Lord Of The Stars Of Asgard

Chapter 149 New Timeline

"Great, with your help, we can definitely change the future! 35

Charles has a lot of confidence in Della.

Under Charles' arrangement, Wolverine was lying in the exclusive room, and Shadowcat had already started the transmission of consciousness.

"It looks like he's already here, so I'm leaving too."

After Della looked at Wolverine's gradually calming expression, she knew that the other party had returned to decades ago.

Della also disappeared from the Mutant Academy.

With the power of the ninth sense, Della came to the place where the timeline existed.

The existence of the timeline is very special and materialized. As long as you have enough power and can see the existence of the timeline, you can not only choose the time and place arbitrarily.

You can also fluctuate the timeline to make time accelerate forward, or rewind quickly!

"Is that how Kang manipulates the timeline?

Della flipped the timeline casually, and a few villains turned into old men in just a few seconds.

The power of time, for the first time, really showed in front of Della.

Della also finally knows why time is the most meaningless thing to God!

In a way, being in control of time is the same as immortality!

Everything in the world is transparent before God, including your memory and your life.

It may also be because Marvel's timeline is physical, so in the entire Marvel universe, there should not be too many people who can control the timeline!

It caused many universes to be very chaotic.

After feeling the power of time, Della found the time node where Wolverine was currently, and stepped in.

"Your life is still very colorful hemp.

Watching Wolverine take down a few of the 293 gangsters, Della said with a smile.

"Unbelievable! You actually traveled through time, and directly in the form of flesh!""

Wolverine thought of many scenes of meeting Della, but Della's appearance still shocked him.

It appeared out of nowhere.

“Don’t be nervous, after all we are here to change the future. 55

Della saw Wolverine's shock.

"I'm really curious, who are you? Not only can you easily subdue the runaway Qin, but you can also travel through time.

Team Wolverine Della is getting more and more curious.

"I told you once that I am from God."

Della doesn't hide her identity.

"So you are God.

Wolverine was joking, but she already believed in Della's identity! After all, not everyone can travel through time!

And Wolverine thought that when she met Della, the other party fell from the sky.

"Come on, go to Charles first.

Della motioned for Wolverine to drive.

The two soon arrived at the location of the Mutant Academy.

"Why so desolate?"

Wolverine looked suspiciously at the Mutant Academy in front of her, making sure she wasn't going the wrong way.

With Wolverine constantly knocking on the door, Hank opened the door and looked at the two suspiciously.

"Who are you? Is something wrong?

Looking at the two strangers in front of him, Hank asked suspiciously.

"I'm looking for the (aidc) professor, is he here?

asked Wolverine.

"There are no professors here, you are wrong.

After saying that, Hank wanted to close the door.

"Take it easy, bro, we're not bad guys!"

Wolverine took her chance and squeezed straight through the gate, yelling Charles' name as she walked.

"You are too noisy!"

Charles staggered downstairs, smelling of alcohol.


Seeing the drunk in front of him, Wolverine asked in disbelief.

"Who are you?"

Young Charles looked at Wolverine and Della, sure he didn't know the two in front of him.

Then Wolverine pulled Charles, explained her origin, and invited the other party to change the future with her!

Charles also agreed to go with Wolverine and wanted to rescue Magneto, who was imprisoned in the Pentagon.

The crowd drove to Quicksilver's residence.


Della saw Quicksilver's action, although the other party was fast, it was still far worse than Della.

In this way, in the step-by-step operation of Wolverine, the process of changing the future is proceeding in an orderly manner.

In the Avengers multi-universe, everyone is also preparing to travel through time.

"The quantum channel was successfully constructed!

With the simulation of J.A.R.V.I.S, the experiment of Tony and others finally succeeded! At the moment it has been half a month since Thanos was sealed!

"Finally successful!"

Tony watched the simulation of the holographic projection and was thrilled!

This time, I finally did not hold back! Made my own contribution.

"Come on, go and tell them the good news. 35

Reed and Banner were also relieved that the construction of the quantum channel was completed, which meant that they still had hope.

Soon, several people announced the construction of the quantum channel in the rest area of ​​Avengers, and it was a success!

This also aroused the joy of everyone Roar!

"The question now is that we should send those people to find the gems!"

Tony looked at the crowd.

"Count me in, I can go to Asgard to find the Reality Gem! After all, I also found the Reality Gem.

Thor said voluntarily.

"The power gem can be given to me."

Star-Lord's face no longer had the usual smile, Gamora's death hit him hard.

"I can get the Mind Gem, after all, after my elder brother destroyed the consciousness of the Mind Gem, I have been keeping it.

Loki also stepped up, and now there are three gem candidates.

"The Space gem can be given to us, after all, it has been at the Aegis for a long time."

Captain America and Natasha Romanoff, Hawkeye said.

"Let me go to Time Gem, after all, I'm an Asgardian of Time Gem, and no one can except you.

Strange also took on the task of Time Gem.

Now only Soul Gem is left!

"There is only Soul Gem left! The existence of this gem is quite special! It is conscious, but it is not like Mind Gem, its acquisition rule is soul for soul! That is to say, someone needs to sacrifice himself.

Odin definitely knew the Soul Gem acquisition rule, and it was because of this that he gave up the idea of ​​collecting gems.

Hearing Odin's words, everyone fell into silence.

The acquisition rule of Soul Gem exceeded everyone's expectations.

"Can't we just find someone to sacrifice and get Soul Gem?"

Tony asked.

This acquisition condition is a bit harsh, if they can, they don't want to lose any comrades in arms.

"No! To obtain Soul Gem, one must sacrifice one's loved ones, and then exchange souls for souls.

Odin shook his head, indicating that Tony's idea could not be realized.

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing who to exchange for Soul Gem.

"I'll go, anyway, my life is full of regrets, maybe it ends sooner, it might be a relief.

Natasha Romanoff said that she has no worries, no lover, and no children. She is the most suitable.

"No! We don't agree!"

The people of the original Avengers objected in unison.

"Then do you have better methods and candidates?"

Natasha Romanoff asked the crowd.

This is a very difficult problem, one side is one's own friend, and the other side is saving more friends.

"If you want to go, let's draw lots! The fairest!

Captain America has a suggestion!

There are many people who dare to sacrifice! Natasha Romanoff is not alone.

The results of the lottery came out, and Natasha Romanoff was chosen, which made it difficult for everyone to accept.

"I've spent half my life atonement, maybe this time is my best chance to atone, you don't have to worry about me. 35

Natasha Romanoff smiled happily.

"Time waits for no one, you can get ready.

Pym is ready for Pym particles!

This is a must for traversing the quantum tunnel!

In just one day, the construction of the quantum tunnel was completed, and everyone put on the quantum nano battle suit and embarked on their own journey.

Hawkeye finally decided to send his old friend a ride, choosing to go with Natasha Romanoff to get Vomir Star in exchange for Soul Gem.

Captain America and Tony, on the other hand, went to get the Tesseract from S.H.I.E.L.D.

Thor, Rocket, and Loki, go for the Reality Gem and Mind Gem respectively.

Time Gem and Power Gem are only Strange and Star Lord to get them separately!

As the quantum channel unfolds, everyone disappears.

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