Godzilla then made many abnormal moves that Ye Mo couldn't understand.

He banged his head against the mountain, or just hummed. His eyes were full of murderous intent when he looked at Ye Mo.

But when Ye Mo waved,

Godzilla came running over like a puppy!

He even wagged his tail happily!

He rubbed against Ye Mo to please him.……

"Master, the spaceship is ready. When do we leave?--?"

Ling Yun ran over and asked.

Ye Mo pointed at Godzilla.

"No need. I already have SpaceGodzilla, why do I need a spaceship?"

"Riding it out is not as cool as riding a spaceship!"

Riding Godzilla out to fight is probably the first among all the lords.


What do you mean?

It's fine if you treat me like a puppy, but you're also planning to ride me!

This is too much!

"What, you don’t want to?"

Ye Mo asked this without any intention of forcing him.

He is a good boss and very considerate of his employees.

If Godzilla expressed his unwillingness to be a mount,

Ye Mo would not force it.

But Godzilla quickly howled twice, indicating that everything was decided by the master.

After expressing his position,

Godzilla ran to ram the mountain again, and the hills rammed with his head made a banging sound.

I wanted to express my unwillingness, why did I say yes when it came to my lips?

Being a puppy and a mount, this life is unbearable!

My mentality collapsed!

After all, it was a Godzilla who took on everything!

Lingyun pointed at Godzilla,"It's like this……"

Ye Mo shook his head,"I don't know either!"

"Maybe Godzilla has a habit of crashing into mountains! Just like a puppy likes to chew on a chew stick"

"It's not a big problem. I'll prepare a few more mountains for him to crash into when I get a chance, so he won't get bored."


Thank you so much!

The rest of the things were easy to solve.

Ye Mo acted quickly and put all the unused cosmic weapons in stock on the trading platform for sale.

He called it a benefit for everyone, but in fact, he was just trying to make some money.

These cosmic weapons were priceless in the eyes of other lords, but in Ye Mo's case, they were just useless things at the bottom of the box...

The price was fair, and he was honest and fair, ensuring that every lord had the opportunity to be made money by Ye Mo.

"What! A universe C+ grade equipment only costs 998 universe lord crystals?"

"If you buy five or more items in a package, you will get a 20% discount? If you buy ten or more items, you will get an even bigger discount?!"

"He is worthy of being the chief god of our District 88. It is difficult for us lords to obtain equipment above the universe C level, but it is terrifying that God Mo can take out hundreds of thousands of universe C level equipment in one breath!"

"Universe D-level equipment for only ten cosmic energy crystals? This is even cheaper than cabbage! Other lords would charge more than fifty! And there is also universe B-level equipment! Oh my god, I have never seen this before!"

"It has to be said that once again, God Mo has lowered the prices of the entire 88th District by himself.……"


The lords in Zone 88 are both in pain and happy!

The pain is that they are going to bleed heavily again this time.

The cosmic energy crystals that they have worked so hard to save are expected to be used up again this time.

The happiness is that with Ye Mo's help, they can buy more advanced cosmic equipment in advance, which means that they will develop faster, and can capture the crashed spaceship faster, making themselves stronger.

The lords have a love-hate attitude towards Ye Mo.

On the one hand, they curse Ye Mo for being a scalp, and on the other hand, they tearfully fight for the goods that Ye Mo has posted.

Even if Ye Mo has posted a lot of cosmic weapons, they still have to grab them!

Especially the high-level cosmic equipment, the quicker the hand, the more it will be!

Many lords complained that it was obviously a battle for hegemony among the lords of the world, but under Ye Mo's leadership, it felt like a certain cat's Double Eleven flash sale event...

Many lords had their wallets emptied by Ye Mo, and wanted to buy their hands

""I'm rich!"

Ye Mo didn't care whether other people really wanted to buy their hands or not.

He was rich!

After emptying the wallets of the 88 district lords, the number of cosmic energy crystals Ye Mo had directly reached 200 million!

200 million cosmic energy crystals!

This is already a very scary number.

You have to know that in the entire 88 district, one million lords worked hard for a day, and the total harvest was only this much.……

"Thank you for your support, my friends!"

Ye Mo thanked sincerely.

It is because of the hard work of all the lords that I,

Ye Mo, am where I am today.

It is time to prepare for the next war with the space pirates.

The wealthy Ye Mo used the Lord Summoning Tower again and used 150 million cosmic energy crystals to summon 30 million Qingqiu foxes!

The total number of Qingqiu foxes directly reached 30.08 million!

The number increased by nearly four hundred times in one go!

With the alien colony of the Natural Elf Planet, there is no need to worry about food resources, and there are space portals that can travel between various planets at will.

Ye Mo has no worries about supplies, and the cosmic energy crystals are sufficient, so he can naturally summon a large number of Qingqiu foxes in one go!

On the third day of the Universe Lord World, the number of Ye Mo's universe citizens reached 30 million!

The small goal of 10 million troops has been achieved!

It's not that Ye Mo doesn't want to summon more Qingqiu foxes, but there is no way!

"Ding! You can't find more Qingqiu Foxes! All the Qingqiu Foxes in the universe have been summoned by the Lord!"

"Please summon other kinds of cosmic citizens!"

Ye Mo,"……"

Ye Mo had actually anticipated from the beginning that the number of cosmic citizens had an upper limit.

After all, cosmic citizens were not generated out of thin air in the Lord's World, but were summoned from all corners of the universe.

This meant that there was an upper limit to the total number of cosmic citizens, and that was the upper limit of the number Ye Mo could summon.

Thirty million was still too few.

·· ·······Request flowers· ········

Ye Mo’s actual psychological expectation is that it should be at least one or two billion!

·· ·······Request flowers· ········

What made Ye Mo speechless was that the number of Qingqiu Fox Clan was small, and the total number of Godzilla Clan was even smaller. It took 10,000 cosmic energy crystals to summon a Godzilla!

This was based on Ye Mo's half-price summoning, which was two thousand times the cost of Qingqiu Fox! Ye Mo admitted that the summoning fee was expensive.

Godzilla was worth this money, but what did it mean that all the summoned were Godzilla eggs? Yes, all the Godzillas summoned by Ye Mo were unhatched, in the form of giant eggs...

Ten million cosmic energy crystals were invested, and a thousand Godzilla eggs appeared in the Lord Summoning Tower...

Ye Mo hurriedly called Brother Zong, who was crashing into the mountain, and asked what was going on.

After Brother Zong's gestures with his hands and mouth, Ye Mo finally understood what was going on.

To put it bluntly, the Godzilla Clan had offended several super powerful cosmic forces.



Being hunted by cosmic forces, except for the Godzilla that Ye Mo summoned for the first time, all other adult Godzillas are dead.

Only the Godzilla eggs hidden in the secret cave are left.

So sad...

Ye Mo asked which cosmic forces the Godzilla clan had offended.

Brother always gestured to change the sky, but he couldn't make any sense.

Ye Mo didn't bother about it anymore and would talk about it when he met them again.

"Come on! Brother, these eggs are handed over to you. In addition to fighting, you are responsible for hatching these eggs!"

Brother wanted to cry but had no tears.

I am a man, and you want me to hatch eggs?!

"Lingyin, Lingying, take the new tribesmen out to level up!"

Ye Mo gave orders to the Qingqiu foxes.

The number of Qingqiu foxes summoned this time was huge.

Even with the blessing of double god-level bloodlines, the initial attribute was only 10,000 points.

In the battle with the higher-level universe star tribe, it was not enough to be called combat power.

Rapid upgrade became a key!

Ye Mo set his sights on the Zerg in outer space.

These bugs were numerous and widely distributed, which was just the right material for upgrading!

With 300 times the experience,

I believe the Qingqiu foxes will upgrade very quickly!

"Hurry up!"

Space pirates may attack at any time, so we need to make the newly summoned Qingqiu Fox have a certain combat power before the space pirates come!

Ye Mo plans to wait until the level of the newly summoned Qingqiu Foxes is slightly higher before using the level upgrade card.

At the same time, Ye Mo also increased the exploration of outer space.

Once he finds some alien civilization relics, it will be good to quickly improve the combat power.

There is an advanced civilization life lock system that can mark the three surrounding planets where advanced civilizations have appeared.

The search speed is still very fast!

"Master, I have found something!"

Lingyun, who was searching in outer space, sent a message.

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