The area occupied by the eye of death, the palace of the lord of the evil eye.


The two eyes with part of the flesh were forcibly torn off from the Lord of the Evil God's Eyes, and floated in front of the Lord of the Evil God's Eyes.

After breaking away from the Lord of the Eyes of the Evil God, the two eyes quickly grew larger, and soon became the size of a human head.

Immediately afterwards, eyes the size of a human head grew into a head, which transformed into a head with huge eyes.

In the end, the head with huge eyes extended down, and grew a human-like torso, hands and feet, and turned into a monster with huge eyes on the lower body of a human.

From the bred two-eyed monster, there is a powerful aura that has reached six extraordinary abilities. These are two high-level eyed monsters.



The two high-level eye monsters respectfully addressed the Lord of the Evil God Eye.

Although they have just been created, they have already been endowed with a lot of information in their brains, and have also been implanted with absolute loyalty to the Lord of the Eye of the Evil God.

"You, give the name Jackson, and you, give the name Evanger."

The Lord of the Evil God's Eye looked to the left and named the monster with high eyes Jackson, and the monster with high eyes to the right named Evange.

"Thank you Lord for the name."

The monster with two upper eyes said.

"Jackson, your duty is to manage the strongholds in the territory and manage the territory. Evanger, your duty is to take charge of the intelligence agency's investigation of news, and focus on the news of Flynn Socks."

The Lord of the Eyes of the Evil God ordered.


The two upper-eyed monsters responded respectfully.


A house built in the forest on the Island of Night, this is the secret residence of Feilin after he moved out of the villa.

This was the foothold of a nobleman from the Karlo Kingdom who was hunting in the forest. When the evil god came, the nobleman from the Karlo Kingdom was affected and died, and this place became a land of no one.

"I haven't cooked for myself for a long time, and my skills are rusty."

Eating the food he made with his own hands, Flynn curled his lips.

Since he became a mystic, he has lived a superior life. The food is cooked by a special chef, and he has become extremely picky about the taste.

Now I eat the food I made myself, and I suddenly feel like chewing wax.

"Lord of the eyes, I have written down this account."

Reluctantly swallowing the food, Felin's hatred for the Lord of the Evil God's Eye grew even more.

Because of the other party's pursuit, he had to hide here, and he could only eat food that tasted like food every day, which made him hate the Lord of the Evil God's Eye even more.

"Everything has to come and go. If you attack me, then don't blame me for attacking your forces."

Flynn snorted coldly.

Now he is not the opponent of the Lord of the Evil God's Eye, and has no ability to take action against the Lord of the Evil God's Eye, but he can use the Lord of the Evil God's Eye to vent his anger, and by the way, increase the acquisition of mystery points.


With a thought, the flesh and blood clone hidden in a secret place immediately took action, and appeared in the occupied area of ​​the Lord of the Evil God Eye through mirror transfer.

Not long after, the Lord of the Evil God's Eye occupied the area, a city inhabited by monsters with five extraordinary eyes.


A seraph flew into the city, heading straight for the Eye of Death's stronghold in the city.

In a few breaths, it approached the Dead Eye stronghold.

Whoop, whoop, whoop!

Suspended in the sky, the seraph emitted a dazzling white light, as if it had turned into a sun.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of white light beams appeared, slanting down like raindrops, attacking the Dead Eye stronghold below.

Puchi, puchi, puchi!

The white light beam has terrifying power, easily piercing through the houses in the Dead Eye stronghold, and attacking the Dead Eye cultists in the houses.

Many Death Eye cultists were attacked, and their bodies were pierced without any resistance. A huge blood hole appeared on their bodies, and their bodies staggered and fell to the ground.

"My Eye of Death has no grievances with the Flame of Light, why did you attack my Eye of Death stronghold?"

The five-abilities extraordinary-eyed monster sitting in the stronghold here dodged the attack in embarrassment, looked at the seraph floating above the stronghold, and asked in surprise.

"The shadow of darkness is the enemy of the flame of light, and the cooperation between the eye of death and the shadow of darkness is naturally the enemy of the flame of light."

Seraphim said coldly.

"Just cooperating with the Shadow of Darkness is considered an enemy. Doesn't Flame of Light feel too domineering?"

Hearing that it was regarded as an enemy just for this reason, the monster with five superpowers and extraordinary eyes said angrily.

"Overbearing? This is the style of my Bright Flame!"

Said the seraph.

Whoop, whoop, whoop!

While speaking, a large number of white light beams attacked down again, attacking the Dead Eye stronghold.

"The eye of insight."

With the help of the powerful insight contained in the eyes, the monster with five extraordinary eyes avoided the attack in a panic.

But the cultists who managed to survive the previous attack in the Death Eye stronghold did not have this ability.

Puchi, puchi, puchi!

The body was pierced by the white light beam, and a huge hole appeared on the body. A large amount of blood flowed out of the hole, and the body fell to the ground and died.

"My eyes of death will never let you go!"

Seeing that he was the only one left alive in the stronghold, the monster with five abilities and extraordinary eyes seemed to be able to spew fire from its eyes, and said angrily.

"You have to have the ability of Death Eye? As far as I know, all the high-level envoys of Death Eye should have died on the four islands, right?"

Seraphim said coldly.

"It is true that all the high-level envoys in the Eye of Death died on the four islands. However, my lord has exerted great power and once again gave birth to two high-level envoys."

Said the monster with five extraordinary eyes.

"Two more high-level envoys were born? But so what, in terms of the number of high-level envoys, can it still be compared with my bright eyes?"

"Okay, it's your turn to die, Realm of Light."

The seraph used the field of light, and the dazzling white light spread around him, spreading towards the monster with five extraordinary eyes.


The corpses of the cultists with eyes of death were shrouded in the field of light, and immediately charred and shattered under the field of light.

The expression of the monster with five extraordinary eyes changed, and it hurriedly avoided the spreading field of light.

However, its speed is obviously not as fast as the speed of the field of light.


Being overtaken by the Realm of Light, under the strong light of the Realm of Light, his body quickly scorched black and screamed in pain.

Soon, his body developed coke, and he fell to the ground and died.

When the Dead Eye stronghold was attacked.

In a conference room, Jackson, the high-level eye monster, and Evange, the high-level eye monster, are talking.

Suddenly, an eye-shaped object on the upper eye monster Jackson vibrated.

It touched the eye-shaped object with its hand, and its expression suddenly changed.

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