The All-seeing God spoke of a type of energy stone on this planet that is sufficient to turn the tide of his war against his opponent.

He said that if his opponent was able to have access to them and obtain these stones, he would be done for.

If the opponent of the All-seeing God wanted something from this planet, it would definitely be these Energy Pearls!

"Where did you get these ten pearls from? Are there many of them around?" Robin spoke seriously

"Calm down.. it is nothing rare, These energy pearls can be obtained from the depths of the energy stones mountains or you may find them if you go down deep enough into the seas or even inside active volcanoes...

The energy Pearls in general need a place full of natural energy and it takes a very long time to form, but they are available everywhere in numbers that don't make them rare, You can exchange for one of these with one purple banknote." The Giant signaled Robin to calm down and spoke

The giant spoke softly as if it was nothing, but this didn't say much about Robin's view...

In that auction, he was almost sold for 7 purple banknotes and maybe even more, if one pearl had enough energy that could send him to his planet, then each one of those purple banknotes would be worth at least 15 million gold coins...

That's at least 105 million gold coins, you can buy an Earldom with that much money!!

They wanted to buy him at that price, only to eat him...?

Well, at least those giants know his worth, hmph!

"...Tell me more about your currency system, what are those papers, and are they used?" Robin returned to sit in front of the fire and asked,

He couldn't find the mechanism behind the lightning attacking divine tattoo, whoever made it has deeply concealed how it works, He can crack its code but that will take a long time, and that body strengthening divine tattoo will most likely require even more time.

"Hmm, how do I explain this… In the past, our main currency was energy stones, but carrying quantities of them around was not practical and was tempting the bandits, so we established an entity called the Central Bank...

The bank is a separate entity from the ruling administration and is considered public property for all members of the tribe, in which energy stones and pearls are stored... For example, Whoever gives bank employees a kilogram of energy stones will take a black banknote in return.

That person can give that black banknote to another person to buy something from him, and so on... This makes carrying around a lot of money possible and also quite simple in actual transactions because currency exchange rates are always fixed.

A black banknote is equal to one kilogram of energy stones.. an orange banknote is equal to 100 kilograms worth of energy stones.. a red banknote is equal to 1000 kilograms worth of energy stones...

there is also the purple banknote which is equal to one energy pearl... and finally, the gold banknote which is equal to a hundred energy pearls.

Robin opened his eyes in amazement, this monetary system was really much better than what he was used to.

Instead of carrying a ton of gold on a carriage and traveling miles with it, he would only carry one red banknote in his pocket instead...

"..thank you, you have broadened my understanding of many things," Robin spoke up and looked in front of him again.

The giant giggled, "It's okay, Mr. Alien. Every two year old kid knows these things, If you ask any beggar on the streets he would have told you the same *information*, not like I'm telling you secrets."


Robin returned to looking at the fire in front of him for more than a quarter of an hour with a serious look on his face, it was clear that he was thinking of something

Although the young giant seems sincere in his words, he is still a senior officer in specialized forces to hunt down his ilk...

It is a very big risk for him to trust him, secondly, he does not know what he wants from getting close to him in the first place!

Finally, he looked at him seriously and spoke, "Then..? Why did you want us to talk? What would you do if I were the third Heaven's Chosen from this world? And what would you do if I were an alien from another world?"

"..." The Young Giant fell silent for a few seconds, then looked in Robin's eyes firmly, "I will follow you either way."

"Huh? HAHAHA, it seems that the explosion on your head was worse than I thought!" Robin grabbed his stomach and laughed out loud

"What is so funny about it?!" The giant furrowed an eyebrow, looking extremely annoyed

"Haha.. haah~" Robin took a big bite from the meat in front of him and then continued, "Nice try, Special Forces expert, but I don't need a spy by my side, try something else."

Is this a joke? He previously said that his mission is to track and destroy potential threats to internal security. What could be a greater threat than an alien from another world that looks like a mere human?!

"..." The young giant remained silent for a few minutes, "The Lightning Tribe has fallen into a period of decay and weakness in the last few hundred years, the current tribe leader is trying to deal peacefully and passively with our neighbors as much as possible…

Only ten years ago the Water Tribe entered our lands, took one of our drinkable water sources, and all the surrounding areas, and what did we do to respond? Nothing... NOTHING!!"

Robin seriously looked at the young giant as he spoke agitated and did not interrupt him

Then he continued, "To tell you the truth, I was extremely angry with our tribe leader at the time, I wanted to do something... anything! Except that there was nothing I could do on my own, and because we were *following the peace plan* with our neighbors now I had no choice but to Join the peacekeepers if I want to have some good fights... Sigh~

I tracked down many terrorist organizations founded by other races to harass the Nihari giants, I killed hundreds of them and dismantled dozens of terrorist organizations in less than ten years until I earned my place as the youngest deputy commander-in-chief of the peacekeeping forces in history and the fastest to ascend to this position too!

but to be honest, even this is getting boring... My strength and talent should be put to use in anything... useful!

Hunting the terrorists was fun at the beginning thinking that I was benefiting my race and keeping the streets safe... But I no longer have any passion to do this shit anymore, it's killing me inside!"

The Young Giant looked at Robin and then continued with a smile, "I don't know if you're an alien or a new race, either way you are a chosen one of heaven... Either way, I'm sure staying with you will bring me closer to the life I have always been yearning for!"

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