Lord of the Starry Sky

Forty-five. Legendary figures

Luo Xihao, on the other hand, had a solemn expression, and his handsome face was as expressionless as a knife and an axe, and he looked stern. He was so handsome that he had no friends.

Although he was mumbling words, his serious expression and focused gaze gave people a sense of piety.

Not only does it not detract from his cold appearance, it even adds a bit of sacred and distant temperament, making him even more out of the world, like a lonely and cold snow-capped mountain.

...Only if you can't hear what he is talking about.

If he hadn't crashed once that day, Shen Jian would have been deceived by Luo Xihao's appearance.

As for classmate Luo Xihao, who was actually extremely cool, not only was he singing extremely disgusting lyrics, but his voice was also like a ghost crying or a wolf howling.

Shen Jian accidentally heard Luo Xihao's singing, and was curious about what kind of person could sing a disgusting love song with such a voice that sounded like a hundred ghosts crying at night. After searching all the way, he discovered the other person's secret.

Luo Xihao was also in pain at the moment, but he had no choice but to continue singing.

Sing it over and over again...

It's not that he wants to sing, but that he is tone deaf and always sings out of tune. Even if he practices, he often makes mistakes. If the gourd doesn't recognize it, he can only sing it again.

Sometimes he himself wanted to smash the gourd.

To sing such a disgusting love song, not only the voice must be low, but also must be sung in an open area, even if you want to hide in the house secretly.

With such a high-risk behavior, no matter how careful you are, there may be times when things go wrong.

It’s so cheating!

At this moment, with Shen Jian watching, Luo Xihao felt even more ashamed.

In fact, Shen Jian didn't keep an eye on Luo Xihao.

Although he covered his ears, he kept observing his surroundings.

The field of view here is relatively wide, making it easy for others to see them, and it also makes it easier for him to spot them as early as possible, so as to remind Luo Xihao to hide the gourd and move away.

But fortunately, it's very quiet here and no one noticed the movement here.

Under the pressure of Shen Jian watching, Luo Xihao performed beyond his level and started Baogulu faster than before.

The gourd on the ground suddenly shook on its own, and light shone at the mouth of the gourd.

When Luo Xihao saw this, he immediately shut up, stood up, grabbed the gourd and ran away.

Shen Jian immediately put down his hands covering his ears and followed Luo Xihao.

Jinchan City is the core hub of the Fourth Industrial District, a distribution center for various industrial products and raw materials, and there are many warehouses that are in use or abandoned.

Shen Jian and the others found a vacant warehouse and went in.

"Something." Luo Xihao stretched out his hand towards Shen Jian.

Shen Jian handed him two metal poles of different materials.

Luo Xihao placed the treasure gourd on the ground, and then shouted: "Fusion."

There was light shining into the air from the mouth of the gourd. Luo Xihao threw two metal rods above the gourd. The light from the mouth of the gourd immediately fixed the metal rods together.

Next, under the gazes of Shen Jian and Luo Xihao, the two metal rods shrank together, turned into streamers, and were sucked into the gourd.

The light retracted, and the gourd swayed and turned in place like a tumbler.

"The shape cannot be changed." Shen Jian reminded.

"Don't worry, there won't be any difference in the length, thickness, and thickness, just two will become one." Luo Xihao said angrily: "What do you want such a thing for? As a weapon?"

"Fix things." Shen Jian replied.

Luo Xihao nodded and asked no more questions: "It's just this once, it won't be the same next time!"

"Don't be so petty. Although I eliminated you in the individual competition, your school eliminated our school in the team competition. You can also take revenge." Shen Jian said.

Luo Xihao was Shen Jian's opponent when he participated in the Middle School Elite Challenge and advanced to fourth place in the individual competition.

The two super favorites met in advance, but Shen Jian blocked Luo Xihao from the semi-finals.

That battle was hailed as the most exciting battle in the individual competition. It was a feast for the eyes of countless people, but also deeply regretted. Everyone felt that they met too early, and such a classic duel should have a higher stage.

"Come on, come on, the team competition comes first, and the individual competition comes last. If you want to take revenge, it's your revenge!" Luo Xihao rolled his eyes: "Also, today's matter has nothing to do with the original challenge, okay?"

Shen Jian said: "How about this? When we fight in the future, the bet is this. If I win, you can use your gourd to help me."

"Don't talk as if you are bound to win." Luo Xihao glanced sideways at Shen Jian.

"If you don't accept it, wouldn't it be possible to win? It's good to bet and get lucky." Shen Jian said: "Besides, being able to compete with a good player like you, no matter what the result is, is a pleasure in itself."

Luo Xihao glanced at Shen Jian: "That's right."

But he quickly added: "But when it comes out of your mouth, I always feel like it's another big hole!"

"When I participated in the individual competition, the most difficult one was the one with you." Shen Jian said: "It was also the most painful and rewarding one."

"It's just the most difficult, isn't it? It's unpleasant to hear." Luo Xihao curled his lips: "That's all, the winner is king, you are right to say that, but now I really want to fight you again."

"There are so many opportunities." Shen Jian looked at the gourd shaking on the ground: "With this treasure, I think you will become stronger and stronger, right? I really look forward to fighting you again."

He turned to look at Luo Xihao: "If you weren't tone-deaf, you should be even stronger than you are now."

Luo Xihao is also considered a legend in his school.

The fifth-level martial arts talent is outstanding among the others, but he only has the second-level literary talent.

That is to say, although he has the qualifications to practice Taoism, he is relatively mediocre and has just crossed the threshold.

The result was that he was invincible against all opponents at the same level in the school, and even those with a slightly higher level than him were no match for him.

However, the speed of his improvement in practice was very slow, like a turtle crawling.

The more serious problem is that Wen Gan's talent is too low, and his room for improvement in the future is very small. It is easy for him to get stuck in the bottleneck during his practice. He wastes time and can successfully build the foundation. Thank God.

Before Luo Xihao graduated from junior high school and took the high school entrance examination, his class teacher even persuaded him to give up the path of spiritual practice and apply for a high school for ordinary people.

Things didn't take a turn for the better until more than a year ago.

Luo Xihao's level of improvement suddenly accelerated.

Although it is still not the top, at least it is not as slow as before.

So he opened the golden lock and drove away the dragon, and Luo Xihao immediately began to soar into the sky.

"It was strange at first, but then I saw you using this gourd and I realized what was going on." Shen Jian said.

Luo Xihao's treasure gourd fuses two treasures into one. It is not a simple merger, but a brand new treasure, which is often much better than the two raw materials.

However, in addition to the special opening method, there are other restrictions.

Of course, for Luo Xihao, the most troublesome limitation is this special opening method.

"But you have changed so much, why don't your local people, your school teachers and classmates check you out?" Shen Jian asked.

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