Lord of the Secret Art!

Chapter 626 Unwilling

The four Felin that appeared were naturally Felin's flesh and blood clone and the three mirror images created by the flesh and blood clone.

He didn't join the battle from the beginning, the purpose was to take advantage of Olgast's unpreparedness and launch a surprise attack at a critical moment.


After the flesh-and-blood clone and the three mirror clones appeared, they all quickly summoned the mysterious gun to change into a sniper rifle, and shot bullets containing extraordinary abilities at Olgast.

The four bullets that contained the extraordinary ability to destroy turned into four tornadoes, one large, three small, and four.

While Ougaste was frightened, he hit Ougaste's body, and a dazzling silver light burst out.


Under the silver light, Ojast's huge body, which was more than fifty meters high, was annihilated and disintegrated, completely disappearing.

However, the golden giant created by Olgast and the golden field used by Olgast all disintegrated and disappeared with the annihilation of Olghast's body.

"Success? No, no!"

All signs indicated that Olgast was dead, but Flynn did not let down his vigilance because of this.

He used the panel's scan to make the final confirmation of Ojast's life and death.

On the scanning map, a red dot that is rapidly moving away appears.

Seeing this red dot that was moving away quickly, he immediately understood that Olgast had not completely disappeared under the attack just now, and he was not dead.

The disappearance of the golden giant and the golden domain was nothing more than Olgast deactivating the corresponding abilities in order to feign death.

"Mirror transfer."

Using mirror transfer, Flynn appeared in the sea and intercepted in front of Olgast.


The bullets from the sniper rifle turned into a huge waterspout in the water, attacking Olgast who was feigning death and escaping.

"It was discovered!"

Seeing that Flynn intercepted and launched an attack on the road ahead, Olgast knew that he failed to escape by feigning death.


The face under the golden mask was gloomy, he activated the golden field, the golden color spread, and the surrounding sea surface turned into liquid gold.

Under his control, the liquid gold turned into mountain-like golden waves, resisting the sniper bullets that turned into waterspouts.

The sniper bullet was blocked, and he blocked this dangerous attack.

But at this moment.

Around him, mirrors appeared one after another, and from the mirrors, Flynn appeared one after another.

With the six mirror image clones and Feilin's flesh and blood clone, the number reached a total of seven people.

Boom, boom, boom!

After the seven people appeared, they all fired powerful bullets containing the extraordinary ability to annihilate, turning into seven waterspouts and attacking Ougaste.

"Golden giant."


Olgast's face was solemn, and he summoned a golden giant that was more than fifty meters high.

It absorbs liquid gold itself, and its body expands rapidly, reaching a height of more than 50 meters.

Take action together to resist the seven waterspouts attacking.

However, the seven waterspouts that hit him were clearly beyond what he could handle.

Puchi, puchi, puchi!

One attack after another fell on the golden giant and him who had grown into a huge body.

The golden giant who served as a meat shield instantly disappeared, and his body became huge, and his body also disappeared involuntarily.

When the attack of the seven waterspouts ended, he managed to avoid the complete annihilation of his body, leaving only one head.

However, he has not yet breathed a sigh of relief.


Flynn appeared in front of him with a cold look in his eyes.

The mysterious gun in the form of a sniper rifle in his hand pulled the trigger on his remaining head.

A sniper rifle bullet spewed out and hit his gigantic head, bursting out with bright silver light.


The face under his golden mask became angry and unwilling.

Killed by the first Queen of the Night, he spent thousands of years resurrecting through the immortality contained in extraordinary power.

It took thousands of years to be resurrected, but now he will be killed again, which makes him extremely angry and unwilling.

What made him even more angry and unwilling was that the four secret arts like Flynn Suokes were extraordinary. At his peak, a single thought was enough to obliterate him.

To be killed by such a "little bug" now made him feel humiliated in his anger.


The situation will not be reversed because of Ojast's anger and unwillingness. Under the silver light, Ojast's only head disappeared and completely disappeared in this world.

"Not dead yet? No, this is..."

Flynn scanned the panel again to confirm whether Olgast was dead, but found a total of six red dots.

He subconsciously thought that Ougaste was not dead, but used some kind of ability similar to a clone, trying to disperse and escape.

However, he soon discovered that something was wrong, the six red dots did not disperse and escape, but all sank into the sea, not like living things.

"Need power."

He used his mind power, and the invisible hand of mind power drilled into the sea water, grabbed the six red dots, and brought the six red dots to his side.

"Contact mystery, plus 340 mystery points."

"Contact mystery, plus 340 mystery points."

"Contact mystery, plus 340 mystery points."

"Contact mystery, plus 340 mystery points."

"Contact mystery, plus 340 mystery points."

These are six black chess pieces. As they approached him, words quickly appeared and disappeared in front of his eyes, appearing five times.

These six black chess pieces should obviously be the chess pieces of the night, and this further confirmed his speculation with Lindy and Julie.

Olgast became stronger through Chess of the Night, probably the evil god who was once killed by the Queen of the Night.

As for the fact that there are six chess pieces of the night, but the text hints only appear five times, it is not difficult to understand.

One of the Chess of the Night, he had come into contact with it a long time ago, and had collected the mysterious points on it.

Shua, Shua, Shua!

Frank, Wolfgang, and Anand, who had obvious injuries on their bodies, rushed over. When they saw Flynn, they hurriedly asked.

"Elder Sox, did Olgast escape or was he successfully killed?"

The trap this time is the only chance to siege Olgast. If it fails, it will be very difficult to find another opportunity to siege Olgast in the future.

The three of them couldn't help but feel a little nervous, wondering if they succeeded in killing Olgast.

"It has succeeded."

Flynn said.

The appearance of the six chess pieces of the night made him certain that Olgast must have successfully killed him.

"Very good."

Hearing that Flynn had successfully killed Olgast, the expressions of the three of Frank were all relieved.

They already knew the speculation that Ojast was the resurrection of the evil god, and they agreed with this speculation, and they were very clear about Ojast's harm.

Now that they knew that Ojast had been killed, they were completely relieved.

"These are the six chess pieces of the night left over from Ougaste's death. These six chess pieces of the night are useful to me. I hope the three of you can give these six chess pieces of the night to me."

"As compensation, I can compensate each of the three with a Type V extraordinary item."

Flynn took out the six Night Chess pieces obtained from the dead Olgast, and said to the three of Frank.

"The one who contributed the most this time is you, Great Elder Suokes. I hardly contributed much. Since these six chess pieces of night are useful to you, Great Elder Soks, you can just take them and make up for it."

Anand shook his head.

"It's what you said, Great Elder Suokes, you can just take it, and there is no need to mention compensation."

Frank and Wolfgang also said.

"These six night chess pieces are indeed of great use to me, so I will accept them."

Seeing what the three said, and that the six Chess of the Night were indeed of great use, Felin put away the Chess of the Night.

"Could it be that the Great Elder Suokes collected the chess pieces of the night for the rumor that he had collected fifteen chess pieces of the night?"

Frank asked.

"It is indeed for that rumor."

Flynn nodded and said solemnly.

"Everything shows that the prophecy is likely to be true. I want to try to collect fifteen chess pieces of the night to see if the fifteen chess pieces of the night can be as powerful as the evil gods as rumored."

"If it can be as powerful as the evil god, it will definitely become a weapon against the evil god."

"The doomsday prophecy..."

Hearing the doomsday prophecy, the three of Frank couldn't help but look heavy.

It's like a big mountain, pressing on their hearts, making them breathless.

Compared with Doomsday's crisis, Ojast's crisis is nothing.

After all, Olgast is just an evil god who has not yet recovered his strength, and at the end of the day, one evil god with peak strength will descend one after another.

"Since it is an opportunity to explore life for this world, the temple is naturally willing to fully cooperate. The temple has two night chess pieces in its collection, and I will send someone to send them to you."

After a moment of silence, Frank made a decision and said solemnly.

"My Golden Association also has three chess pieces of the night, and I will send them to you later."

Anand, the president of the Gold Association, also said solemnly.

"My Silver Sword does not have a collection of Night Chess, but I will use the Silver Sword's staff to search for Night Chess."

Wolfgang said.

The three of them were not worried that it would be unfavorable to their three forces after Fei Lin collected fifteen chess pieces of the night.

Because even if you don't collect all fifteen night chess pieces, with Feilin's current strength, if you want to disadvantage the three forces, it is completely enough.

"Thank you three."

Thank you Flynn.

A week later, Harrowen Cottage.

Fourteen black chess pieces were placed on the coffee table. Lindy, Julie, Ivy, and Aixi all looked at these fourteen chess pieces with surprise in their eyes.

These fourteen black chess pieces are not ordinary chess pieces, but chess pieces of the night.

Flynn originally had three Chess of the Night on him, but he got six Chess of the Night after killing Olgast.

The temple sent two night chess pieces from its collection, and the Golden Association sent three night chess pieces from its own collection, adding up to exactly fourteen pieces.

A complete set of night chess has fifteen pieces in total, that is to say, it is only one piece away from getting the whole set of night chess.

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