Lord of the Star Ocean

Chapter 93 Fall short


Facing Nie Feng's questioning, the seriously injured female assassin not only did not have any fear, but instead let out a creepy laugh, staring at Nie Feng with madness in her eyes.

She smiled and coughed up blood and said, "You...do you think I...will tell you?"

"Then you're an idiot..."

Nie Feng smiled coldly and didn't get angry. He moved his foot away from the opponent and said, "I have to admit that the kill you set up was very powerful and almost succeeded. It's a pity that you underestimated my strength!"

The previous beggar assassin was very skillfully disguised. At the beginning, Nie Feng didn't see any flaws at all, until the moment when the other party kowtowed while holding the bowl with both hands.

This is his preparation for a surprise attack, and he doesn't want to show his feet!

Because Nie Feng noticed that although the beggar's hands were dirty and covered with dirt and dust, the gaps between the nails were clean, and the nails were not stained with dirt, revealing a pink color!

A beggar who lives by begging for a long time should not have such healthy and clean nails.

Just this little flaw made Nie Feng feel intense vigilance and uneasiness, so he was able to make a timely response when the crisis appeared.

But not only would he not tell the other party the truth, but he also attacked the female assassin from another angle!

Hearing Nie Feng's comments full of strong sarcasm, the madness in the female assassin's eyes suddenly turned into a look of regret, surprise and anger, and more blood overflowed from the corners of her mouth in excitement.

Nie Feng really wasn't just talking nonsense, the target information she got from her employer showed that the target of the assassination was just a junior black iron warrior who had just broken through and promoted to Star Warrior.

As it turned out, Nie Feng was not only a high-level black iron warrior, but also possessed a wealth of experience in fighting and fighting. Her strong adaptability made her, a senior assassin, have to admire her.

What made her vomit blood even more was that the information clearly stated that Nie Feng didn't carry weapons when he came to the martial arts hall, but he didn't expect that he actually wore arm guards with steel needle hidden weapons, and he was very good at using hidden weapons!

For an assassin, a single mistake is enough to lead to a fatal result, let alone a series of misjudgments?

The female assassin felt that she was really cheated by her employer!

"You can't be saved..."

Nie Feng's voice sounded like a devil's persuasion in her ears: "But you don't want the person who ordered you to continue to enjoy himself? Tell me his name, how about I send him down to give you an explanation?"

At this moment, the female assassin's psychological defense really loosened.

She knew very well that she was bound to die, but it was undoubtedly the employer who caused this consequence!

Under the influence of strong despair and unwillingness to be angry, the female assassin gritted her teeth and said, "His name is..."

"Quick, over here!"

At this time, there were suddenly hurried footsteps and shouts in the alley not far away.

Nie Feng and the female assassin were surprised at the same time.

Nie Feng couldn't help turning his head to look, and saw figures appearing in the alley a hundred paces ahead, rushing towards where he was at fast speed!

It must have been the commotion caused by the fierce battle between the two sides just now, which alarmed the nearby patrol team, or was discovered by others to warn the patrol team. The security in the south and east of the city is very good, and there are city guard soldiers from the garrison patrolling in the middle of the night.

The situation will be complicated when the guards come over!

Nie Feng immediately lowered his head and asked, "Who is he?"

What he didn't expect was that the female assassin seemed to have come to her senses completely. She laughed again "hehehe", her face glowed with a thrilling light, and she muttered to herself, "There will be...someone will avenge me, you...just wait."

Before she finished speaking, the female assassin's head tilted and she lost her breath, and the brilliance of life in her eyes disappeared!

Seeing this, Nie Feng couldn't help frowning.

It was only a little bit short, and he could know who the real culprit was behind the scenes, but it turned out to be a mistake.

In fact, Nie Feng had several targets of suspicion in his heart. First, it was the remnants of the Tiger Gang. In fact, it might be Gao Gang's relatives and friends who sought revenge on him after learning the truth.

However, whether it is the Tiger Gang or Gao Gang, Nie Feng thinks that his handling is very clean. The only one who knows the inside story is absolutely impossible to betray him. Who else is planning to kill him like this?

Then Nie Feng thought of Zhang Mo. Zhang Mo had a reason to deal with him. This person was too narrow-minded.

In addition to Zhang Mo, there is Ji Xinghua from Chaoyang Martial Arts. The latter came to kick the gymnasium and was defeated by Nie Feng.

In less than three months, it will be the Xingtai Martial Arts Trial, and Ji Xinghua must be one of the representatives of Chaoyang Martial Arts.

But thinking about it carefully, the possibility of the two of them hiring an assassin is not too great. If you want to hire such an assassin, you can't find them just by shouting on the street, and you must have a special channel.

After thinking about it, Nie Feng couldn't help feeling a little restless.

Nie Feng himself was fearless, but Ye Qingniang and her two nephews and nieces had no ability to protect themselves. Although they had moved to the safe south of the city, they couldn't stop the daring assassins from plotting against them.

If the real culprit behind the scenes can't figure it out, he will take his family members under the knife in anger...

There was a sharp light in Nie Feng's eyes.

"who are you?"

The next moment, warriors in blue armor rushed out of the dark alley, surrounded Nie Feng who was standing at the intersection in the blink of an eye, and aimed sharp knives at him.

One of the tall, gloomy middle-aged men shouted at Nie Feng: "What's going on here?"

Nie Feng's eyes flickered, and he cupped his fists immediately and said, "Sir, I am the chief disciple of Wan'an Martial Arts Nie Feng. He lives in Chaohui Lane. When he was passing by here on his way home, he was attacked by gangsters. I killed both assassins."

The person who came was not the city guard he had guessed earlier, but someone from the patrol room!

The city guards belonged to the garrison of Nanyuan City, while the patrol room was under the jurisdiction of the City Lord's Mansion, and they were jointly responsible for the security of the city, but the latter also had the responsibility of investigating and solving crimes.

Normally, the city guards patrol the east and south blocks of the city, and the patrol room covers the four major urban areas. According to Nie Feng's knowledge, they are inextricably linked with the Jianghu gang forces in Nanyuan City.

When Nie Feng was on the streets, he had a lot of dealings with the police, and was almost arrested in the yamen.

And the middle-aged man who questioned him was the head catcher in the patrol!


Sorry, there are too many things during the Chinese New Year, and the update is difficult to be stable. Let's make sure to keep updating, forgive me.

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