Under the dimensionality reduction attack of the Qingqiu Foxes, all the outer space pirates were wiped out.

Ye Mo looked at the time.

It only took an hour, and the result was not bad!

In one hour, a fleet of tens of millions of space pirates was destroyed.

This record is something that others would never even think about!

I can only say that the Qingqiu Foxes are too powerful!

"The Qingqiu foxes are so strong!"

""Why didn't you tell me earlier!"

Lilith said excitedly while pulling Lingyun aside.

This time her people had a chance to be rescued!

At the same time,

Lilith was a little envious.

The Qingqiu fox could become so powerful, and they, the forest elves, also wanted to become powerful!

If possible, who would want to be a weak chicken?

Lilith held Ye Mo's hand tightly,

"My Lord, please grant us the power of the forest elves as well!"

"Could it be that the in-depth study just now is the method to unlock the potential of the Star Clan?"

"Next time you go for in-depth study, can you take me with you?"

Ye Mo,"……"

Sister, how can I answer you when you say that?

Do you have any misunderstanding about in-depth learning?

Yes, just for Lilith's pious look and 150 points of beauty, it is estimated that 27 will directly drag 27 to study. But

Ye Mo is a gentleman, isn't he?

This kind of thing that takes advantage of others' misfortune,

Ye Mo disdains to do it,

Ye Mo likes to win people over with virtue

"We’ll talk about this later!"

"If you want to unleash your potential and become as strong as the Qingqiu Fox, there is a chance!"

"Let's see how much sincerity you natural forest elves can show!"

Lilith's eyes lit up. She saw hope.

Even if they had one tenth of the strength of the Qingqiu foxes, from now on, no cosmic race would dare to bully them.

Lilith nodded like a chick pecking at rice and agreed immediately, fearing that Ye Mo would go back on his word.

"No problem! No problem!"

"As long as the Lord is willing to stimulate the potential of the natural elves and make us stronger, I am willing to make any effort and learn as many times as I want!"Ye Mo spit out a mouthful of old tea,"Don't mention learning to me!"


Why didn't the Lord want to mention this?

Do I have to pay tuition to study?

Lingyun, who was standing by, blushed.

She should have known not to use studying as an excuse.

She had successfully led a simple girl astray.……

"Don't be careless! What's coming next is the highlight!"

Ye Mo said this to Lilith and Lingyun in the command room, and also to all Qingqiu Foxes.

Ye Mo looked at the Golden Star Clan fleet opposite. The

Golden Star Clan fleet that was watching the show just now moved!

When the Golden Star Clan fleet sailed in front of him,

Ye Mo's eyes once again appeared the information of the Golden Star Clan.

"Ace Space Pirates: Gold Star Tribe"

"Grade: Eighth Grade"

"Combat Strength: 150,000-300,000"

"Life force: 400,000"

"Superpower: Unknown"

"Weakness: Unknown"

"General ability: Gold (the bodies of the Golden Star Clan can be gold-colored, transforming into golden weapons, or the body can be integrated with the spacecraft! And they can use gold to heal their own injuries!)"

"Introduction: A metal race from the Golden Star Clan. Their metal bodies give them powerful combat power and adaptability! They are one of the rare races that can survive in the universe without space suits!"

"Arrogant, likes to show off, and is ambitious! He is arrogant!"

Ye Mo frowned. This time it was interesting.

The attribute panel changed again, and it was much more detailed.

It not only showed the opponent's combat power and health value, but also had two explanations of ordinary ability and super ability.

This was what Ye Mo cared about the most.

Super ability?

What is this?

Seeing the introduction of these golden star people,

Ye Mo understood why the golden star people didn't fight just now.

It was estimated that as ace space pirates, they looked down on ordinary space pirates and just used ordinary space pirates as cannon fodder.

If they died, they died!

Of course, these arrogant golden star people probably didn't take Qingqiu Fox seriously.

The warships of the golden star people rushed towards Qingqiu Fox.

It was the first time Ye Mo saw the golden star people.

These golden people who looked like golden light could actually melt themselves and merge with the spacecraft.

The whole spacecraft was like covered with a layer of golden coat.

"Fusion Battleship: The Golden Star Clan can fuse itself with the spaceship, and the fused spaceship will have the special abilities of the Golden Star Clan!"


Ye Mo discovered that the Qingqiu Fox that was accidentally attacked by the golden battleship shells would have its body turned into gold!

A Qingqiu Fox was hit in the arm by the golden battleship, and the entire arm turned into gold, unable to move freely! After fighting for so long, this is the first time that the Qingqiu Fox has been injured!

What's going on?

Seeing that the Qingqiu Foxes were attacked by the golden battleships and the attacked body parts turned into gold,

Ye Mo was also confused.

Fortunately, the display panel of the Lord's World had a new prompt at this time.

"Super Power: Gold Corrosion!"

"Gold Corrosion: Weapons fused by the Gold Star Clan will corrode any part of the opponent they attack and turn it into gold!"

"Assimilation effect ignores defense!"

The Golden Star Clan is very strong!

No matter what, they broke the Qingqiu Fox's defense!

This is amazing!

The alien star clan also has this weird ability, underestimate them!

Superpower, gold corrosion?!

This ability is awesome!

No wonder it is called a superpower!

Could it be that the high-level alien civilization star clan, 157

157, all have superpowers?

Ye Mo sighed sincerely, ignoring defense, the enemy hit will be turned into gold...

What's the difference between this and the real injury effect?

If it were placed in the real world, the ability of the Golden Star Clan would definitely be everyone's dream.

With this ability, would you still worry about lack of money?

Become the world's richest man in minutes...

Let's get back to the point.

The sudden attack of the Golden Star Clan caught the Qingqiu Fox Clan off guard.

The Qingqiu Foxes did not expect that the Golden Star Clan would have such a weird ability to ignore defense and injure them!

The space battleship that has merged with the Golden Star Clan is different from the previous space battleship. , both the speed and defense have been improved by more than one level.

Knowing the powerful close combat capability of the Qingqiu Fox, the Golden Star Clan built an airtight fire defense network with an absolute numerical advantage, trapping the Qingqiu Foxes, leaving them with no way to escape from the fire defense network!

If it were an ordinary fire defense network, the Qingqiu Foxes would not be afraid at all, as they have a high-level steel body, and being hit would be no different from being tickled!

However, this fire defense network, with the special ability of the Golden Star Clan, has the effect of gold corrosion.

As long as it is touched, it will turn into gold, and the Qingqiu Foxes will have no way out.

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