Lord of the Starry Sky

3. Mysterious Battleship Database

"Director Gao can't be like that old lady and plan to eat young grass, right? I must be overthinking it."

Shen Jian returned to his residence from the teahouse.

He shook his head vigorously, entered the bedroom, threw himself on the bed, and looked up at the ceiling.

After taking a break to empty his mind, Shen Jian stretched out his right hand, with the palm facing himself.

In the palm of his right hand, light golden light appeared again, and it was outlined into the shape of a token.

After looking at the palm in trance for a moment, Shen Jian turned over and sat up, focusing on the token, and his consciousness entered another world.

Once again in a small world that looked like the control room of a psychic battleship, Shen Jian called up a control interface that could still be used.

This control interface suddenly changed from a plane to a three-dimensional space, forming a new independent space.

Shen Jian's consciousness looked around in this new space, as if he was in a study room, surrounded by rows of bookshelves.

He selected one of the bookshelves.

"Enter the third area of ​​the fourth database...Insufficient reading permissions, entry failed..." A voice with no ups and downs, no emotions, and it was difficult to distinguish male and female came from my ears.

After previous exploration, the bookshelves here can be roughly divided into three categories.

The first category is that you currently have insufficient permissions and cannot open it.

The second category is to inform that the database itself is damaged and needs to be repaired.

The third category is what you can currently open.

Shen Jian was not discouraged.

The prompt tone of Lingnao is in a language that you can understand.

The mode of operation is familiar.

Even the virtual appearance of the database is made into an antique study room.

No matter how you look at it, this looks like a warship developed and refined by the Yanhuang Federation of the motherland.

It's just that it's too advanced.

In other words, many things seem too advanced.

In the modern era of cultivating immortals, although the Dharma is still emphasized and not taught lightly, the transparency of various information is naturally much better than in the ancient era of cultivation.

The existence of the spirit network makes information exchange extremely fast and simple.

Of course Shen Jian has no way of knowing the cutting-edge research results that are kept secret, but as long as it is relevant information that has been made public, he, a battleship fan, can find it through the psychic network.

The Yanhuang World, or the Yanhuang Federation, is currently in use, and the psychic airships officially in service are fourth-generation battleships like the "Jiuhe".

Many functions have been improved and enhanced, but the core technologies are still within the scope of the fourth generation.

The fifth-generation warship independently developed and refined by Yanhuang World still has many difficulties that cannot be overcome.

However, many of the functional items of this mysterious battleship are far ahead of other major worlds, not to mention the Yanhuang world.

Although he could only look at the names due to lack of authority, these terms alone surprised Shen Jian.

Comparing these terms, he consulted a large amount of literature in the real world, and found that most of them were just theoretical assumptions, even close to fantasy, and lacked even sufficient theoretical basis.

This made Shen Jian even more curious.

"The information that can be queried by the private sector is still not deep enough. I hope that the database of the Shipbuilding Department of Tianhai University can help me gain more."

Shen Jian clicked on another bookshelf in the virtual study room. It was one of the few storage areas he had tried before and could open so far.

"Enter the third area of ​​the second database...successfully." The prompt sounded.

The bookshelf in front of him disappeared, and a door opened. Shen Jian's consciousness entered it, and he was in a new world.

Rings within rings, this is already the third level of illusion derived from tokens.

"Where did you see it last time?" Shen Jian searched for it: "...it was here."

After watching for a while, Shen Jian was suddenly stunned.

He quickly exited this storage area and opened another one.

"Entered the sixth area of ​​the first database...successfully."

Entering the fantasy world formed by this storage area, Shen Jian looked up some information he had seen before.

After comparing it with what was in the third area of ​​the second database, Shen Jian began to think.

In today's psychic battleships, the core control center is not only connected to the monks' souls, but also develops many auxiliary functions.

When the warship is running smoothly, in non-combat state and during space jumps, the control room will nourish the monks and assist the monks in their practice.

But in addition to the spiritual power provided by the battleship's spiritual energy system, the control room itself also needs to be supplemented with precious medicine and nectar to nourish the monk's body.

All require real things.

The monk needs to enter the control room and the soul is connected to the battleship.

However, after Shen Jian browsed the database of this mysterious battleship, he found that as long as the monk who is the captain engraved the token talisman on his body, and then used the corresponding magic tools to assist him, he could still obtain the long-range range of the battleship even if he left the battleship. nourish.

After his consciousness completely withdrew from the token, Shen Jian looked at the palm of his right hand and pondered silently.

"I have to find a way to try this. If it succeeds, it will not only help me practice, but also prove that such a warship really exists, and that this ship can still operate some functions." Shen Jian clenched his hands into fists.

However, corresponding magic tools are also needed.

"High-precision spiritual wave locator, this auxiliary tool is not something advanced. It seems that the magical remote nourishment function comes from the battleship itself." Shen Jian said to himself: "But the locator accuracy it requires is too high. It’s hard to find it among the people.”

While he was thinking about it, the music ringtone on the palm of his hand rang again.

Shen Jian took a look and said, "Hey, I was just looking for a helper, but the helper came to my door."

Touch the screen a little to turn on the voice transmission function: "Old Wang, are you out of seclusion?"

"It's done! It's done!" The other party said, "Are you at home or where? I'll go find you."

"I'm at home." Shen Jian replied.

"We'll be there in five minutes." After saying that, the other party had hung up the communication.

Shen Jian stood up and walked out of the bedroom.

The two of them lived not far from each other. With Lao Wang's temper, if he said he would arrive in five minutes, he would usually arrive in less than three minutes.

Lao Wang, whose name is Wang Jinyan, is as famous as Shen Jian in Jin Chan No. 3 Middle School.

All the teachers and students of Jin Chan No. 3 Middle School know that there is a pair of iron brothers, both of whom are famous for their strong hands-on ability.

It's just that the comments about Shen Jian's strong hands-on ability are mainly about living and moving creatures, while Wang Jinyan's strong hands-on skills are about immovable magic weapons.

On the other hand, classmate Wang Jinyan’s ability to interact with others was appallingly poor.

He himself often talks about "a gentleman speaks but does not use his hands", and indeed he uses his words to the extreme, which is completely inconsistent with his name "Jinyan". He is nagging and gossiping. A reputation as a source of noise.


Sure enough, within three minutes, there was a knock on the door.

Shen Jian opened the door, and a tall, thin boy with dark skin walked in and said, "By the way, I saw your message. Several prestigious universities have specially recruited you."

Wang Jinyan stopped and turned to look at Shen Jian: "Which Tianhai did you choose in the end?"

"Yes." Shen Jian nodded.

"But you don't look very happy?" Wang Jinyan asked curiously: "That's not right, I can't say you are unhappy, but..."

He circled around Shen Jian and marveled: "Why do I feel like you worked so hard to catch up with the spirit train one second before it departed, but when you got on the train, the door just closed and it was closed?" Someone in the carriage let out a fart that swept across the whole place..."

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