After attending Duke Augustine's funeral, meeting Duke Augustine's descendants, and telling them that if they need help, they can write to him or go to King Heidelberg for help. Felin left the Karlo Kingdom.


Through the mirror transfer, Flynn teleported directly to Harrowen Villa and found Lindy.

Seeing Lindy, he immediately asked.

"How about it, have you figured out which country the city of High Point belongs to?"

Although he stayed in the Karlo Kingdom to attend the funeral, he did not delay his business because of this. Instead, he contacted Lindy through the elder's coat of arms and asked Lindy to investigate.

After returning from the funeral, the investigation should be almost done.

"It has been investigated clearly that Haibo City is a medium-sized city in the Kingdom of Porto and belongs to the coastal city."

Lindy nodded.

"Is it a coastal city in the Kingdom of Porto? It seems that we must go to the Kingdom of Porto."

Flynn said.

"In fact, there is no need to go there in person. You can completely entrust the Security Bureau, an official organization of the Kingdom of Porto, to search for it."

Lindy suggested.

With Felin's extraordinary status as the four secret arts, if he asks for assistance from the Security Bureau, the official organization of the Kingdom of Heidelberg, the Security Bureau will definitely be very willing.

"Let me go there myself, it will be more efficient."

Flynn shook his head and said.

Although the approximate range has been determined, without special means, it will take a long time to find it.

Scarlet Blood searched for the chess piece of night that appeared in Constant City back then, but failed to find it. It alarmed the security bureau and was finally obtained by the security bureau.

With panel scanning, he has a special means of finding, and can find the last chess piece of the night faster.

Half an hour later, Flynn left the Kingdom of Heidelberg.

With the help of the teleportation gate of the temple, he directly arrived at the coastal city of Highport City in the Kingdom of Porto.

Of course, he also said hello to the Kingdom of Porto, so it wasn't considered an illegal entry.


Standing in the center of Highport City, Flynn used the panel's scan, and the range of 20 kilometers around him was included in his scan range.

High Point City, which is only a medium-sized city, is completely shrouded in it.

The first place he searched was High Point City.

The reason why Scarlet Blood failed to find Yezhiqi after several months was because he made a common sense mistake and subconsciously ignored the city where he was located.

With the failure experience of Scarlet Blood, he naturally wouldn't miss High Porter City.


On the scanned image, dozens of red dots appeared.

Most of these dozens of red dots are gathered in two places, while the others are scattered and distributed irregularly in High Point City.

There are two locations gathered, one of which is the branch of the temple that he left not long ago, and it should be the cursed object collected in the branch of the temple here.

There is another location, which he guesses should be the collection room of the city's Security Bureau branch.

Of course, you can't just guess, you have to confirm it.

For him, it is not difficult to confirm.

"Spiritual realm."

Feline used the spiritual domain, and the invisible soul power spread out, like the scanning of the panel, also covering the surrounding 20 kilometers.

The situation within twenty kilometers around appeared in his mind in a three-dimensional image.

Comparing the scanned images, Flynn looked at the things shown as red dots to confirm what the things shown as red dots were.

"The two places with dense red dots are indeed collection rooms."

The first thing Feilin confirmed was the two places where the red dots were most dense.

As he judged, these two places are all collection rooms, which contain a lot of cursed objects.


Although he thought it was impossible, Flynn still checked the cursed objects in the two collection rooms.

Among them, he did not find any cursed objects suspected of playing Chess of the Night.

Leaving the eyes from the two areas where the red dots are densely packed, look at the scattered red dots that are scattered irregularly, and find out what these red dots are.

"A cursed object from a private collection."

"A woman who is either a cultist or has something cursed about her."

"A cursed thing in the shape of a bowl buried in the ground for some reason."


After checking all the red dots, Felin couldn't find the cursed thing that was suspected to be Chess of the Night.

The suspected heretics found a few, but he ignored them.

A few ordinary cultists are not worth his shot at all. Besides, this is the territory of the Kingdom of Porto, which is beyond the jurisdiction of the Security Bureau.

"Next, we will search outside the city."

After confirming that there was no Chess of the Night in the city, Flynn quickly left the city, and began to search around with High Point City as the center.

After a few hours.

"found it."

Flynn stood on the sea near High Porter City, using the panel scan and spiritual domain to search.

On a shipwreck in the sea, he found a cursed object that looked like a black chess piece, which was most likely to be the Chess of the Night.

"Need power."

Feilin used his thought power, which turned into a giant hand, went deep into the sea water, and grabbed the boat in the sea water.

Lifting up suddenly, a huge sunken ship was caught out of the sea, and a large amount of seawater inside flowed backwards.

This is a wooden boat. Because it has been soaked in water for a long time, it has become severely rotted, and it has become dilapidated, as if it will fall apart at any time.

Various seaweeds and creatures grow on the surface of the hull. Because of being frightened, creatures like lobsters and crabs are turning outwards and falling into the sea water again.

As an appraiser, Flynn was able to judge from the characteristics of the hull that this was a ship from the Empire of the Night period, and it was more than a thousand years old.

Using his thoughts to suspend the boat above the sea, Felin walked into the boat and went straight to the place where Chess of the Night was suspected.

He came to a cabin in the boat and found a small wooden box.

The wooden box is made of corrosion-resistant high-grade red teak. Although it has been soaked in seawater for thousands of years, the degree of corrosion is not serious.

"Contact mystery, plus 340 mystery points."

Before opening the wooden box, words quickly appeared and disappeared in front of Feilin's eyes.

From the mysterious points obtained, Felin can almost confirm that this is a game of the night.

"The eye of identification."

Opening the wooden box, Feilin saw the black chess piece, and immediately used his appraisal eye to make a final confirmation.

Type: Cursed

Name: Chess of the Night (Knight)

Grade: Type IV

Extraordinary ability: Release the puppet of the twelve-ring knight puppet sealed in the chess piece to fight for itself. It can be combined with another knight chess piece or queen chess piece, and its power reaches above the twelve-ring chess piece.

Side effects: The body is puppeted, and the degree of puppetization is related to the level of the Extraordinary. The lower the level of the Extraordinary, the more serious the puppetation after use.

Puppetization is irreversible, and every time it is used, it will intensify puppetization. After complete puppetization, it will turn into Chess of the Night (imitation).

Side effects after weakening: During use, the body will experience extremely slight stiffness, which has no effect on movement.

"It really is Chess of the Night!"

Seeing the result of the Appraisal Eye, Felin's face was filled with joy, and the last Chess of the Night was found.

Fifteen chess pieces of the night have been assembled, and it will be known soon whether a whole set of chess pieces of the night can be used in combination to exert a power comparable to that of evil gods.

There were some gold and silver jewelry and antiques on board. Putting these things into the mirror cage, Flynn immediately transferred back to his villa with the mirror.

"The eye of identification."

Back at the villa, he placed the Night Chess and the other 14 Night Chess on the coffee table, trying to use his appraisal eye as a whole.

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