Lord of the Starry Sky

Sixty-two. Open the bow left and right

"When you cooperate with such a person, you have a high chance of success and a big harvest. Although he has a big appetite, we are not at a loss." Lao Li quietly sent a message in the small group of four of them.

"It's just that the Xuanji Stone this time is too precious. If he takes it all by himself, it will be like taking most of it and leaving us with only soup. But everyone should calm down first. Let's see what else is there besides the Xuanji Stone."

After reading the news from Lao Lifa, his three men all felt that it made sense, so they settled down and waited quietly for the operation to begin.

Including Shen Jian, everyone inspected the weapons, especially the spirit guns and the talisman bullets in them, and then refining and nourishing them individually.

When they arrived at the place, Shen Jian and others were fully armed, put on protective clothing, masks and helmets, and got off the shuttle one after another.

Although the void territory is not a true outer void, the environment is different from the artificially developed lunar realm.

This was not the first time for Shen Jian and others to do this kind of thing. There was also a lot of necessary protective equipment, and there was no carelessness.

On the other hand, wrapping yourself tightly is also to prevent you from being directly recognized by federal government staff who come to eliminate the void territory in case you encounter them.

In the final analysis, this kind of "scavenging" work is just taking advantage of loopholes and is not very upright.

The target void territory has appeared in the sight of Shen Jian and others.

Looking from a distance, it looks like a hazy illusion of light and shadow.

The blurred and twisted realm makes the scene inside become bizarre and bizarre.

Previously, gaps in the void opened here, distorting the local landscape and causing extreme cold.

At this moment, the gap in the void is gradually healing, but the previous impact has not completely dissipated.

Shen Jian was the first to move forward, while the others kept Wang Jinyan and Xiao Meng in the middle and followed Shen Jian's steps.

Before they even set foot in the void territory, everyone encountered a wave of attacks.

The barrier of the Taiyin Realm's protective formation cracks and forms a void territory, which may cause some monsters living in outer space to invade this world.

Many monsters may break out of the void territory and enter the lunar realm.

Speaking of which, the opponent who attacked everyone this time was the phantom mist demon that Shen Jian had encountered during his previous space travel.

The difference was that there was not just one phantom mist demon encountered this time, but many.

But without the reinforcement of the True Spirit Fruit, these monster beasts are in line with everyone's general understanding, unlike the mutant species that Shen Jian killed before.

This also means that the strength level of these phantom mist monsters is roughly the same as that of monks in the Qi training period.

The attack methods of the Qi-training monks can effectively kill these phantom mist monsters. They are not like the mutated species that Shen Jian encountered at the beginning, which are directly immune to most of the attacks of the Qi-training monks.

"Will-o'-the-wisp bullets!" the experienced Lao Li just reminded everyone, but saw that Shen Jian didn't slow down at all after being attacked, and rushed straight forward.

Lao Li was slightly surprised at first.

After not seeing each other for several months, Shen Jian's speed was much faster than before.

This young man indeed had another breakthrough.

But after the initial surprise, Lao Li wanted to scold his mother.

There were a large number of phantom mist demons in front of them, and it was easy to deal with them all by cooperating with each other. However, Shen Jian looked like he was charging in alone, which was too reckless.

The so-called pioneer is never just one person who just rushes forward without any care or thought.

Fierce momentum is important, but it must be balanced with the formation of your teammates.

Otherwise, you will easily be taken advantage of, and it may also cause your teammates' defenses to be broken and their weaknesses to be exposed to the enemy.

Lao Li, who was originally responsible for emergencies at the back of the palace, immediately stepped forward to fill the vacancy caused by Shen Jian and protect Wang Jinyan and Xiao Meng.

But he had just taken two steps forward, and his movements couldn't help but slow down.

The rest of the people, except Wang Jinyan, had their eyes widened just like Lao Li.

Shen Jian held a long-handled spiritual spear in his right hand and a short spiritual spear in his left hand. He crossed his arms in front of him, pointing his left pistol to the right and his right pistol to the left. He opened his bow left and right, pouring out firepower together.

He didn't shoot blindly, but in clear but uninterrupted bursts.

One after another green will-o'-the-wisps were sprayed from the muzzles of the two guns, and each shot accurately hit the numerous phantom mist monsters in front of them.

Although not as powerful as the original mutant species, the greatest advantage of the Phantom Mist Demon tribe is still speed.

But now, the Illusory Mist Demon, which moved as fast as lightning, was beaten up and down by Shen Jian.

A net of green fire was woven in front of the young man, forming a death zone. The fierce phantom mist demon tried to break through, but almost died.

These monsters can only flee east and west to expand their attack surface and range of activities to avoid Shen Jian's attack.

Lao Li and others looked at this scene and almost bit their tongues.

As teammates who often cooperate, they naturally know Shen Jian's strength.

But after not seeing each other for several months, the other party once again refreshed their understanding.

"Change the magazine." Shen Jian shouted, waking everyone up.

Everyone also picked up their spirit guns and fired will-o'-the-wisp talisman bullets to shoot at the phantom mist demon to protect Shen Jian.

Then they discovered that Shen Jian said he was changing the magazine, but in fact the firepower had not weakened much.

He alternated his left and right hands to cover each other without completely interrupting his shooting.

Moreover, his replacement speed was very fast. In just two moments, the two guns were completed alternately, and the firepower was once again fierce and detailed.

The whole process went smoothly, just listening to his gunfire, it was like a tune from peak to valley to peak, full of rhythm and rhythm.

"He just walked straight forward without moving at all." Someone whispered.

"Because everyone is behind him, this is the most efficient way to move forward." Wang Jinyan said with a smile.

Lao Li and others were all speechless.

Although there was fire cover from others, Shen Jian's leisurely performance against so many illusory mist demons known for their speed was really scary.

The four of them, Lao Li, looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

Yes, you can actually play here alone. Joining them is to make it more efficient and faster.

The work of many people was done by one person. With such strength, such performance, and having the right to distribute the spoils, it seems that it is not so difficult to accept.

Lao Li was thinking about how to continue to contact Shen Jian next, when he suddenly felt a warning sign.

Almost at the same time, Shen Jian, who was charging forward without looking back, also shouted: "Behind!"

Lao Li suddenly took a big step back, spun his body, and swept his leg.

The blazing infuriating energy streaked through the air, setting off billowing heat waves that swept over the two phantom mist monsters that suddenly attacked from behind.

Although it was not as effective as the will-o'-the-wisp talisman bombs, Lao Li's burst of true energy also knocked back the two phantom mist demons.

After successfully repelling the enemy, Lao Li was secretly blushing.

Just now he wanted to fill Shen Jian's vacancy, so he moved forward.

As a result, Shen Jian, who had made a killing in front of him, did not make any mistakes, but he almost got into trouble because of his previous actions.

After all, he was experienced and responsive.

But comparing the before and after, I can't help but feel a little hot on my face.

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