Lord of the Secret Art!

Chapter 773 Death of Flesh and Flesh Clone

"The aura on your body is getting stronger... Are you advancing to the Tenth Secret Technique Extraordinary?"

In an instant, the Lord of the Eye of the Evil God had already arrived, and when he noticed the changes in Felin, he exclaimed in surprise.

"Sure enough, I'm chasing again!"

As Flynn expected, the Lord of the Eye of the Evil God found here again.

His body was in a state of metamorphosis, he quickly used the mirror to shift, and chose to escape again.

However, the flesh and blood avatar did not escape, but was retained by him to stop the Lord of the Evil God's Eye and buy him time to advance.


The flesh-and-blood avatar summoned the mysterious gun, which transformed into a sniper gun, and launched an attack after using the mysterious barrister to enhance its power.

A sniper bullet shot out quickly and attacked the Lord of the Evil God's Eye, passing through dense space cracks along the way.

"Want to block me with a clone?"

The Lord of the Evil God's Eye snorted coldly, and a yellow eye swept out a yellow light.


The yellow light swept forward, and along the way, the earth, plants, animals... everything was petrified.

The sniper bullets that attacked him came into contact with the yellow light halfway, and were petrified by the yellow light, turned into rocks, lost power, and fell to the ground with a bang.

call out!

Immediately following the yellow light was an aurora, which shot out quickly and attacked Flynn's flesh and blood clone.


Flynn's flesh-and-blood avatar had been prepared for a long time, and hastily used the mirror to shift, dodging the attacking aurora in a very dangerous way.

But as soon as he escaped and appeared, another aurora immediately attacked him.

Before he had time to dodge, the aurora passed through his body, and a huge hole appeared on his body, which was transparent from front to back.

"The most important thing now is to get rid of Flynn Sox before he advances..."

The Lord of the Evil God's Eye glanced at the flesh and blood clone of Feilin who was injured by him, and did not take the opportunity to continue attacking the flesh and blood clone of Feilin.

Instead, he used the detection ability of his eyes to search the whole world to find Feilin, and quickly rushed in the direction where Feilin was.


Flynn's flesh and blood avatar shifted and appeared in front of the Lord of the Evil God's Eye, blocking the way of the Lord of the Evil God's Eye.

Once again, he used the mysterious gun in the form of a sniper rifle in his hand to launch an attack on the Lord of the Evil God's Eye, and the huge sniper rifle bullets flew towards the Lord of the Evil God's Eye at a high speed.

"It seems that without destroying this clone, there is no way to attack Flynn Sox!"

The Lord of the Evil God's Eye's eyes were slightly cold, and a yellow light swept out, turning the sniper bullet into petrification again as before.

Moreover, the yellow light continued to move forward, sweeping towards Flynn's flesh and blood clone.


Flynn's flesh and blood clone hastily shifted back with the mirror, dodging the spreading yellow light.

However, as soon as he appeared in the mirror shift, a ray of aurora attacked him.


The aurora passed through him, and a huge hole appeared in his chest that was transparent from front to back.

"This is not dead, although it is not immortal, but it is not much worse!"

The Lord of the Eyes of the Evil God looked at the Flynn's flesh and blood clone with a huge hole in his chest, and frowned slightly.

The blow that pierced through the chest of Flynn's flesh and blood clone destroyed many internal organs including the heart of Flynn's flesh and blood clone.

Even so, Flynn's flesh and blood clone was not dead, but the injuries on his body were healing quickly, and even the damaged heart was growing rapidly.

Judging from this characteristic, although Felin's avatar does not have an immortal body, it has a powerful self-healing ability that is not inferior to that of an immortal body.

I just don't know if this self-healing ability is like the immortal body, even if the head is destroyed, as long as there is a little bit of flesh and blood left in the body, it will not die.

"Puppet chess."

Flynn's flesh and blood clone summoned the puppet chess, and quickly used the puppet chess to puppet his body.

The Lord of the Evil God's Eye didn't know whether Extreme Healing could survive the damage of his head, but he knew it very well.

Although the rapid healing ability is not weaker than the immortal body, it is not immortal after all.

It is the limit to not die if the heart is damaged, but if the head is damaged, it will die.

So he decisively used the puppet chess to give himself the immortality of the puppet chess.

"Eye of ice."

When Flynn's flesh and blood clone used the puppet chess, the Lord of the Eye of the Evil God launched an attack on Flynn's flesh and blood clone.

The extreme cold air appeared, turning the earth into a glacier, and quickly spread towards Felin's flesh and blood clone.

Because of using the puppet chess, Fei Lin's flesh and blood clone had no time to dodge, and was swept across his body by the extreme cold air.


As his body was burned by the extreme cold, his gigantic, kilometer-high body was frozen in the ice, like an iceberg as high as a kilometer.


Immediately following the cold air was an aurora, and Flynn's flesh and blood clone, who was immobile, had no time to dodge.

The head was shot by the aurora, and the whole body was evaporated and disappeared.

This is an injury that can't be healed by extremely fast self-healing. If he hadn't just used the puppet chess and had an immortal body, he would have been killed at this time.


With full use of mirror transfer, Flynn's flesh and blood clone escaped from the ice and appeared in the outside world.

However, because of the invasion of the cold air, he felt stiff and numb all over his body, as if his body was not his own, and his reaction speed and ability to activate were greatly affected.


An aurora struck, and his whole body was numb, he wanted to activate the mirror shift to avoid it, but he didn't have time.

The aurora passed through his body, and his right hand disappeared along with his right shoulder.

call out!

Before he had a chance to breathe, another aurora quickly attacked him.

Little moment.


With the sweep of an aurora, the only remaining body of Flynn's flesh and blood clone disappeared, and Flynn's flesh and blood clone died.

Fifteen black chess pieces remained in place, which were puppet chess pieces.

Facing the Lord of the Evil God's Eye who had become a Tier 2 God, before Flynn's flesh and blood avatar died, he didn't even have time to put the puppet chess on the panel.


The Lord of the Evil God's Eye made a move, and the puppet chess flew into his hands.

Not paying attention to the puppet chess in his hand, he used his eyes to look for Feilin, concealed his breath, and quickly walked in that direction.

Soon, he arrived at where Flynn was, and met Flynn who was still advancing.

Because he hid his aura, Felin, whose perception of his surroundings had dropped significantly during the advanced stage, was not able to notice his arrival.

"The World of Eyes."

The evil god's eyes actively use the world of eyes to cover Feilin with the world of eyes, and prepare to lock Feilin into the world of eyes.

"not good!"

Flynn finally realized something was wrong, and hurriedly wanted to use the mirror to divert the shroud of the World of Avoidance Eyes, but it was too late.

The world of eyes enveloped him, and he was trapped in the world of eyes.

The scenery in front of him changed, the sun in the sky disappeared, replaced by a huge eye.

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