Lord of the Starry Sky

Seventy-two. Shen Da cheats

"Old Qin, how about another cooperation?" Shen Jian found out the person's name, sent the application, and got through the sound transmission.

Qin Fang on the opposite side said: "What cooperation? Two versus two?"

"There will be a flying boat picking activity on May 5th in Battle.net Wonderland. A team of five people will participate. You are one of them." Shen Jian replied.

"Tch!" Qin Fang said disdainfully: "You are asking me to form a team now, right? It's like I'm begging you to join the team."

Shen Jian said: "It's true that I gave you the opportunity. There are beauties in the team. Don't regret if you miss it."

The tone on the other side obviously changed: "Oh? Beauty? Who is it? Is it Lin Lan and Lin You? Have they contacted you? Don't lie to me."

Shen Jian replied: "I'm in a hurry, so you can give me some advice whether I'm coming or not."

"Wait a minute..." Qin Fang paused for a moment, and said doubtfully after a moment: "That's not right. I checked Lin Lan's voice, and she didn't seem to know about this activity of picking green leaves by flying boats."

"If there are beauties, there must be them, and they are definitely pretty enough. If not, you can turn around and leave." Shen Jian said, "After you win, the prizes awarded by Battle.net will be mine. I will trade arena points or other treasures for you." , as for whether you can catch a beautiful woman, it depends on your own ability."

The voice of Qin Fangzhi chewing his teeth came out from the palm of his hand: "Okay... As for No. 5, I'm fine anyway, so I might as well play with you."

"Then it's settled." Shen Jian said, "When everyone gathers later, we can practice first, develop a tacit understanding, and formulate a plan."

"Hey, let me tell you, who are the others?" Qin Fang asked.

"After everyone gathers, we will find out when we meet in the fairyland. Wait for my letter." Shen Jian replied.

Qin Fang muttered: "Why do I feel like I've been tricked by you again?"

"Your illusion." Shen Jian said, ended the transmission, and then continued to look through his contact list.

The sisters Lin Lan and Lin You who Qin Fang was thinking about were certainly suitable candidates.

If they take the initiative to contact Shen Jian, Shen Jian will not deliberately avoid it, but will just pay attention to it when the time comes.

But Shen Jian will not take the initiative to contact them.

At first, she coaxed Lin You to rest her mind, but now, what's the point of teasing others?

Even if you want to find someone, you should wait until the other person calms down and everyone can look back on the past with peace of mind.

However, Shen Jian went through the contact list and all the suitable teammates sent messages or contacted them through voice messages. Most of them turned out to be in retreat or had something to do.

But Shen Jian successfully found the last candidate.

"Are you helping Aku again?" Li Ying asked helplessly.

"You can always think of him, which makes me think that kid is about to succeed." Shen Jian replied.

"Wrong, I can always associate you with him." Li Ying said with a smile.

Shen Jian replied: "What a coincidence, I can always connect the two of you. I really wanted to ask him for help before, but he went into seclusion, so I'm looking for you now."

Li Ying on the opposite side snorted softly: "Although I am far behind him, it still hurts my heart too much when you say this. I don't want to agree to you anymore."

"Help me, I can be your spy. If Aku has any evil ideas, I'll tell you in advance." Shen Jian said furtively.

"You were the one who came up with those crazy ideas for him, right?" Li Ying was angry and funny: "You're such a shameless double-agent!"

Shen Jian's expression remained unchanged: "You have to believe that I am always on your side."

"Okay, okay, I'll just go and get the numbers for you." Li Ying smiled and said, "Who are the others?"

"When we log into Battle.net Wonderland, let's meet each other first and get familiar with each other." Shen Jian replied: "Actually, we are all acquaintances."

They are indeed acquaintances.

Li Ying naturally recognized Su Meng and Qu Wei, the most famous master duo of the young generation in the Taiyin world.

When Li Ying represented Jinchan No. 1 Middle School in the Taiyin Realm Divisional Tournament, Su Meng and the two of them had also dealt with her. In particular, Su Meng and Li Ying had a good relationship and had left each other's contact information earlier.

Although not as famous as Shen Jian, Su Meng, and Qu Wei, and spread far and wide, Li Ying is equally famous in the Taiyin world and is a young swordsman genius who attracts public attention.

In terms of swordsmanship in martial arts alone, among the generation of teenagers in the Taiyin world, she is only inferior to Shen Jian, who was originally known as Taiyin Swordsman.

Of course, everyone later knew who the Taiyin Swordsman was.

"Who is the other person?" Su Meng asked, holding Li Ying's hand.

Shen Jian replied: "You are more familiar with him than I am."

"Qin Fang?" Qu Wei and Su Meng suddenly understood.

If it is Qin Fang, then they are indeed more familiar with it than Shen Jian.

In recent years, Taiyin No. 1 Middle School and Taiyin No. 2 Middle School have played against each other several times a year.

"This time the flying boat is picking green, the psychic flying boat used is a boat, but it is actually not much different from a flying shuttle." Shen Jian said: "Mutual attacks are allowed during the competition, but the flying boat itself has no magic weapon for attack, and the attack method relies entirely on ourselves."

Therefore, he decisively found two magic cultivators, Qu Wei and Su Meng, as teammates, and at the same time contacted the gunman Qin Fang.

In this way, coupled with himself, extremely powerful long-range firepower can be guaranteed.

"Qin Fang's words are indeed suitable." For his old rival, Qu Wei naturally understood: "He is good at fixed-point shooting and long-range shooting, but is bad at close combat. When someone gets close to him, he is like a landlubber going into the water. But on the other hand, he is always Let him control the distance and take the initiative, and he will be able to exert great strength."

Su Meng snorted from the side: "What he is best at is hiding and firing cold shots from a distance."

Qu Wei smiled: "In short, Qin Fang's performance is very difficult."

"The rules of this event dictate that the flying boats and flying boats will attack each other, not only at long range, but also at close range." Shen Jian said, "At that time, Li Ying, I, and you will be responsible. Su Meng and Qin Fang can just focus on long-range firepower."

Qu Wei smiled: "You alone can hold up to five."

Unlike Su Meng, a mage who is a violent stand-up output type, Qu Wei, who is also a genius in magic, is also excellent in martial arts and escape techniques.

He is also proficient in a large number of spells, and is very good at various spells that strengthen and bless himself. Even in close combat with top martial arts practitioners in the same realm, he is completely worthy.

Let him be responsible for long-range firepower like Su Meng, and he can also do well, but Su Meng is better at this aspect.

While several people were chatting, Qin Fang also came online.

However, as soon as he saw Qu Wei and Su Meng, he looked like he had eaten a fly.

Taiyin No. 1 Middle School has always been better than Taiyin No. 2 Middle School, except for the past few years, which is because of the man and woman in front of him.

The history of the confrontation between the two sides in recent years can be called a history of blood and tears in Taiyin No. 1 Middle School. Qin Fang, as the leader of Taiyin No. 1 Middle School, naturally feels this the most deeply.

"She is the beauty you said?!" Qin Fang pointed at Su Meng and roared at Shen Jian.

"Isn't she a beauty?" Shen Jian asked.

Qin Fang was speechless.

Not to mention that Su Meng was watching her with eager eyes, Qin Fang admitted in good conscience that she was indeed a beauty.

But the question is, does this famous flower have an owner?

And he has been bullied by these two parents-in-law all year round!

"Always a rival, but rarely a teammate, it's quite a fresh experience, isn't it?" Qu Wei smiled.

"Indeed, at least you two are reliable." Qin Fang nodded.

His eyes suddenly lit up, and his mood turned from the storm: "Hey, I remember you are Li Ying from Jin Chan No. 1 Middle School, right?"

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