Lord of the Secret Art!

Chapter 130 Large Ancient Tomb

"Contact the mystery, add 6.6 to the mystery point."

Flynn picked up the gold bracelet and looked it over carefully.

This is a solid gold bracelet of exquisite workmanship, which should come from a master craftsman.

There are roses carved on the surface one after another, very realistic and beautiful, just like golden roses growing on the surface of a gold bracelet.

"I don't know if it's a cursed object originally owned by the owner of the tomb, or a cursed object formed in the long history."

Apart from the rose bracelet, there were no other cursed objects, so Felin took the rose bracelet and left the tomb.

This rose bracelet may be a cursed object owned by the owner of the tomb during his lifetime, or it may be a cursed object formed by an extraordinary transfer after being buried in the ground.

"Sir, what's going on inside?"

A veteran in his forties asked Feline.

"It's just an ordinary cemetery inside. The antiques in it are shipped out and the house is restored."

Flynn ordered.

"Yes, sir."

The veteran responded quickly.

The follow-up was handed over to the excavation team. Instead of staying in the house, Flynn got into a carriage and began to continue searching in the city.

As for the Rose Bracelet, he naturally accepted it bluntly. After all, it was an item in the mission and belonged to him, the person who performed the mission.

In addition, Lindy also assured him that he would be able to get 50% of the batch of antiques he obtained.

In the next few days, Flynn discovered and excavated several cemeteries buried underground.

They are all ordinary cemeteries, and there is no Chess of the Night, not even cursed objects.

Not every cemetery will have cursed things, rather, there are not many cemeteries where cursed things will appear.

After searching the entire southern area, Feilin appeared in the northern area and began to search the northern area.

"There are ancient tombs underground!"

The carriage passed by a guild hall, and Flynn habitually looked into the guild hall.

He definitely didn't want to spy on the waitresses in the clubhouse, although it was inevitable that he would see them.

And looking at it, he made a major discovery. Under this guild hall, there is a place similar to the space of an ancient tomb, and it seems to be quite large.

"The Sound of Musical Instruments Hall."

Flynn came to the door of the guild hall and saw the name of the guild hall.

Judging from the name of the guild hall, this should be a guild hall with musical instrument playing as its selling point.

There should be musicians who are proficient in musical instruments permanently in the hall, and concerts will be held to attract people to buy tickets to listen.

"Sir, do you have a membership card?"

At the door, two beautiful waitresses asked Flynn.

"No, I just wanted to go in and listen to a concert on a temporary basis."

Flynn said.

"You can buy a membership for five pounds a month, or you can buy a ticket for one pound."

"My suggestion is to buy a membership, five pounds a month, and it only costs a little more than three shillings a day."

One of the beautiful waitresses said.

"No, I don't come often, I choose to buy a ticket to enter."

Flynn took out one gold pound, bought a ticket, and entered the hall.

Walking around in the guild hall, it seemed that he was looking for a concert of his favorite musician, but in fact, Felin was looking at the ancient tomb under his feet.

"What a huge ancient tomb, the area is actually larger than the guild hall, extending to the surrounding area!"

Without listening to the concert, Guilin quickly left the Musical Instrument Hall and returned to the Security Bureau.

"A large ancient tomb was discovered?"

Hearing Flynn's report, Lindy asked with a slight expression on her face.

"Yes, this ancient tomb has a huge area, much larger than the ancient tombs discovered in the past few days. I suspect that it is the tomb of the important minister of the Empire of the Night."

Flynn said.

The important minister who received the reward from the Queen of the Night and the Chess of the Night must have an unusual status, and the scale of his (her) tomb must be quite large, which is very consistent with the ancient tomb discovered this time.

Therefore, he guessed that the ancient tomb here was likely to be the cemetery of the important minister of the Empire of the Night.

"It is indeed very possible."

Lindy nodded in agreement with Flynn's judgment.

"What's more troublesome is that the building above the cemetery is a guild hall with a large flow of people. If it is blocked, it may cause quite a commotion."

Flynn expressed his concerns.

Scarlet Blood is secretly paying attention to the Security Bureau. If the Security Bureau makes a big movement, it will definitely be noticed by Scarlet Blood.

"It's easy to handle. I will find someone with status to take over the hall in my own name."

Lindy said.

"It is indeed a good way."

After thinking about it for a while, Flynn felt that it was indeed a more feasible way to contract out the hall in his own name.

Because such a thing as renting out a guild hall happened occasionally, it would not cause too much commotion.

In the afternoon, after get off work, the three of Flynn got into the carriage and did not go to Lindy Villa, but to Freeman Villa.

The reason why I went to Freeman's Villa was to entrust Earl Freeman to replace the Security Bureau and take over the hall in his own name.

"Let's sign up for the Sound of Musical Instrument Hall?"

Knowing the purpose of Lindy's visit, Earl Freeman thought about it and said.

"I know that there must be reasons why the Security Bureau has contracted the guild hall, so I won't ask any more questions."

"A few days later it will be Ivy's twentieth birthday, so I will book this hall under this name."

"Thank you, Count Freeman."

Lindy said thanks.

Earl Freeman's actions were quick, and he received news from Earl Freeman the next morning that he had already booked the Sound of Musical Instruments Hall.

Immediately, Flynn led the excavation team to the Sound of Musical Instrument Hall.

He went with Ivy and Lindy.

Since she guessed that this place is likely to be the cemetery of important ministers of the empire, Lindy naturally wants to sit in charge in person.

With Lindy in charge, even if Scarlet Blood finds out something is wrong, she can block the plan to snatch it.

And Earl Freeman hired the Sound of Music Clubhouse for the purpose of celebrating Ivy's birthday, and Ivy, the rightful owner, should naturally be there.

The staff of the hall were gathered together to take care of it, and the excavation team began to excavate.

Because of the large number of people, the speed of excavation was quite fast, and a cave leading to the tomb was dug out in the afternoon.

A living rabbit was tied up with a rope and thrown into the tomb. After a while, the rabbit was dragged out by pulling the rope.

Black blood flowed out of the rabbit's eyes, mouth and nose, and he was already dead.


Seeing the appearance of the rabbit, Fei Lin and others immediately judged that there was poison in the tomb.

"The poison must be purified. It's a pity that Captain Jonas has not returned from his mission. Otherwise, he can evolve the poisonous gas through his secret parasitic tree!"

Lindy said.

"I have obtained a cursed object that can purify toxins, let me try it."

Flynn said.

"Okay, be careful."

Lindy reminded.

Flynn followed the dug hole, approached the tomb, and then activated the rose bracelet, activating its ability to purify poison.

With the activation of the ability, the rose flower on the surface of the rose bracelet trembled, as if it had turned into a real rose flower.

As the rose trembled, a large amount of golden powder spread out, and under Felin's control, it entered the tomb.

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