Lord of the Starry Sky

Sixty-nine. I will never believe you again!

Just by looking at the style of the title, Shen Jian knew the identity of the other person.

He didn't read the details of the message carefully and directly replied: "Have you learned a new trick?"

The other party immediately replied: "Of course."

Shen Jian became interested: "Let's have a fight, but as usual, increase the stakes."

"A piece of blood lin wood, one foot square." The other party replied simply.

The Blood Lin Wood itself is a spiritual tree that is very rare and difficult to find in the Yanhuang World. It only grows in small amounts in the Taiyin Realm, and they are all concentrated in the capital Taiyin City.

Because production is limited, it is in short supply.

The small size is fine, but the one-foot-square volume is very valuable.

Although it is not a treasure that Shen Jian urgently needs to repair the Shenzhou on the other side, the blood lin wood is of great benefit to the monk's personal training and helps the monk to improve his realm.

What's more, compared to betting, Shen Jian is also very interested in the opponent himself and is willing to discuss and communicate with him.

"By the way, you have to show your real skills." The other party quickly added another message.

Shen Jian replied: "Don't worry."

He used the Battle.net token to log into Battle.net Wonderland with his mind. As soon as he went online, he received an invitation to challenge in the arena.

Shen Jian confirmed accepting the challenge and then headed to the arena.

After the brief darkness in Shen Jian's vision, light returned to Shen Jian's eyes. What appeared in front of him was an ancient city with a desert style.

Shen Jian moved his limbs and then entered the desolate town.

Cicada Awakening World, Mirror Still Water, Floating Light Technique, Breath Condensation Technique, Silencing Technique, Latent Image Technique, Sound Detection Technique, Snake Smell Technique...

Shen Jian used all kinds of spells on himself, even more cautiously than when he helped Mr. Zhang test the latent shadow cloak.

After carefully concealing his figure, Shen Jian began searching in the ancient desert city.

ten minutes.

fifteen minutes.

twenty minutes……

Shen Jian still found no trace of the other party.

He was not surprised by this. If it was too easy to find, it might be a trap.

Although Fang Fang's martial arts cultivation is relatively average, his attainments in magic techniques make him one of the best geniuses among the middle school students in the entire Taiyin world.

At first, Mr. Zhang was very upset because Shen Jian, a monk in the Qi training period, was proficient in many low-level spells.

But in fact, the current opponent's attainments in magic alone were only higher than Shen Jian's.

Therefore, Shen Jian is very happy to compete with him and hone himself.

Shen Jian now is like Master Gao who was his opponent when he tested the latent shadow cloak.

As a top martial artist, his own perception ability and ability to control aura are stronger, but his auxiliary spells are weaker than his opponents this time, so the stalemate lasted for a long time and no one could find him.

Shen Jian was still immersed in this silent and invisible contest, but the other party sent a message.

"Are you at the ninth level of Qi training?"

Seeing the other party's question, Shen Jian replied: "You're a scumbag, are you still asking?"

"Although I sent a question mark, it was a declarative sentence!" The other party's message quickly replied: "I am at the ninth level of Qi training. If you are lower than me, there is no reason why I haven't found you for twenty minutes."

Shen Jian replied: "Congratulations, is your family also at the ninth level of Qi training?"

The other party did not answer Shen Jian's question, but directly suggested: "Stop hiding, come out and decide the outcome openly, otherwise how long will it take for this to happen?"

"Agree." Shen Jian replied: "In five seconds, let's jump together, the height will exceed the wall of this ancient city."

"Okay!" The other party replied quickly.

Then, one second, two seconds...


There was only the sound of wind and sand blowing in the city.

Ten seconds later, there was still silence.

"Where are you?" Shen Jian asked first.

Almost as soon as the message was sent, he also received a question from the other party: "Didn't you agree to come out?"

"The world is in trouble, and people's hearts are not as old as they used to be!" Shen Jian wrote heartbrokenly: "You don't have to say anything, I will never believe you again."

The other party's next reply had no text, only a middle finger emoticon.

Shen Jian was thinking in his mind while moving stealthily.

After a while, he entered a dilapidated courtyard and hid in a stone house with no roof and only four walls. Then he looked for a window and observed the surrounding environment.

This time he stopped moving and just stayed in the stone house, waiting quietly.

Shen Jian even closed his eyes and just raised his perception of spiritual energy to the extreme.

As the top martial artist in the same realm, he naturally has to maximize his own advantages.

What Master Gao couldn't do when testing the latent shadow cloak doesn't mean he can't do it either.

In the same realm, Master Gao is far from his opponent...

Time passed quietly, and ripples suddenly appeared in Shen Jian's calm inner lake.

He still didn't open his eyes and sat still.

The ripples quickly disappeared, as if everything was just an illusion.

After a long time, suddenly a second round of ripples bloomed again in Shen Jian's still lake of heart.

This time, Shen Jian opened his eyes.

Looking out from the window of the stone house, he still could not find any trace of his opponent.

But Shen Jian didn't hesitate, he directly pressed the magic formula, and directed the air blast technique through the stone house to the outside.

Like the Extreme Yin Ice Storm, it is a large-area covering spell. It is not as powerful as the Extreme Yin Ice Storm, but it does not require the support of a cold environment like the Extreme Yin Ice Storm.

At the same time, when used in Shen Jian's hands, this air blast technique is also extremely fast to cast.

With a "boom", a figure appeared from the air without any warning.

Shen Jian's attack made the opponent's method of hiding his whereabouts ineffective.

Without any delay, after Shen Jian's air blast, he immediately followed up with two spells: Shadow Chain and Flame Slash, one locking the enemy and the other attacking.

His opponent held up a spiritual shield to resist the attack of Shen Jian's Fiery Slash.

At the same time, a stream of lightning light appeared around his body, constantly surrounding him, breaking the shadow chains entangled around him.

The opponent was afraid of Shen Jian's hand and wanted to retreat. Unexpectedly, as soon as he took a few steps back, a light net turned up on the ground and a hood came up.

But it was the ground trap that Shen Jian had set up in the courtyard early.

The warlock didn't dodge, he pointed his finger in the air, and a web of light appeared, intermixed with Shen Jian's ground web.

Heavenly net versus earthly net.

Shen Jian was not surprised when he saw this. A series of flaming slashes struck his opponent, and the flames shot through the air like a series of flying knives.

The warlock sneered, and ignored the fact that his aura shield was crumbling under Shen Jian's attack, and just launched a counterattack against Shen Jian.

Shadow Chain, Tianluo, Earth Net, Cloud Swamp, Freezing Technique...

Various low-level spells with binding effects were thrown at Shen Jian overwhelmingly.

Shen Jian's heart moved, and he immediately felt that the temperature of the stone house he was in seemed to be rising.

He was immediately surrounded by lightning, withstood the lightning guardian spell, broke through the interference of the opponent's shadow chain, cloud swamp and other binding spells, and flew out of the stone house.

The next moment, as if an underground fire erupted, the stone house burst into flames, engulfing the entire stone house from the inside out.

Without a roof to block it, the raging flames soared into the sky.

"Earth Fire Immortal Technique? You have really mastered an incredible new move." Shen Jian said as he ran.

However, the opponent did not continue to pursue, but instead roared: "Bitch Shen, you promised to show your true skills, but you will only submit a few spells this time, right?"

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