I can only say that the Lord's World has many tricks.

The universe is so big that you can encounter all kinds of weird things and situations!

Ye Mo guessed the beginning, but not the end.

The so-called distress signal is a trap to lure other alien civilizations to come and rescue people. In fact, there are guys who call themselves space pirates hiding around and ambushing.

Whoever wants to come will be dealt with! Ye Mo

, a novice in space exploration, was fooled!

The space world has many tricks,

I am still too young!

Space pirates?

What is this?

It's the first time I've heard of it.

But the word pirate means that the other party is doing an illegitimate business.

Seeing how familiar they are, this is definitely not the first time they have done this!

"Space Pirates!"

The Qingqiu Foxes around Ye Mo gnashed their teeth in anger, full of resentment!

"Do you know each other?" Ye Mo asked.

Ling Yun nodded,"More than just knowing each other, this is a deep hatred!"

"Space pirates are a notorious cosmic force in the universe!"

"Specializes in robbing weak alien races for a living!"

"This kind of fishing technique is what space pirates are best at!"

"They pretended that someone was asking for help, and when other alien spaceships came to rescue them, they hijacked the spaceships and followed the clues to find the civilized planet hidden behind them!"

"This is how our Qingqiu Fox planet was found by space pirates!"

"The entire planet was occupied by space pirates and the people became slaves!"

"We Qingqiu foxes will never coexist with space pirates in this life!"

When talking about excitement, the little fox's fists were clenched red!

It can be seen that Qingqiu foxes are really resentful of space pirates!

Ye Mo understood that this is an enemy!

That's easy, just kill them and it's over!

It happened that these space pirates shot down his spaceship.

Ye Mo counted and found that there were a total of ten spaceships of the ambushed space pirates.

Using these ten spaceships to make up for the loss of his one spaceship, is there anything wrong?

Nothing wrong at all!

Dare to set a trap on me, Ye!

You think you don't live long enough!

What else can I say about this kind of suicidal behavior.

Ye Mo directly gave the Qingqiu foxes an attack order.

As long as they leave the spaceship behind, they can do whatever they want with the remaining space pirates!

""Yes!" the Qingqiu foxes cheered.

They had waited for this moment for too long! It was finally their turn for revenge!

Under the protection of their master, the Qingqiu foxes were no longer the same as before!

It was time to let the enemies see the true strength of their Qingqiu fox clan!

Ye Mo used the abilities of farsightedness and perspective to see the specific images inside the spacecraft.

They were a group of alien races wearing interstellar armor.

They were tall, more than two meters tall, with brown-gray skin, and their bodies were very similar to humans, but their heads were particularly fat, with fangs and big mouths, a bit like pigs...

When Ye Mo saw this alien race, the Lord's World also showed the hint of this alien race.

"Space Pirates: Fathead"

"Grade: Fifth Grade"

"Comprehensive combat power: 30,000 (the combat power of the Fathead Star Clan itself is 2,000, and the Fathead Star Clan's exclusive weapons increase the combat power by an additional 28,000)"

"Introduction: A subsidiary race of space pirates, one of the member races of space pirates! They make a living by robbing other alien civilizations!"

"The Fathead Star Tribe has a habit of laughing at others, and their favorite thing is to make fun of races weaker than them!"

"Laughing at others is their happiest thing, and they are also called the Smiley Star Clan!"

Fat Head Star Clan...

Aren't they just pig-headed people?

They also have the habit of laughing at people, no wonder these pig-headed people are pointing and talking with their big mouths, just like gossiping aunties, smiling pigs...

Anyway, in Ye Mo's opinion, the appearance of this Fat Head Star Clan is no different from that of pig-headed people.

The combat power of the Fat Head Star Clan itself is not strong, only 2,000 points.

It's just that the exclusive combat equipment they wear is more powerful.

The exclusive Fat Head Star Clan combat uniforms and combat weapons directly increase their comprehensive strength by 28,000!

This is already a very high increase!

Equivalent to the blessing of three sets of universe B-level equipment!

"In other words, most alien races themselves are not very strong in combat."

"It's more about technology and equipment strength!"

Ye Mo once again gained a further understanding of the strength of alien forces!

This makes sense.

This is a cosmic war, and it's a technological war!

Naturally, whoever has stronger technology and more powerful weapons and equipment will have the upper hand!

Even if the strength of a single soldier is only 1,000, wearing equipment that can increase the overall strength by 100,000 can also beat a cosmic race with a single strength of 30,000!

This is called equipment crushing!

Ye Mo was still thinking that the Qingqiu Fox is so strong, what other alien race can compare?

It seems that it is not such a simple matter.

Other alien races may not be as powerful as the Qingqiu Fox itself, but they have better weapons and equipment!

According to Ling Yun, many alien forces have a history of tens of thousands or millions of years.

Their foundation is not ordinary, and the weapons and equipment they manufacture are also first-class and powerful! The reason why space pirates can be rampant in the universe for so long is that their weapon manufacturing capabilities account for a large factor!

Space pirates can make their own exclusive equipment for each affiliated race. equipment, greatly increasing the combat capability of the subordinate races!

The Fathead Star Clan is like this!

At this time, the Fathead Star Clan was pointing at the Qingqiu Foxes in the cockpit.

The laughter and joy showed that they obviously recognized the Qingqiu Fox Clan.

The Fathead Star Clan participated in the capture of the Qingqiu Fox Planet!

The Fathead Star Clan is familiar with this race, a weak chicken race, a piece of trash!

It is known as one of the two wastes in the universe!

Apart from being good-looking, it is useless!

In that kind of battle, it took the space pirates less than three days to capture the Qingqiu Fox Planet!

It was so easy!

I never thought that in this remote place, I could still meet the Qingqiu Fox Clan who had escaped by chance.

What kind of fate made us meet? I can only say that this group of Qingqiu Foxes is too unlucky!

After escaping with great difficulty, they fell into the hands of their space pirates again!

With their ten spaceships and one hundred thousand brothers, it is not easy to catch tens of thousands of foxes!

But the next second, the Fathead Star Clan couldn't laugh anymore!

In their field of vision, they saw Qingqiu Foxes flying up from the ground.

The Fathead Star Clan,


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