Lord of the Starry Sky

Forty-two. This time it will definitely not go wrong

A net of light was turned up on the ground. The Phantom Mist Demon couldn't change its direction quickly and rushed into the net.

Immediately, a second net rose from the ground behind, blocking the monster's retreat.

The two nets at the front and back were put together, completely trapping the Phantom Mist Demon.

The black panther-like monster roared repeatedly.

Its body changes as if the black mist as thick as ink is disintegrating, seeping out of the mesh, and then reforming.

But being trapped by the ground net trap, the monster's lightning speed was no longer possible, and it was temporarily stuck in place, making it difficult to move.

Shen Jian rushed up quickly with two-handed swords, and stabbed the illusory mist demon first with two long swords transformed from thunder and lightning.

When the other three saw the light network, they immediately reacted and stepped forward immediately.

Lin Lan held a long sword made of flames and struck the monster head-on.

Lin You opened fire with the short spirit gun in his hand, and dark green lines of fire hit the blood-red pupils of the Phantom Mist Demon.

The security officer didn't care about his injuries at this moment. He picked up his long-handled spiritual gun and poured out firepower wildly at the monster.

The four attacks fell on the phantom mist demon like a violent storm.

This is a fight between trapped beasts, how can a monster that is seriously injured be able to hold on?

The sword rose and fell, the gunfire roared, and the Phantom Mist Demon was immediately killed on the spot!

Looking at the dark pool of blood on the ground, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"It should only be this end." Shen Jian said.

The two thunder and lightning crystals in his hand returned to calm, and there was no longer any lightning.

The blue-purple spiritual crystal looked similar to before, except for the little bits of spiritual light at the fracture that still leaked and drifted away.

The ten spiritual crystals he brought down from the other side of the Shenzhou are not weapons. They are essentially the crystallization of stored spiritual energy, so they can stimulate a powerful stream of light and temporarily act as a weapon.

Of course, when used in this way, psychic energy flows quickly.

However, the spiritual energy content of this batch of spiritual crystals is extremely high, the spiritual energy is highly concentrated and condensed, and the storage capacity is extremely huge.

On the other side, Lin Lan also stopped stimulating the flame spirit crystal in his hand with his true energy, and handed the flame spirit crystal back to Shen Jian: "This is a spirit crystal with a very high spiritual energy content."

"Good luck." Shen Jian smiled and said, "Fortunately, it helped."

"You calculated from the beginning that the Phantom Mist Demon would attack that senior, so you set up a trap early and waited for it to fall into the trap?" Lin Lan looked towards the security official and asked Shen Jian.

"If it really wants to destroy the outer wall of the star shuttle, even if it may not succeed, we have to guard against it." Shen Jian said: "So my first priority is to prevent it from doing this."

The phantom mist demon attacks east and west, but its real goal is to attack the injured security officer.

"When the Phantom Mist Demon mutated again, it caused the senior's injuries to worsen. With such a method, it is likely to continue to attack the senior. But in this way, it has a set target, and its action traces and movement routes are easy to predict." Shen Jian replied.

Therefore, he laid a trap first and waited for the illusory mist demon to step on it.

On the contrary, if the Phantom Mist Demon tried its best to destroy the star shuttle, Shen Jian would have to spend more energy on prevention.

"I just didn't have time to communicate in advance, so please forgive me." Shen Jian said as he stepped forward to help the security officer bandage and treat the injury.

"It doesn't matter, thanks to your help this time." The security officer who looked like a middle-aged man said: "But you, the use of spells is really fast and concealed."

He praised heartily.

Lin Lan also nodded.

She really felt that in the past, when she watched the video and watched Shen Jian doing things with others, although she could see something extraordinary about Shen Jian, it was far less intense than experiencing it personally now.

Some people can only truly appreciate its power when they are face to face with him as an enemy or when they work together at close range.

"Thank you." Shen Jian said, "I can see that you didn't get your full performance in the Battle.net Arena last time."

Controlling the transport of highly concentrated spiritual energy and stimulating it into lightning or fire to temporarily serve as a weapon may seem easy, but is actually extremely difficult.

It's not a question of success or failure, but a slight mistake, and the spiritual crystal will explode directly.

The spiritual energy contained in Shen Jian's few spiritual crystals this time was so powerful that if they really exploded, it would be more terrifying than the explosion of the thunder.

When the time comes, the star shuttle will be destroyed without the Illusion Mist Demon taking action, and no one present will be able to escape.

Lin Lan successfully activated the spiritual crystal and turned it into a flaming sword for the first time.

She has an exquisite grasp of her own true energy and spiritual crystal energy.

Lin You also surprised Shen Jian.

There was no other reason. The short-spirited gun Lin You used just now was not hers.

From the gun to the talisman bullets inside, Lin You did not refine it himself.

Under normal circumstances, an unfamiliar spirit gun can shoot accurately, which is not difficult for a sharpshooter.

But it is extremely difficult to control the direction of the talisman bullets in the air and produce a curved effect.

The spearmancer's deflection builds up his spiritual mind's control over the talisman bullets.

The control difficulty of rune bombs refined by oneself and rune bombs refined by others are naturally two different things.

Lin You caught the spirit gun dropped by the security officer and opened fire immediately. The first shot blinded the Phantom Mist Demon in one eye.

The control in this goes beyond the impression left on Shen Jian in the previous Battle.net Arena competition.

In addition, Shen Jian saw that when Lin You was dealing with the phantom mist demon alone, his fighting level also showed an obvious and abnormal temporary outbreak.

It can be seen that she is as talented as her sister.

Lin You was surprisingly silent at this moment, just looking at Shen Jian without saying a word.

The phantom mist demon is killed and the battle is over.

The scene of Shen Jian blocking her just now reappeared in Lin You's mind, leaving her speechless for a moment, standing there in a daze.

Regardless of whether he admitted it last time or not, he will definitely not be wrong this time...

Other flight attendants who had previously been forced to exit the cabin because the battle situation was too fierce and dangerous now came in boldly.

Everyone was either helping the security officer bandage, treating injuries, or preparing for the scene.

Shen Jian and others also carefully searched and cleaned the cabin.

"Where was this phantom mist demon first discovered?" Shen Jian asked.

"Here." A flight attendant pointed to an isolation cover that had been severely damaged: "According to the surveillance camera in the cabin, when the beast rushed out of the isolation cover, his mouth was already covered with blood. The little girl herself should be The first victim."

"It's not easy for monsters to survive in outer space." Shen Jian sighed while checking the seats under the isolation cover.

"Who says it's not? There's nothing wrong with bringing this thing back." The flight attendant shook his head repeatedly: "Monsters like the Phantom Mist Demon are good at changing and often disguise themselves as weak and cute. This little girl has obviously been fooled. Not only did he bring the monster back, he also helped the monster pass through our security inspection."

"But in my impression, the Phantom Mist Demon is not that strong." Shen Jian picked up a few light cyan spiritual fruits on the ground under his seat.

After looking at it, he said: "Lingzhen Fruit, I remember when we visited Space Island No. 1 before, there was Lingzhen Fruit cultivated there. It seems that this girl picked some secretly."

"Did she feed the Magic Mist Demon with Lingzhen Fruit?" Lin Lan asked.

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