Lord of the Star Ocean

Chapter 241: Visiting (Part 1)

Haoyuan City, west gate.

A commercial road leads directly to the suspension bridge erected outside the west city gate. It forks into two roads five miles outside the city, one connects to the wharf by the river, and the other goes southwest into the plain area.

Pedestrians coming and going gathered together, like a huge torrent, entering the Haoyuan City mightily, and the carriages were full of goods and passengers, causing the traffic outside the city gate to be blocked.

Nie Feng led his mount and mixed with the crowd, walking slowly towards the gate of the city.

The gate of Haoyuan City is magnificent and adopts a portcullis-like structure. The suspension bridge, which is large enough to accommodate five carriages, is fixed by two thick iron chains, and it is firmly erected on the moat that is more than 30 steps long.

The water of the wide moat is drawn from the Jiaping River. Filling it up will undoubtedly require a huge amount of work. This line of defense alone is enough to deter attackers.

Not to mention the star energy cannons, city crossbows, trebuchets and other powerful weapons arranged on the city wall. Since Haoyuan City was built, although it has experienced many attacks by beast hordes, it has never been captured.

In fact, the real enemy of this main city with strong fortress defense is neither the wild beasts nor the army of the Moruo Empire, but the Void Demon who does not know when it will break through the space barrier and descend.

The demon of the void is the common enemy of hundreds of millions of people in the entire star sea world!

Because there were too many people entering the city, the short distance was only one mile, and Nie Feng walked for nearly half an hour.

Another important reason for the traffic jam at the gate of the city is that the entrance tax is required to enter the city, one copper coin per person, which is very cheap, but considering the population of this city, this tax fee is undoubtedly quite a terrifying figure after a year.

Nie Feng was charged one silver and one copper by the tax collectors guarding the gate of the city. The silver coins were the entry tax for his horse.

"This is a dung bag for your mount..."

After collecting Nie Feng's entry tax, the young tax collector handed him a pocket bag with a smile, and said, "Remember to hang it up in time, otherwise if your horse shits anywhere in the city, it will be fined if caught by the patrol team in the patrol room."

As expected of the main city, even the city management, Nie Feng laughed dumbly, nodded and said, "Thank you for reminding me."

He immediately put the horse manure in his bag, it was very simple and not troublesome.

The tax collector said again: "The horse dung bag is not free, you have to pay two more silver."

Nie Feng was stunned: "So expensive?"

He is not short of money, but five coppers are at most five coppers for this kind of ordinary horse dung bag.

The tax collector explained: "This is specially made, and it has a stamp on it. In the future, you don't need to pay horse taxes and fees when you take your mount in and out of the city gate."

So it is!

Nie Feng asked again: "Then I have to pay again?"

The tax collector replied patiently: "You can choose to pay five gold coins at a time, get a tax card, and enter and exit Haoyuan City freely forever. In addition, if you have a star card, you can be exempted from city entry tax."

Star card can also be tax deductible?

Nie Feng has gained some knowledge, but he didn't take out his star card to show off. That would be too naive, so he took out two silver coins and handed them to the other party: "Thank you for your advice."

After paying the city entrance tax, Nie Feng led the green horned horse onto the solid and heavy suspension bridge, then passed through the huge and wide city gate, and entered the largest city on Haoyuan Star.

The prosperity of the main city of Haoyuan is not comparable to that of Nanyuan City. The avenue connecting the city gate is not only very spacious, but also the ground is paved with thick blue-gray stone slabs, which is very smooth and clean.

There are shops on both sides of the main road. Most of the houses are at least four or five stories high, and some are seven or eight stories high. The styles of the buildings are varied.

Walking on the bustling streets, it feels like walking into a strange forest, getting lost in it without knowing it, especially for newcomers, most of them will involuntarily have some kind of awe and fear.

This city is really too big!

"This young man..."

Nie Feng had just entered the city and hadn't walked ten steps away. Immediately, a few idlers surrounded him and asked in a hurry: "Are you going to stay in a hotel or eat? Are you here to do something? We know each other the best..."

These idlers are all strong and strong, and they seem to be quite powerful when they surround Nie Feng. If they were replaced by ordinary people, they might be at a loss and don't know how to deal with them.

They are all local ruffians and bums, and they usually make a living by cheating and abducting, and they are cheating outsiders like Nie Feng who just came to Haoyuan City.

Nie Feng is alone, very young, and looks very oily, so these idlers have a wrong heart, and under the banner of being eager to help, there are many sinister thoughts wandering around in their heads.

But what kind of person Nie Feng is, he didn't talk nonsense with them, and directly released the coercion of the stars.


The few idlers who wanted to find a bargain instantly shuddered. They felt that the "hillies" in front of them suddenly turned into bloodthirsty beasts. Inexplicable fear rose from their hearts, and they couldn't help but changed their expressions and retreated.

They realized that they accidentally bumped into the iron plate, and they all looked like wild dogs that had been kicked in the buttocks, and hurriedly fled in all directions, disappearing into the nearby alley in the blink of an eye.

Nie Feng was too lazy to argue with them, but he was too unfamiliar with Haoyuan City, so he really needed a guide.


Nie Feng waved to a boy in civilian clothes who was squatting next to a shop not far away: "Come here."

The commoner boy had noticed Nie Feng a long time ago.

But just now he didn't dare to compete with those idlers for business. Now the situation is different. He quickly glanced left and right, then jumped up and rushed to Nie Feng.

The boy of about fourteen or fifteen years old nodded and bowed his head and asked, "My lord, what are your orders?"

He had seen the scene where Nie Feng frightened the idler away, and knew that Nie Feng was not an idler, so his tone was extra respectful.

Nie Feng said: "This is the first time I come to Haoyuan City, and I need a guide. How much is it for a day?"

The commoner boy's eyes lit up immediately, he licked his lips, and cautiously raised a finger: "One silver."

The price is very conscientious.

Nie Feng smiled, and threw a coin to the other party.

The commoner boy quickly caught it, and after a closer look, the yellow one was actually a gold coin!

Nie Feng said: "Let's go, take me to the inn first, the location should be good and the place should be comfortable."

The boy in civilian clothes came to his senses, his mouth almost crooked in a smile: "Okay, okay!"


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