack the members of the Moon Shadow Cult, he will intervene..."

"If you want to establish something close to a racial contract with one person, it is of course impossible, no one will care about his words.

"However, the arrival of the Angelic Throne made the impossible possible.

Caroba's words made Li Carl's heart skip a beat.


At the beginning, when all races attacked Buluo City, Yueluo appeared, and Yueluo even attracted the throne of angels to descend...

"Who said we're going to attack cities that won't fall?"

Gal frowned and said, "There are ways to kidnap Su Yu, but it doesn't have to be to attack his territory.

"What's more, there is no lord crystal in Buluo City, so it can't be attacked at all. It is said to be a territory, but it is just a group of wild buildings.

Listening to Gal's words, Li Carl felt relieved a lot.

On the Ten Thousand Realms battlefield, it is impossible for any lord to be willing to confront Yue Luo head-on.

I didn't see it, it appeared a while before the moon set, did it step on the territory of the Great Dao?

That mysterious glass-colored woman is still a mystery to this day!

What's more, there is still an angel seat standing behind Yue Luo...

Who dares to attack such an outstanding junior of the Angel Race?

If they fight between the same class, that's all.

But if an old lord kills Yue Luo, then I'm afraid... all races will be able to see the anger of the Supreme God Throne.

"Having said that, Su Yu is Yue Luo's friend."

Caroba frowned and said, "What if the moon falls to rescue?"


Gal chuckled and said, "Do you think people like Yue Luo will stand up for such a trivial matter?"

"Su Yu is the lord, he can be reborn if he commits suicide, Yue Luo will think that he was kidnapped? Do you want to tell Yue Luo personally?"

"Or, do you think that our wise and powerful monarch will spend a lot of trouble to kidnap Su Yu and make everyone know about it?"

When Gal talked about the monarch Li Carl, Karoba couldn't help but couldn't say anything to refute.


Li Carl nodded in satisfaction when he heard the words "wise and powerful".

"Then it's decided to kidnap Su Yu.

"Gal, you will be responsible for closing the terminal."

I want to kidnap a lord on the battlefield of ten thousand realms,

The first thing you need for the song 267 is the props for the lord's terminal signal.

Such props are very rare, but for the owner of a region like Lixiao, of course there are some in stock.


Using arms to carry out a surprise attack, or an encounter has occurred, then the ability to block the signal of the lord's terminal is very important.

The lord's terminal can be blocked and cannot communicate with others.


It is impossible for the lord's terminal to control the territory, such as the control panel, to be blocked.

"Yes! Monarch!"

Gal took the lead excitedly.

Caroba's eyes showed disappointment. At this moment, she heard Li Carl say:

"Caroba, go and prepare a way to seduce Su Yu."

"Yes, Monarch!" Kaloba's eyes became agitated. She thought that she was going to be excluded from this plan, but she didn't expect...

Seeing Karoba's excitement, Li Carl smiled and said: "Your speech is very useful, we need to be more cautious about kidnapping Su Yu.

Throughout the dawn, I started planning how to kidnap Su Yu,

Although they are separated by a hundred regions from the Ten Thousand Insects Region,

However, after only one day, dawn began to act.

The air city floating in the air is the big stone in Li Carl's heart. If he doesn't fall down for a moment, he will feel bored.

No one knows when Su Muluo will attack,

The kidnapping of Su Yu is urgent. .

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