Lord of the Starry Sky

Ninety-seven.Thank you for the reminder

Fang Xiaoyu asked curiously: "How do you know he likes to drink the nectar from the spiritual spring? Did you see it?"

"I didn't see him drinking it, but when I entered the room, I saw a glass bottle on the table. It contained a little bit of amber nectar. It looked like spiritual spring nectar, so I asked you." Shen Jian replied.

After he came out of the purple-haired boy's home, he walked toward the woods next to the residential building while talking to Fang Xiaoyu.

"Then you just said it was easy to handle, how can it be easy to handle?" Fang Xiaoyu asked.

Shen Jian said: "Although Lingquan Manna is harmless to monks, drinking it for a long time can become addictive. If you don't drink it for a day, you will feel uncomfortable.

However, the taste of this stuff is very strange, and very few people are willing to drink it, let alone drink it for a long time. Therefore, it is unprofitable for businesses, and no one is willing to produce it.

People who like to drink usually brew and drink it by themselves, but this thing is not brewed by humans, but with the help of a spiritual bird called the Black Hummingbird. "

He walked under the tree and looked up at the branches above.

Black hummingbirds build nests and brew spiritual spring nectar only in the forest.

They can survive in a cage, but even if they can return after being released, they will not collect honeydew to brew.

Shen Jian circled around the woods and successfully found his target on a big tree.

A large iron box hanging on a tree with a bird's nest on it.

He nodded, flew into the air, grabbed the iron box with one hand, and kept the other hand from touching the bird's nest above. He opened the door on the side and opened the box. Sure enough, he saw six glass bottles inside.

Two of the porcelain vases contained amber nectar, one was full and the other was half full.

This thing is not easy to come by. The current quantity would take more than a week to collect even if more than ten black hummingbirds work together.

Shen Jian took the two porcelain bottles out of the iron box, then jumped off the tree and walked out of the woods calmly.

Then send a message to the purple-haired boy.

"Don't the residents here think the hummingbirds' calls are too noisy?"

After a moment, the purple-haired boy rushed out of the residential building and headed straight for the woods.

Climbing up the tree and opening the box, he saw that there were only four empty bottles inside. The purple-haired boy almost fell down from the tree.

This is his favorite drink. He has finally accumulated it. He slowly mixes it with water little by little and drinks it. It hurts him to spill even a drop.

As a result, it’s all gone now!

What's worse is that he has very little inventory left, and may run out of money in the next few days!

Just thinking about it made him feel uncomfortable.

The purple-haired boy jumped down from the tree and looked around, but there was no trace of Shen Jian.

He grabbed the palm of his hand and sent a message.

"You took my nectar. There are your scratches on the box. The evidence is conclusive. You must return it as soon as possible. Otherwise, don't blame me for calling the police!"

The message was sent out, but it was like a stone sinking into the sea.

The purple-haired boy walked around anxiously.

Suddenly, I heard movement in the woods from the direction of the iron box.

"You are smart, otherwise I want you to look good!" The young man breathed a sigh of relief and walked over proudly.

When he reached the tree, he looked up and almost fainted.

Even the iron box is gone.

The purple-haired boy came to his senses and ran wildly in the woods, but could not find any trace of Shen Jian.

After a long time, he calmed down, but he felt that he missed the taste of the nectar of the spiritual spring even more.

The purple-haired boy returned home dejectedly, mixed the last bit of stock in the glass bottle with water and drank it. Finally regaining his energy, he sent a message to Shen Jian: "Give me my things back, and I will give you your things back."

When Shen Jian returned to Fang Xiaoyu's courtyard with Xinglianhua, the girl couldn't help but widen her eyes: "So fast?"

Shen Jian put down the pot of apricot flowers: "I'm lucky, so it's easy to handle."

Fang Xiaoyu stood on tiptoes, raised her hand, and patted Shen Jian on the shoulder: "Sure enough, you are more reliable."

"Now I need to rely on you." Shen Jian said.

"Although it's a little troublesome, don't worry and leave it to me. It just takes a few days. Can you wait?" Fang Xiaoyu replied.

She picked up the pot of apricot flowers and led Shen Jian into the room in the center of the courtyard.

"It's okay to wait a few days, but the sooner the better." Shen Jian followed her in: "You just said there was trouble, what kind of trouble?"

"Before putting it into the furnace, you have to keep stirring the liquid with your hands for two hours." Fang Xiaoyu replied.

Shen Jian wondered: "I remember you don't care much about this?"

Although the girl in front of her is pretty, her somewhat slovenly appearance tells us that she is not a mysophobic person.

As far as Shen Jian knew, the other party usually didn't mind handling the medicinal materials with his own hands.

"Other medicines don't matter, but after refining the medicinal materials of your Qingxuan Miasma Relief Pill and making it into liquid medicine, the smell is too strong." Fang Xiaoyu sighed: "The best gloves can't isolate it. After mixing, the smell on your hands will be too strong." It’s all that smell, and you can’t get rid of it even if you try to clean it up afterwards.”

Shen Jian asked: "Can you guide me to do it?"

"I'll just say it if it works. How can I be polite to you?" Fang Xiaoyu shook his head: "The mixing process is too demanding. I can only do it myself."

"Uh... when will Yuanji University enroll?" Shen Jian asked.

Because of his personality, Fang Xiaoyu is not well-known to the public.

But in the circle of alchemists, Fang Xiaoyu can be called the most famous rising star in recent years.

Like Shen Jian, Luo Xihao and others, she was qualified for special recruitment by prestigious schools early and did not need to take the college entrance examination.

But contrary to everyone's expectations, Fang Xiaoyu did not choose Qinglin University, the number one school in Yanhuang Alchemy Medicine.

Her choice was Yuanji University.

Although Yuanji University and Qinglin University are both among the top ten famous universities in Yan and Huang, their cutting-edge fields are completely different.

To be fair, Yuanji University's elixir department is not bad, it's pretty good.

However, the Yanhuang Federation recognized that Yuanji University's number one departments among universities were the Department of Martial Arts and the Department of Escape Law.

Yuanji came out with martial arts, and Zhaochen came out with gunners.

Not to mention monks, even ordinary people know it.

On the other hand, although the elixir department of Yuanji University is not weak, it is not on the same level as Qinglin University in this regard.

Just like the martial arts department of Qinglin University compared with the martial arts department of Yuanji University.

Therefore, Fang Xiaoyu's choice shocked everyone.

For the Yanhuang higher education community, this was a deceptive school choice comparable to Shen Jian abandoning Yuanji to choose Tianhai.

There were two such willful geniuses in the same school year, which made everyone speechless.

Of course, although Yuanji University did not recruit Shen Jian, it was a big surprise that Fang Xiaoyu was admitted.

Needless to say, Shen Jian got a big advantage by enrolling in Tianhai University.

The most depressing one is Qinglin University.

Half a year later, the director of the Special Admissions Office of Qinglin University still feels heartbroken when he thinks of the childlike girl's answer that day.

"Your Qinglin is in Bashan City, which is too far away."

"I don't plan to leave Jinghua City."

Fang Xiaoyu said this.

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