Smith whistled, with a rather imposing manner that no one else could do it but him!

I am so strong, and the universe lord world gave me extra rewards!

How can other lords survive?!

Come to think of it, only a professional like him, Smith, can deal with a spaceship relic in such a short time.

The lord came to this world in less than two hours.

I am afraid that other lords are still playing in the mud!

This kind of good thing is better to share with others than to enjoy it alone.

As a colonel of the special forces of the United States,

Smith is ambitious.

He just wants other lords to see his strength and know the gap between them.

At that time, the lords of the entire 88th district will follow Smith's lead.

If there is anything, he can raise his arms and call for it.

He doesn't need to do it himself.

His lackeys will do it for him.

How cool!

Isn't this the Lord Trading Platform going to be opened?

It just happens to let other lords see Smith's means and strength.

In the future, if they trade materials with other lords, other lords may give discounts to please Smith, or even give them away for free... Thinking of this, Smith chose yes without hesitation. Later, the lords of the entire 88th area heard the reminder sound of the universe lord world.

"Ding! Congratulations to the beautiful Lord Smith Dadan for successfully occupying the wrecked battleship and gaining the first possession of the wrecked battleship!"

"The first reward for occupying a wrecked battleship: 1. 50 cosmic energy crystals as a reward!"

"2. Within two hours, the experience points for killing space monsters will increase by 20%!"

As soon as the Lord World announcement was released, the chat area immediately went wild.

Flattery was heard everywhere, and all kinds of gods came out, wanting to show their faces in front of Smith.

"Oh my god! That's amazing! Colonel Smith is indeed the one who took down the wrecked spaceship so quickly! I didn't even see the spaceship!"

"Baka! Can we compete with Colonel Smith? Colonel Smith was originally a special forces instructor in the United States! His command and combat capabilities are unmatched by ordinary people, and he is like a fish in water in this lord world!"

"I told you so! No wonder Colonel Smith was able to command the seven-star universe citizens, ahead of the other eight- and nine-star universe citizens, and was the first to complete the first occupation of the broken spacecraft! It seems that the level of the universe citizens is very important, and the personal ability of the lord is equally important!"

"Colonel Smith, do you need a younger brother? My Bangbang country's Jin Dashan is easy to lead! By the way, are the monsters outside the broken spaceship easy to deal with? If I go up, can I win?"

Smith then replied,"It's better not to! There are not only first-order monsters outside the broken spaceship, but also extremely powerful second-order monsters! There are two second-order monsters guarding theoutside of my broken spaceship! Any second-order cosmic monster can beat a group of first-order monsters!"

"So awesome? Colonel Smith can easily deal with such a powerful monster! I, Kantila Asan of Curry Country, will follow you in this life! I wonder what equipment the colonel has obtained, can you tell us about it."

Smith,"It's no big deal! It's just an ordinary E+ grade equipment, which means it increases the overall strength by 100 points!"

As he said that, Smith posted the information of 'Strong Warrior Amplification Arm'.

Lord Yamagami Ono of Sakura Country,"Damn! E+ grade equipment is still called simple?"

Lord Jin Dashan of Bangbang Country,"Increases overall strength by 100 points! This attribute is amazing! I have never seen it before!"

Lord Kantila Asan of Curry Country,"I have never seen it before either! I will be satisfied if you can touch this level of equipment! Share the good luck!"

"Get some joy +1"

"Get some joy +2"


Smith nodded in satisfaction.

This was exactly the effect he wanted!

In this world, the one with the biggest fist has the final say.

As long as you show your strength, countless people will come to flatter you!

The first to show goodwill to Smith were the former younger countries of the United States.

Even in the lord world, these guys still have the habit of being younger brothers...

The lords of District 88 are a mixed bag, and there are lords from all countries.

The lords of other countries are simply speechless.

Is this the legendary business mutual flattery?

What is even more speechless is that

Smith brought the fine tradition of the United States, forming gangs, into this world.

"Everyone has seen my, Smith’s, strength!"

"If you want to hang out with me, Smith, just make a sound in the group."

Smith's words immediately received responses from many lords.

"Count me in as the Lord of Kangaroo Country!"

"Count me in as the Lord of Maple Leaf Country!"

"It is an honor for me, the Lord of Sakura Country, to be able to hang out with the Colonel!"


Smith continued to nod his head in satisfaction.

In such a short time, more than a hundred lords expressed their loyalty!

The other lords were still waiting and watching, but there was no rush!

Sooner or later, this 88th district would belong to him, Smith!

Smith was a little inflated, and continued to ask in the group,

"What happened to the lord of Dragon Kingdom?"

"What is your attitude?"

Immediately, other junior lords took over the conversation.

"Yes! We haven't seen the lord of Dragon Country express his opinion! Are you dissatisfied with our Colonel Smith?"

The lords of Dragon Country were speechless.

How could we be affected by eating melons?

But this matter is not unexpected.

In the real world, the United States and Dragon Country, one is the first country and the other is the second country.

The United States likes to suppress Dragon Country intentionally or unintentionally, for fear that the power of Dragon Countrywill surpass them.

It is the same in this lord's world.

If the country with the most lords is the most threatening to the United States, it is undoubtedly the Dragon Country with the largest population!

Even if the United States plus its younger brother countries, the total number of lords may not be as many as the Dragon Country!

The lord of Dragon Country naturally became the biggest threat to the United States!

In the later period, the group battles between the lords of various countries, the friction between the United States and Dragon Country is inevitable!

Suppression is the most suitable at this time!

First give him a warning, let the lord of Dragon Country know how powerful the lord of the United States is!

Some lords of Dragon Country couldn't help but say,

"Don't be too arrogant. There are many lords who are stronger than you!"

Smith laughed."Stronger than me? Who? You are dreaming!""

"The fact that I was able to obtain the first possession of the ruins shows my strength! Strength is not something that can be said with words! Everything should be based on facts!"

"As long as I, Smith, am here! Our beautiful country is the strongest! If I, Smith, am second, no one dares to claim to be first!"

"If there is a lord in your Dragon Kingdom who is stronger than me, Smith, you can take off my head and kick it like a ball!"

"If you are not convinced, wait until the novice protection period is over, and then come and beat me! Come and beat me!"

Smith was so arrogant, as if he was afraid that others didn't know that he was very awesome, but at this moment, the reminder sound of the universe lord world rang again.

"Ding! Congratulations to Dragon Lord Ye Mo for becoming the first universe lord to successfully occupy the 'Small Falling Spaceship'! Get the first occupation reward!"

"The first reward for occupying a small spaceship: 1. 500 cosmic energy crystals as a reward!"

"2. Get double experience gain! Before 24:00 today, the experience gained from all the cosmic monsters hunted by the lord will be doubled!"

"3. The overall strength of all the lord’s current universe subjects will be increased by 200 points!"


First to occupy the small falling spaceship?

Smith was stunned, confused, are you kidding me?

Three-day summer promotion, top up 100 and get 500 VIP points!

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