Of all the abilities,

Ye Mo's favorite is the"Super Hypnosis" ability.

"Super hypnosis: A powerful hypnosis method that can make the opponent fall asleep quickly! Any opponent, no matter how strong his mental power is! The first use of super hypnosis will make the opponent lose consciousness for at least two seconds!"

For opponents who are affected by super hypnosis for the first time, regardless of the opponent's strength and resistance, it can affect the opponent for two seconds, making the opponent lose consciousness in two seconds!

Two seconds is enough to do a lot of things! This is definitely an unexpected killer on the battlefield! Ye Mo called Brother Boss over and used this"super hypnosis" ability on Brother Boss. Brother Boss obviously lost consciousness for two seconds! Hard control means, very useful! Unexpectedly, one day, I, Ye, can also take the route of magic attack! Ye Mo patted Crusoe's big head with satisfaction,

"You did a good job!"

"Nine"Nine Five Three" Five Three"

Nightmare Incarnation Degar,"???"

What did I do?

Ye Mo had a feeling that this Crusu star clan might be the killer of the future!

Although the number of Crusu star clan is small, each Crusu has different abilities!

After accumulating a certain number of Crusu,

Ye Mo is equivalent to having a skill library!

At that time, various means will emerge in an endless stream, making it difficult to defend!

Ye Mo has always believed that taking the route of becoming a god in the flesh is the best way to conquer the universe.

After all, Ye Mo's two great god-level bloodlines are here, and they are all first-class players in increasing physical combat power.

But in fact, if you want to conquer the universe, there are many other options, such as... the mind control route!

Just like the Crusu star clan, the mind control power they have is from this system!

Being able to conquer the opponent without force is also a means of defeating the opponent, but this ability is too rare, and few cosmic star clans can possess it!

Ye Mo is very lucky, and he has found one!

In addition, Ye Mo has the Tongyuan Divine Stone, which is equivalent to Ye Mo having the power of Crusu!

Ye Mo also took other lords and tried the other powers of Nightmare Incarnation Degal, subconscious suggestion!

As long as the words written or spoken by Ye Mo were attached with the power of Crusoe, they would have a strong suggestion effect on others.

Ye Mo anonymously sent a message in the chat group,

"The equipment sold by Ye Mo on the trading platform is so cheap! It would be a shame not to grab such cheap equipment!"

Afterwards, Ye Mo posted a batch of equipment on the trading platform, the price was five times higher than before!

Some even far exceeded the market average price, but they were still snapped up!

The speed of killing in seconds is even faster than before!


The effect is quite good!

Just one sentence increased the profit five times!

Ye Mo coughed twice,

I just said one sentence in the group, it can't be considered an unjust enrichment!

Ye Mo saw many people in the chat group said,

"It’s really weird, I don’t need equipment, but for no apparent reason I went to Ye Mo’s trading platform and bought a lot of it!"

"It is obvious that the equipment sold by Ye Mo Shen this time is higher than the market price, but I just can’t help but go to Ye Mo’s trading platform to buy it!"

"I have spent all my savings, and I still want to go to Ye Mo to buy equipment! I must be possessed by Ye Mo!"


Many people said that they wanted to buy equipment from Ye Mo because they wanted to buy him equipment!

Killing people without being seen, this is the power of mind control!

There is also the ability of nightmare invasion, which is even more interesting.

As long as you have had contact with the other party, whether physically or in conversation, you can invade the other party's dream when the other party is sleeping!

Ye Mo closed his eyes and used"nightmare invasion". Soon, bubbles appeared in the ocean of consciousness. These were all people who had contact with Ye Mo and were sleeping at this time, mostly lords.

"Whose dream should I invade?"

Seeing such an interesting ability for the first time,

Ye Mo couldn't help but want to try it.


Ye Mo saw a familiar figure.

"It's actually him!"

A bubble showing the one-eyed star clan appeared in Ye Mo's ocean of consciousness.

It was the one-eyed star king Heiyuan who had previously argued with Ye Mo!


I just had a communication with Heiyuan once, but it was locked by the 'Nightmare Invasion'!

Ye Mo was impressed by the power of Crusoe!

"No need to choose, it's him!"

Ye Mo entered Heiyuan's dream directly.

The ability of Nightmare Invasion not only allows you to invade the opponent's dream and do something to the opponent in the dream, but also allows you to see what the invaded person has done during this period of time.

Ye Mo was not proficient in the ability of 'Nightmare Invasion'.

He searched for Heiyuan in the dream for a long time but couldn't find the shadow of Heiyuan.

However, he got another very useful clue!

It was the distribution map of the colonies of space pirates in the universe, which became fragments of memory and floated in Heiyuan's dream!

Ye Mo touched the fragments and directly got the coordinates of the space pirates' alien colonies!

Including The location of the space pirate base!

You know, Ye Mo has wanted this thing for a long time.

Every alien force keeps the information of the colony and the base extremely confidential!

The same goes for space pirates!

During this period, Ye Mo sent spaceships to explore in many ways, but he couldn't find the whereabouts of the space pirates.

Unexpectedly, this"nightmare invasion" would have unexpected gains!

What a surprise!

It feels like peeping into someone's privacy!

If I want to get information about my opponent in the future, it will be easy!

Ye Mo still wanted to get more information about the space pirates, and suddenly the voice of Heiyuan came from the whole dream.




Ye Mo was forced out of the dream!

It was probably that Hei Yuan was awakened! The Evil Eye Star Clan was not simple enough to realize that someone had invaded the dream! On the other side, the Space Pirate King Hei Yuan woke up from the throne, his eyes full of doubts.



"I dreamed about that guy! He seemed to be checking my memory……"

"Is that person my obsession, or……"

Hei Yuan suddenly thought of an incredible idea.

There was no way that Ye Mo had invaded his dream. But as soon as this idea came out, Hei

Yuan denied it. Not to mention that Ye Mo was just a humanoid star race, invading other people's dreams required a terrible ability like"nightmare invasion". In Hei Yuan's cognition, only the legendary Crusoe star race, who were very good at psychic powers, had this ability. However, the Crusoe star race had died thousands of years ago, and no one would have such a supernatural power.

"I think I'm overthinking"

"How could anyone possibly invade the dream of my Evil Eye Star King! Is there anyone who has that ability?"

Hei Yuan smiled firmly and confidently.

By the way, what was that kid's name?

It seemed to be Ye Mo.

If it weren't for what happened today,

Hei Yuan almost forgot about this guy. He was just a small character.

It was easy to kill him.

When I have time in two days,

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