Half an hour later,

Ye Mo's fleet appeared outside a planet.

What surprised Ye Mo was that the spaceship with the"light speed engine" did not disappoint him.

The unknown planet Ye Mo arrived at was three galaxies away from the galaxy where the natural elf planet was located. If it had not been equipped with the"light speed engine", it would have taken three days to get there. With the"light speed engine", it only took three minutes! This is exaggerated! In this way, the original plan to take a month to capture more than a dozen resources around may now only take one day!

"Is it well hidden?"

Ye Mo said, looking at the planet in front of him.

From the space, it was just an ordinary asteroid.

In fact, this was a resource planet found by space pirates!

Ye Mo also learned from the memory of the evil eye star king Heiyuan that this resource planet was so safe and had been controlled by space pirates for more than ten years.

Not only was there a starworm cloud outside as a cover, but there was also the space pirates' unique planetary shield technology!

The space pirates used a huge energy device to create a huge planetary shield that covered the periphery of the entire planet.

This shield has a strong protective effect, and the artillery of the spacecraft cannot blow it open, which has an excellent protective effect!

If there are other alien civilizations invading, the planetary shield can delay time and wait for the reinforcements of the space pirates to arrive!

"Unfortunately, this planetary shield works well for other people, but not for me, Ye Mo!"

Ye Mo stood on Brother Boss's head and dodged his feet.

"Come on, Brother, raise your troops for a thousand days and use them for a moment!"

"The atomic breath broke the planetary shield!

" Brother General was still unhappy because of the two 'light speed engines' installed by Ye Mo!

Hearing Ye Mo's order, he was even more unhappy!

He was slandering in his heart, saying,"I will do whatever you say? Do you think I am a casual Godzilla? If I listen to your orders, I will take your last name...

" The next second, Brother General opened his huge mouth, and the blue atomic energy light gathered in his mouth.

With a sudden puff, a blue beam of light spit out from his huge mouth and sprayed directly onto the surface of the planet.

At the same time, a grid-shaped transparent energy shield appeared on the surface of the planet.

The planetary shield has a strong protective effect, but it cannot stop Godzilla's atomic breath.

The huge atomic energy directly punched a hole in the planetary shield, and the planetary shield was broken!

Ye Mo patted Brother General's big head with satisfaction,

"Well done! You broke through the planetary shield that could withstand tens of thousands of spacecraft in one go. You didn't disappoint me.¨` ¨` !"


From today on, I will not be called Godzilla, please call me Yesila...

The protective shield was broken,

Ye Mo rode Godzilla, led the Qingqiu Fox Army, and marched straight in.

The first thing to do when arriving on the ground is to set up a space portal!

Ye Mo did not bring many people, only one spaceship, one thousand Qingqiu Foxes, and one Godzilla.

With the space portal, it is convenient for more Qingqiu Foxes to reach this planet through the portal.

Seeing a three-hundred-meter-long monster falling from the sky, the space pirates present were all confused.

They detected an invasion, but it showed that the other party only had one spaceship!

What does it mean that a spaceship broke through the planetary shield in an instant?

This planetary shield is the highest technology of space pirates. It once resisted tens of thousands of spaceships for three days and three nights without being broken!

You tell me, in front of the person in front of you, it's like paper, it's gone?!

"This is the territory of space pirates,……"

The space pirates reacted and shouted threats at Ye Mo.

Ye Mo was too lazy to listen to him.

This place was just a mineral planet.

The space pirates' defense was not strong.

With his farsighted eyes, he saw that there were no more than 100,000 low-level space pirates and enslaved alien laborers.

"Space Pirates: Elephants"

"Grade: Fifth Grade"

"Comprehensive combat power: 20,000 to 50,000"

"Introduction: The bottom-level fighting star clan of space pirates takes pleasure in bullying the weaker space races!"


The space pirates stationed in this place are called the Elephant Trunk Clan, a humanoid race with elephant trunks, and they look a bit like the Fat Head Clan.

These two together are the reincarnation of the two generals

Heng and Ha...

These low-level space pirates are not worth Ye Mo's trouble.

Ye Mo patted the big head of Brother Pa, and

Godzilla instantly understood.

This kid treats me as a free tool again!

He opened his big mouth and the atomic breath sprayed out again, drawing an S shape on the ground, and then a B shape on the ground.

The space pirates were wiped out...

Godzilla shut up and hummed twice.

Did you see it!

This is his provocation to Ye Mo!

If this kid dares to enslave me again, don't blame me for scolding you!

This Godzilla is also very backboned, okay!

Ye Mo obviously didn't notice Godzilla's hint.

The diamond mine here attracted Ye Mo's attention.

When he arrived at the center of the diamond mine,

Ye Mo received a prompt from the Lord's World.

"Congratulations to Lord Ye Mo for conquering the ore planet and harvesting high-energy rare ore 'Explosive Stone’!"

"¨「 ¨「 Explosive Stone: A mineral with extremely high energy. Injecting it into a shell can greatly increase the power of the shell! It is a rare high-energy explosive material in the universe!"

What surprised Ye Mo was not the effect of the explosive stone on improving the performance of explosives, but the fact that after getting the explosive stone,

Ye Mo felt a sense of comfort in his body!

Needless to say, this explosive stone is also one of the high-energy cosmic minerals that can enhance the power of Golden Superman!

What happened next also confirmed Ye Mo's idea.

After a while,

Ye Mo received a reminder from the Lord's World.

"Ding! Congratulations to the Lord for absorbing the radiation of the 'Explosion Stone' and activating the Golden Superman bloodline!"

"Your Iron Man has been fused with the radiation energy of the 'Explosion Stone' and has mutated!"

"Upgrade to 'Exploding Steel Body'’!"

"Exploding Steel Body: Your body is extremely hard and full of"explosive" abilities. When you attack your opponent at close range, it will produce a powerful explosion effect!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for increasing his overall strength to 7 million!"

After absorbing the radiation effect of the Explosion Stone, his overall strength increased by 1 million, and his Iron Man also gained a skill that increased his damage!

Not bad!

(Ye Mo asked the natural elves to come through the portal and use their plant mining ability to mine.

The cracking stones they dug out were provided to the Qingqiu foxes! After the Qingqiu foxes absorbed the cracking stones, their strength would soon be greatly improved!

The natural elves received the order and were happy to serve Ye Mo.

For them, mining at least reflected their role.

They couldn't just eat for free.

On the other side,

Godzilla was banging against the mountain in distress.

He just couldn't figure out why he became like this?

From a brave and fearless Godzilla, he turned into an obedient puppy!

Who can stand this change?

How to relieve worries? The only way is to bang against the mountain!

But the next second,

Godzilla, who accidentally absorbed the power of the"cracking stone", triggered the explosion effect.

With a bang, the mountain that Brother Zong hit with his head exploded and exploded into ashes, just like the group of space pirates...

Brother Zong had a lot of question marks on his head and was confused.

What's going on? Kill?

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