Lord of the Starry Sky

Eighty-one. Plagiarism

"News?" Shen Jian was confused, and Li Ying handed him her mobile phone.

Shen Jian took it and took a look. There was a news item on the Lingnao screen with an eye-catching title.

Who is plagiarizing?

Shen Jian looked at the news content carefully and found that Wang Jinyan's name was indeed mentioned in it.

The core focus of the news lies in the ultra-long-distance space communication technology that Wang Jinyan has been diligently pursuing, and in the mysterious silver liquid from outer space.

Although the news title is in a questioning tone, the specific content clearly accuses Wang Jinyan of plagiarizing other people's research results!

Shen Jian returned Li Ying's handheld brain to her, then took out his own and continued to check.

There are more than one similar news, with similar content, and they all openly and secretly accuse Wang Jinyan of plagiarism.

This kind of thing is not a hot topic in the news and cannot attract the attention of most people, so it has not been forwarded and spread on a large scale.

But in the eyes of knowledgeable people, it immediately caused an uproar.

The exploration of the distant universe has been the main research direction of the monastic world in the past few hundred years, and communication across time and space is a problem that has not been completely overcome.

Not to mention the Yanhuang world, there are also other worlds such as Kaiyuan and Yuxing. Powerful people from all walks of life have been working tirelessly to explore and develop.

As far as Shen Jian knows, Wang Jinyan certainly has read and studied the public research results of his predecessors in this area.

But Wang Jinyan was definitely the first to study the silver liquid and its effects.

It is possible for others to plagiarize him, so how could he plagiarize others?

The silver liquid was collected by Shen Jian himself from the Void Territory. It is a brand-new substance that has not been discovered before. Where did it come from previous research?

Shen Jian immediately sent a message request to Wang Jinyan.

After a long time, the sound transmission was connected, and Wang Jinyan's tired voice sounded: "Old Shen?"

"There is some news on the Spiritual Network, what is it about?" Shen Jian asked: "Did someone steal and possess your research results and throw dirty water on you?"

Wang Jinyan sighed: "I blame myself for being too careless and careless. I really didn't expect that people can be so shameless. How could they do this?"

"I read on the news that the other person's name is Zhao Tao?" Shen Jian asked: "I have heard about this person and checked his information on the spiritual website. He is a weapon-refining genius from Deep Space University who is about to graduate from his senior year, but other I can’t find anything, does he have any special background?”

Being able to write press releases that are beneficial to the public relations media, and being able to mobilize trolls, that's all.

The key point is that there is a piece of news that comes from the media mouthpiece of the Deep Space University. This is very unusual.

Although Zhao Tao is a student of Deep Space University and is a rare weapon-refining genius, Wang Jinyan has also been famous for a long time. He is a young weapon-refining master that everyone pays attention to. He has also accepted the special recruitment of Deep Space University and can already be regarded as a Deep Space University student. The university’s own students.

It is absolutely not normal for the school’s mouthpiece media to be so biased.

"Wait, Zhao Tao..." Shen Jian suddenly remembered something: "I remember you mentioned before that the head of the weapon refining department of Deep Space University seems to be named Zhao. Are they related?"

Wang Jinyan said bitterly: "You're right, I only found out this time that Zhao Tao is Director Zhao's son, but I never expected that these two father and son could be so despicable!

Fortunately, I have read Zhao Tao's paper before, and I thought it was very eye-catching.

What’s more, I used to admire and admire Director Zhao, but he actually protected Zhao Tao from plagiarism!

Zhao Tao is his son, and it is not impossible for him to help Zhao Tao, but that is plagiarism. No, it is no longer plagiarism. It is simply a thief and robber, robbing other people's research results and taking it as his own!

Zhao Mingyuan is a teacher in vain! "

Wang Jinyan was extremely angry and almost out of control.

The weapon refining department of Shen Kong University has always been at the top level in the Yanhuang world, and the director of the department, Zhao Mingyuan, is ranked among the top five weapon refining masters in the Yanhuang world.

Although Wang Jinyan prefers Tianhai University in his heart, he is also happy to study in deep space.

Given his talent, he would have probably been taught by Zhao Mingyuan himself.

Wang Jinyan had always respected Zhao Mingyuan very much before.

"Will the school completely help them?" Shen Jian asked: "Although the Weapon Refining Department is the core department of Deep Space University, it is impossible for one department head to dominate the entire school."

"He can cover the sky with one hand in the laboratory." Wang Jinyan took a few breaths: "I never thought that such a thing would happen before. I was unprepared. After the incident, Zhao Mingyuan helped Zhao Tao take care of it, leaving no trace. .”

He became depressed: "The reason why I borrowed the deep space laboratory this time was because Zhao Mingyuan opened the back door. I didn't follow the formal procedures."

Although he accepted the deep space special recruitment, the formal admission procedures have not yet been completed. Strictly speaking, Wang Jinyan is not yet a student of Deep Space University.

What he borrowed this time was the top and most sophisticated laboratory and research equipment.

Regardless of whether Zhao Mingyuan had early intentions or he really helped Wang Jinyan out of love for talents, in the end, it was all thanks to him that Wang Jinyan was able to borrow the laboratory.

But in this way, after Zhao Tao's incident came out, Zhao Mingyuan had a lot of room for maneuver.

Before, he was the one who arranged for Wang Jinyan to enter the laboratory without telling most people.

Many procedures that should be followed have not been followed, and registrations that should be done have not been done.

Now, it would be easy for him to erase Wang Jinyan's traces in the laboratory.

The origin of that mysterious silver liquid is hard to explain.

Therefore, in the eyes of Zhao Mingyuan, Zhao Tao and his son, Wang Jinyan only became a provider of materials.

Later, he even attempted to steal the research results that Zhao Tao had worked so hard on.

Zhao Tao not only wanted to take possession of Wang Jinyan's research results, but also those mysterious liquids.

Now regarding the ownership of the materials, both sides are arguing over whether Wang Jinyan is willing to donate all the materials to the Deep Space University Laboratory.

"They are now using our scavenging as an excuse to persuade the federal government to intervene and forcibly confiscate our materials, and then use the current research advantage to apply for continued research." Wang Jinyan's voice was full of anger.

Shen Jian asked: "Did you talk to them privately and then record or videotape them?"

"After looking for Zhao Tao, I also thought about the audio and video recording." Wang Jinyan was furious: "It turned out that the bastard had already prepared a jammer and laughed at me. Damn it, after this is over , I must get an anti-interference device myself, fuck!"

Shen Jian's voice was still very calm: "When did this happen? Just tell me if you are in trouble."

"In the past two days, weren't you just busy with that flying boat picking green flowers? It's related to you getting the Snow Jade." Wang Jinyan sighed.

"You have only been gone for a few days. In just a few days, you can have preliminary results in your research and accomplish so many things. The efficiency is very high." Shen Jian's tone became more relaxed.

Wang Jinyan was a little embarrassed: "As soon as I arrived, I went straight to the laboratory and stayed up all night. The deep space equipment is indeed advanced..."

"It's just that he's such a bad person." Shen Jian said, "Okay, don't say anything else. Let's talk when we meet later."

He ended the transmission and Li Ying looked at him.

Shen Jian's voice was calm, but it made Li Ying panic: "When is the nearest star boat from now? I'm going to the Yanhuang World."

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