That's right, the Rabbit Ear Star Clan is a cosmic citizen belonging to other lords.

It is clearly marked on the attribute panel.

"The Rabbit Ear Star Clan of the Universe, originally belonged to Yamashita Shinji of the Sakura Country, and now belongs to Ye Mo, the Lord of the Dragon Country!"

Ye Mo,"……"

This was the first time Ye Mo encountered this situation.

In other words, the fight between lords was not only a fight over territory, but also a fight over the universe's people.

You know, the universe's people all exist in this universe.

For some reason, they agreed to the requirements of the lord's world and became the reserve of the people.

If the other party's universe's people are found in this universe, and these universe's people surrendered to another lord, it makes sense! Anyway, they are all the lord's people, so who can't they follow?

What's more, in the eyes of the Rabbit Ear Star Clan,

Ye Mo is handsome and powerful, and is simply the best choice for them"Five Three Three Three"!

Especially since Ye Mo showed his lord talent and blessed the Rabbit Ear Star Clan with double god-level blood, the Rabbit Ear Star Clan even regarded Ye Mo as a god!

No more hesitation,

I will be with Lord Ye Mo for the rest of my life!

The kind that can't be thrown away!

"Ding! The Rabbit-Eared Star Tribe's loyalty to you has increased to 110!"

"Space Citizens: Rabbit-Eared Star Tribe"

"Star rating: Two stars"

"Level: 1"

"Loyalty: 110"

"Strength: 15000"

"Speed: 20000"

"Defense: 10000"

"Health: 20000"

"Comprehensive strength: 18000!"

"Bloodline: Rabbit-eared Star bloodline, ancient Saiyan bloodline, Golden Superman bloodline"

"Abilities: 1. Rabbit Jump. (Rabbit-eared Star Tribe has super jumping ability and extremely high explosive power!) 2. Near-death recovery. 3. Iron body. 4. Super energy ray becomes stronger"


Ye Mo nodded with satisfaction.

He discovered one thing.

The lower the star rating of the universe, the faster the loyalty of the universe.

On the contrary, the universe with a high star rating may be too individual, and the loyalty is always a problem!

For example, Brother...

Ye Mo robbed the universe of other lords, and he didn't feel guilty or embarrassed.

In this lord world, the lords are in a competitive relationship!

After the novice protection period, there will be wars between the lords!

Ye Mo believes that if he is not strong, he will definitely be wiped out by other lords!

Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to yourself!

Is there a problem with robbing other people's universe ? No problem at all!

The resources in the universe belong to those who are virtuous!

Whoever is strong belongs to him!

If the other party has a way to snatch the Rabbit Ear Star Clan back, Ye Mo will not morally condemn the other party, but only blame himself for being too weak!

What's more, Ye Mo looked at the name of the previous lord and found that he was a Japanese, so there is no need to worry too much!

Just rob him!

On a certain lord planet in Area 43, Yamashita Shinji stood next to the lord summoning tower, listening to the prompts from the lord world with a confused look on his face.

"Ding! Lord of Sakura Country, Shinji Yamashita!"

"The planet where the Rabbit Ear Star Clan resides was occupied by Dragon Country Lord Ye Mo during the space exploration process! All members of your cosmic Rabbit Ear Star Clan have been assigned to Dragon Country Lord Ye Mo!"

"This kind of citizen can no longer be summoned through the Lord Summoning Tower!"

"Lord, please find the summoning stone quickly before you can summon other kinds of space citizens!"

Yamashita Shinji read the prompts over a dozen times before he realized it.

My space citizens were intercepted?! They directly joined other lords?!

There is such a thing!

Yamashita Shinji's heart was like ten thousand tide mud horses rolling through.

You know, space citizens are the lifeblood of each lord.

If they can't be summoned, it means that they can't replenish their troops!

This is fatal!

Besides, according to the Lord's World, the reason why his space citizens were intercepted was that the Dragon Country Lord named Ye Mo found the planet of the Rabbit Ear Star Clan during space exploration and occupied it!

Space exploration?!

You know, this is only the fifth day of the Lord's World, and someone has entered the space exploration stage? How is it possible!

None of the one million lords in District 44 can enter space, and they are still fighting wits and courage with the space monsters on the Lord's Planet!

"Are you kidding me? God wants my Sakura Country to be destroyed!"

Yamashita Shinji was completely shattered. He didn't expect that he would be eliminated by the Lord's World in this way.……



A tall girl from the Rabbit Ears tribe with a beauty score of 150 came over. She had a full temperament and a queen-like demeanor, with a pair of pink rabbit ears gently standing upright on her forehead.

After seeing Ye Mo's ability, the Rabbit Ears tribe also called Ye Mo"Master" instead of"Lord" like the Qingqiu Fox tribe.

According to the self-introduction of this queen from the Rabbit Ears tribe, her name was Rita, and she was not the princess of the Rabbit Ears tribe... but the queen of the Rabbit Ears tribe! She came here to thank Ye Mo for saving the Rabbit Ears tribe from the dire straits..........

"No need to thank me, we are all family from now on! Since the Rabbit Ears are my cosmic subjects, I will protect them!"

Ye Mo expressed his attitude, reassuring the Rabbit Ears..........

But I didn't expect that Sister Rabbit Rita had no intention of leaving

"Do you have anything else to say?" Ye Mo asked.

Rita's eyes lit up, waiting for Ye Mo to ask this question.


"This queen... no, I have another unreasonable request, I hope the master can agree to it!"

"I want to serve my master and repay his kindness with personal actions!"

"Master, don't think too much, I don't have any other intentions!"

After saying this,

Rita glanced at the Lingyun sisters and Lilith who were accompanying Ye Mo, and confidently straightened her towering���The mature and charming temperament is revealed.

Compared with a few green apples, how can this queen be inferior?

Ye Mo,"……"

If you say so, it would be strange if I didn't think about it more.

"Are you sure you have no other purpose?"Lingyun, who had a keen sixth sense, asked. She felt that her position would be threatened.

The royal rabbit Rita nodded. What bad intentions could the little rabbit have? Lingyun's little face was puffed up, and she pointed at Rita and said,

"Master, she lied! She must have ulterior motives!"

Lilith also said,"That's right!"

Ye Mo was not in a hurry and directly told Rita's intention.

"Don’t worry about it, you just saw my development prospects in 2.1!"

"I want to gain more benefits for me 2.1 and make the Rabbit Ear Clan develop better!"

"Hiding things makes people feel bad."

The purpose was revealed by Ye Mo, and Rita, the Royal Sister Rabbit, blushed.

The master was so smart, but he still saw through it.……

""Okay, stay!" Ye Mo rejected Lingyun and Lilith's objections, let Rita stay, and gave her a Tongyuan Divine Stone for her to fuse.

The people who have fused the Tongyuan Divine Stone are all Ye Mo's key protection targets, so

Ye Mo naturally needs to keep her by his side and protect her well.

"Thank you, Master!" Rita was overjoyed.

She didn't expect the Master to agree.

However, the three Lingyun sisters and Lilith had murderous intent in their eyes, and they were clearly united against the enemy.

Looking at the girls standing together,

Ye Mo suddenly felt a little worried.

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