"Thanks, Brother!"

"I'll find you next time I practice!"

Ye Mo patted Brother Boss's head.

This fight was quite enjoyable.

Brother Boss,"????"

Are you serious?!


Ye Mo asked Lingyun to lead a thousand Qingqiu foxes to attack him.

In the Super Saiyan state,

Ye Mo easily dodged the attacks of the Qingqiu foxes.

Their attacks, in Ye Mo's eyes at this time, seemed to be in slow motion.

After Ye Mo dodged, he lightly flicked his forehead and knocked the little foxes unconscious.

The whole battle was over in less than ten minutes!

The Super Saiyan state directly widened the combat power of Ye Mo and the Qingqiu foxes!

The two are not at the same level at all!

This is the power that a lord should have!

After seeing how powerful Ye Mo was, the Qingqiu foxes cheered.

The Lingyun sisters, Lilith, and the Royal Sister Rabbit Rita had sparkling eyes. He was worthy of being the master they followed, and he was incomparably powerful!

Lingyun flew up happily, hugged Ye Mo's neck and circled around,

"Master, you are so strong!"

""Huh? What do you mean?" Ye Mo asked.

Ling Yun blushed slightly, stuck out her tongue, and blinked playfully.

"Strong in every aspect!"

Ye Mo hehe, little girl is good, you have learned to drive in front of me, right?

Ye Mo looked up at Lilith, Rita and other girls who were full of expectation.

This is not a good habit.

I have to go back and educate them, otherwise it will be bad for others...

Some are happy and some are sad.

Ye Mo won the black hole secret treasure and celebrated the new power, so there is bound to be an unhappy party.

Many times, happiness is built on the pain of others.

"My super power 'Evil Eye' is gone!"

In the hall of the space pirates, the king of the space pirates, Heiyuan, wailed in pain!

The super power Evil Eye is his most proud ability.

It can lock the opponent from a distance, extract the soul, and strengthen himself!

The most important thing is to be able to extract the opponent's power and strengthen his own ability!

This is a super power that combines hard control, attack, defense, and strength! It is also with this super power that

Heiyuan has stepped up to the position of the king of space pirates.

He has gained countless super powers!

But now... it's gone!

"That kid really dared to take the black hole secret treasure! He is so bold!"

Hei Yuan crushed the diamond cup in his hand to vent his dissatisfaction.

"Pass my order! All five imperial space pirates gather! Follow me to fight! Take back the black hole treasure!"

The black hole treasure cannot be lost!

The loss to the evil eye star clan is too great!

Half an hour later, five aliens wearing high-tech armor appeared in the palace of the space pirate king.

The huge, ape-like Behemoth Star King Housai, the Naga

Star King Janna with a human body and a snake tail, the

Titanium Star King Norda whose whole body is made of titanium, the bloodthirsty Star King Brad with a pair of wings behind him, like a vampire, and the muscular, five-meter-tall Hercules Star King Lihuang.

These five star clans represent the most powerful royal combat power of the space pirates, surpassing all ordinary space pirates, and are very skilled. British space pirates, above the king-level space pirates!

And the five people in the temple are the leaders of the five emperor-level star clans.

Heiyuan summoned them and arranged the dispatch of troops!

This time Heiyuan made up his mind, and the main combat force of the space pirates came out in full force! As long as Ye Mo is alive, he will be unable to sleep and eat!

In just one day,

Ye Mo can cause him such a big trouble.

If this kid grows up, he will definitely break the sky!

This hidden danger must be eliminated as soon as possible!

But Heiyuan did not expect that after he made the arrangement, someone on the scene raised objections.

"Lord Heiyuan, this is not a good thing to do!"

"Our Space Pirate King-level combat power is out in full force! What if an external hostile force takes advantage of the situation and sneaks in? Who will be responsible for the consequences?"

The speaker is the King of Hercules Star, Li Huang

"Oh?"Heiyuan sighed and looked at Lihuang. Lihuang also raised his head and did not retreat from Heiyuan's gaze!

He called him by his name and raised objections!

Space pirates have always been Heiyuan's one-man show, and this kind of thing has never happened before!

This is a rebellion!

"Do you have any objections?" Hei Yuan snorted coldly.

"I do have an opinion!"Li Huang took a step forward.

"It can be said that not only me, but other star clans in the alliance also have opinions!"

"The Space Pirates are an alliance group with countless star tribes, but you treat them as private property! You take back any benefits for yourself and the Evil Eye Star Tribe to enjoy!"

"We, the subordinates, can’t even drink soup!"

"Don’t call the space pirates the Pirate Alliance, just call them the Evil Eye Star Clan’s Lackey Alliance!"

"Heiyuan, if you do this, the Space Pirates will disintegrate!"

"The current space pirates are in urgent need of a new leader with strength and vision! And you, Heiyuan, are no longer suitable for this position!"

After saying this, the King of the Hercules Star Clan chuckled and added,

"I also heard that the reason for this combined attack was not to recapture the invaded alien colonies! It was to grab the black hole secret treasure!"

"The black hole secret treasure owned by your evil eye star clan is gone... In other words, your Heiyuan's super power 'evil eye life-seeking' is gone! Can Heiyuan without the evil eye life-seeking ability still be called Heiyuan?"

Heiyuan didn't speak, and looked at Li Wang coldly.

The other four star kings didn't speak, or expressed anything else, indicating that they also knew about this.

Take advantage of your illness to kill you!

Obviously, the Li Wang of the Lishen star clan had this plan.

As the second most powerful star clan in the pirate alliance, second only to the evil eye star clan, the Lishen star clan has coveted the position of pirate king for a long time!

Today, the opportunity finally came!

When Heiyuan is weak, plot to take over!

The Li Wang of the Lishen star clan snapped his fingers, and hundreds of Lishen star clan members jumped in.

These invading Lishen star clan members are all top-notch strongmen of the Lishen star clan, and each of them is worth a hundred!

"Do you want to abdicate on your own, or do you want me to ask you to abdicate?"

The King of the Power God Clan said the word"please" very seriously, which seemed to imply that you should not be ungrateful.

With him and hundreds of elites from the Power God Clan, in the eyes of the King of Power, today's abdication operation will surely succeed!

Soon, this space pirate alliance will belong to his Power God Clan!


Hei Yuan raised his head and laughed wildly, his laughter was arrogant and arrogant.


Li Huang,"????"

"why are you laughing?"

"What are you laughing at? Laugh at your stupidity!" As soon as the voice fell, Heiyuan moved and hooked his finger at the Lishen clan. Before the Lihuang clan standing in the front row understood what was going on, their shadows suddenly moved and transformed into the appearance of the God of Death.

With a knife from behind, they chopped off the heads of the Lihuang clan in the front row!

Super power 'Death Harvest’!

·· ·······Request flowers·· ··

·· ·······Request flowers·· ··

This is not over yet.

Heiyuan attacked the Hercules through the air.

Dozens of Hercules felt as if their hearts were being grasped.

Heiyuan closed his palms, and more than a hundred Hercules' hearts exploded and died!

Super Power 'Death Grip'’!

"You guys, twist your heads off!" With just one simple sentence from Heiyuan, more than a hundred Hercules Star Clan members, as if possessed by evil spirits, put their hands on their heads and twisted them hard, twisting their heads off!

Super power' evil language’!

"Look into my eyes, are you tired of living?"

While speaking, the evil eye that occupied a quarter of Heiyuan's head emitted a dark red blood light.

All the Lishen people who saw this blood light were like being pulled into a bloody world, and the evil eye became the"sun" above their heads, constantly shining on them.

The strange red evil energy had the power to melt everything.

The Lishen people who were pulled into the evil eye space gradually melted like candles! The super power"Evil Eye Steaming"! Only Li Huang was left dumbfounded on the spot. What was going on?



In an instant, the elite of the Lihuang Star Clan were all wiped out?!

Heiyuan walked over, held Lihuang's head with one hand, and easily lifted him up. Lihuang yelled loudly.

Although he was good at strength, he couldn't break free from Heiyuan's one-handed control!

Super Power' Demonic Possession’!

"You think I only have one super power?"


"You can't imagine my strength! Do you think I've been a vegetarian for thousands of years as the King of Space Pirates?"

"Do you know why I only use one hand to deal with you? Because you don't even have the qualifications to let me use both hands!"

The evil eye's life-seeking power disappeared, but the many super powers that Hei Yuan had obtained through the evil eye's life-seeking power did not disappear!

Hei Yuan squeezed the power emperor's head hard and crushed it, and the power emperor died!

"From now on, there is no Lihuang Star Clan in the entire universe!"

Heiyuan's evil eyes flashed, and he urged the evil words.

Every Lihuang Star Clan in every direction in the deep universe seemed to have the evil god's low hum in their ears, and soon they were silent and died silently!

Quasi-god-level ability"Evil God Sacrifice"!

Evil God Sacrifice (quasi-god level): Kill the king of a certain star clan and sacrifice him to the evil god! Can use evil energy to sacrifice the lives of all the people of this star clan to the evil god!

At the same time, get the blessing and energy feedback of the evil god!

Limited number of uses: three times!

Remaining number of uses: once!

After sacrificing the Lishen Star Clan, the Abyss obtained the feedback of the evil god, and its own strength increased by more than double again, and it exhaled comfortably!

There is another evil god sacrifice, and this time the opportunity is left for Ye Mo!

Not only Ye Mo will die.

All his subordinates will die!

A family should be neat and tidy!

"Who else dares to have second thoughts?"

The King of Space Pirates, Hei Yuan, looked down coldly.

The four Star Kings were silent.

They never dreamed that Hei Yuan's strength was so terrifying!

With countless super powers, he instantly killed the Li Huang and the elites of the Li Shen Star Clan, and sent all the Li Shen Star Clan away!

This is terrifying!


Horrible cannot describe Hei Yuan's strength and means!

The four Star Kings knelt on the ground to express their loyalty!

They said they would never dare to have second thoughts again!

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