Lord Of The People: Zero Arms Construction Maniac

Chapter 089 "Never Fall" Vs "Beast Overlord"!

Sylph directly opened the hero terminal, lay down on the teacher's chair, and started playing.

Iloti was at a loss,

When she was free, she didn't know what to do.

The farmers in the territory can't wait to work hard,

There is no need for her to supervise.

as a hero,

What to do in the territory?

Sylve looked up at Ilotti and greeted, "Ilotti, come here."

"What's the matter..." Iloti walked over.

"I'll show you something healthy."

The corner of Sylph's mouth raised an arc,

The two women sit in the newly built Hall of Heroes,

Watched the movie.

It didn't take long for Yilodi's ears to turn red.

For a holy angel, the scale of this movie is a bit big,

No...it seems quite interesting.

Ilodie thought.

" to start matching.

Su Yu, who entered the simulation space, caressed the [Ring of the Light Constellation] on his thumb

but for a moment,

His whole body was bathed in holy radiance,

Transformed into a white pedestrian creature.

This is the camouflage ability of [Ring of the Light Constellation],

He has tried, even the two mythical figures in the territory,

It is difficult to see through this disguise to see the true face.

It's not so much camouflage, it's not about changing the laws of physics,

Let Su Yu's body become a white light in a real sense,

But Bai Guang's body still has the characteristics of a body.

This feeling is very wonderful.

Moreover, it can also block the breath 573 together.

If Su Yu curled up into a ball and then did not move,

I'm afraid no one will think that this white light is a living thing.

[The matchup is complete. 】

[Territory "Never Fall" vs. "Beast Overlord". 】

[ID: Moonfall VS Wild Beast Lion Brother]

[Terrain: Desert, the duel begins. 】

[Please select a territorial unit for projection. 】

"Moonset is online!"

"What moonset?"

"The one that never falls!"

"Hold the grass!!"

The new lord section of the Ten Thousand Races Forum suddenly became lively.

Originally, very few new lords cared about TW mock battles.

Play matching battles with all the lords of the Ten Thousand Realms,

Is it crazy?

For the new lord, in addition to looking for guilt, it is looking for guilt.

Once the points become negative, you cannot re-apply for a TW account.

If there are too many negative points, you will be punished,

You can never even log in to TheWorld again,

Who can stand this?

However, never expected,

This year's new lords really went to TW to fight simulated battles,

And, he won!

The territory that ranks first in the settlement of the monster tide, "Never Fall"!

TW's newcomer forum has never been so lively.

The sudden emergence of "Never Fall" gave them the hope of defeating the older generation of lords.

Can this battle continue to be won?

Many new lords are looking forward to it.

Now seeing that "Never Fall" has entered the match,

Pay to watch now.

In general simulated battles, except for invitations from parties involved,

Others who want to watch the game must pay to enter the live broadcast room opened by TW.

"Master Moonfall is online."

"He won't win again..."

"Looking forward to..."

A large number of new lords poured into the paid live broadcast room.

The rapid increase in the number of people in the live broadcast room,

It also attracted the attention of some previous lords.

they pay to come in,

Only to find out that it was a new lord fighting the old lord,

What about playing calf?

Can I get my money back?

What is this ticking headline?

[Moonfall VS Wild Beast - Scorching Battle!]

Can this count as anxiety?

What is TW official doing?

"A chick is a chick, do you still want to win?"

"Do you know whose trumpet is Wild Beast Lion Brother?"

"That's Barmat the Lionhead, the leader of the "Lord of Heroes"!"

"The territory "Beast Domination of the World" is a territory that has been developed for 50 years!"

"Cooperate with his racial talent "Battle Howl".

"Even if the army of the great lord meets head-on, it is difficult to guarantee victory."

"He is a new lord, and he still wants to win?"

"What a joke."

All the previous lords couldn't help but began to mock,

I always feel that I have spent money, and watching this kind of live broadcast is simply cheated.

Not to mention learning something, it may not be exciting at all,

What's the point of directly crushing the game?

"The labor-management territory has been developed for 10 years, and the winning rate in this TW simulation battle is still 0.

"He was just lucky to win one game, and he wants to keep winning?"

"That elf lord is such a badass, he can lose all of this."

Some previous lords who watched the free recording and broadcasting were very disdainful.

Defeated by (chcc) the newcomer in the battlefield of ten thousand worlds,

It can be said to be a disgrace to the old lord.

Whoever enters the battlefield of ten thousand realms is not taught all the way by the old man,

You are a newcomer, and you still want to ride on the head of an old man?

Even if you are the number one in the settlement of the monster tide ranking, everyone will still spray it.

Not to mention, those who didn't reveal their identities, who were hiding their heads and showing their tails, didn't have any scruples about letting them spray.

Even if you find out later that it's your own race, just apologize and you're done.

A bunch of cheering new lords in the live broadcast room,

Immediately silenced in resentment, strength is the reason.

Only when you have strength can you speak loudly.

They can only look forward to, hoping that Yue Luo can win another game.

"Mr. Carlo, that month is online."

"on line?!"

Carol the Fairy, he took a half-day break in the afternoon,

Can't even eat dinner.


When he saw the message from the lord's terminal, he immediately regained his spirit.

"Sign in to TheWorld!"

Losing to Yue Hou in the mock battle, the more he thought about it, the more strange he felt,

Why didn't one's own troops capture the opponent's city wall?

Now people of the same race look down on him,

He was ashamed and humiliated throughout the Ten Thousand Realms.

If.....someone continues to lose to Moonfall,

Wouldn't he be less famous?

Carlo looked forward to it and entered the paid live broadcast room.

Marcus, the head of the Newcomer Division of TheWorld.

The main job is to run competitions and promote them.

In the past, he was originally in charge of the rank of "Lord of Heroes", but his performance dropped again and again.

He was then assigned to the rookie division which was not advanced.

Compared with the high-level competition area,

The revenue of the rookie division is pitifully low.

After several years of hard work, he found that he could not improve his performance at all.

Let alone return to the previous position.

So he had to resign himself to his fate, gave up his plan to climb up, and lived a day-to-day life, waiting to receive some pension after retirement to live a life.

TW newcomer forum, the previous suddenly hot post, Moonset VS Fairy Carlo,

Boarded the TW forum home page.

Marcus understood that his chance had come!

"Promote, promote his battle immediately!"

"I want to occupy the advertising space of the "Heroic Lord" rank!"

As soon as he saw Yueluo was online, Marcus immediately arranged for it.

"But, Boss, the rank of "Lord of Heroes"..."

Is a guy who only fights 1 game worthy of this kind of promotion?

If the results are not satisfactory,

competitors attack,

I'm afraid I can only pack up and get out.

"Push me, if something goes wrong, I will be responsible!"

Marcus glared and ordered.

He has never seen such a powerful new lord,

Ranked No. 1 in Monster Tide settlement,

It is very possible to win the first place in the Ten Thousand Clans Ranking Tournament!

There must be many people following him.

This promotion is definitely worth it!

Watching the number of paid live streaming rooms soar,

Marcus trembled with excitement,

This number has surpassed the popular "Heroic Lord" battle!

A thought that had disappeared for several years reappeared in my mind.

He thought, keep climbing!

This is TheWorld, which represents the official mock battle of the Ten Thousand Worlds Battlefield,

Climbing up, the possibilities are endless!.

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