50 giant frogs in the lead were eliminated, and no new giant frogs rushed out of the swamp.

Judging from the breath of life, the group of organisms entrenched in the poisonous water is still huge.

But since there are no new rushes out, apparently, they have some kind of order.

And the existence of the order should be the leader of this frog group, right?

Jiang Si thought in his heart, and narrowed his eyes to look into the poisonous mist.

The fog near the center of the swamp is thicker than the edge.

But if you want to see clearly, it's not difficult for him now.

Vaguely, a huge frog head was suspended above the water, and six murderous eyes stared straight at Jiang Si.

It seems that the clan who just killed it has completely angered it.

And the rest of its clansmen have also gathered together and are forming a battle formation, approaching Jiang Si's army of the dead.


Gurgling water.

As the frogs approach.

Jiang Si has also seen its appearance more clearly.

It was a super giant frog that was twice the size of an ordinary frog.

In addition to the rough skin and thick flesh, the eyes on the top of the head have also increased to 6.

The dynamic vision of frog eyes is very powerful, and the one in front of him has 6 eyes.

Does this mean that its dynamic vision is stronger than other giant frogs?

Jiang Si sighed and squinted to check its properties:

"Poison Swamp Frog King"

"Race: Six-Eyed Toad"

"Level: Lv17"

"Skills: Dynamic Eye Lv9, Eye Increase Lv4, Rough Leather Lv10, Tongue Growth Lv3, Lightning Tongue Lv10, Stick Lv10, Venom Spit Lv7, Spear Tongue Lv10, Deadly Devour Lv4"

"Halo: Poison Cloud Lv5, Effect: Increases the humidity within a radius of 500 meters, making the environment more suitable for amphibians to survive. At the same time, it creates a poisonous mist, causing continuous damage to all non-friendly units."

"Characteristics: Possesses intelligence, amphibian, succulent"

"Explanation: A relatively advanced mutant giant frog, the maximum length of the frog's tongue can reach 30 meters, and the curling force is comparable to that of a giant python. It can swallow fresh creatures until they die."


I fuck.

So strong!

Not only is the racial level high, but the level is also scary!

No wonder my cemetery level is only Lv3, but your poisonous swamp is Lv5.

It turns out that there is still a gap in my strength!

Can the tongue be up to 30 meters long?

From the point of view of skills, it seems that it has not grown to this point.

But even so, it's already very perverted.


Jiang Si sighed.

It seems that only by remote means can no longer limit these guys.


If so, let's go to war!

Who is afraid of Who?

Although your level is stronger than mine, your poison has been completely suppressed by me.

Even if they fight, they won't necessarily win me!

With a cold snort, Jiang Si said to the corpses beside him:

"Prepare to meet the enemy!"

When the corpses heard this, they all focused their attention.

Neva's hands also tightly hooked the bowstring, and the black mist rose from the arrow, which was already aimed at the front.

And at the next moment, the number of giant frogs suddenly increased.

More than a hundred heads stretched out from the poisonous swamp, and with the piercing frog calls, they began to speed up and swim towards Jiang Si and the others.

"Free Fire!"

Neva shouted loudly.

Then, the arrows shot wildly at the frogs.

This time, with the addition of Frog King, the damage of arrows to the frog group is significantly lower.

The huge tongue popped out of the mouth, and it simply rolled in the air, and more than a dozen arrows were shot down one after another.

The remaining parts fell, and most of them were also stabbed by the tongue spear of the spear-tongue giant frog, and only a few arrows hit the enemy.

However, the number of enemies is huge, and the number of giant frogs in the blink of an eye has expanded to around 300.

Only a few arrows sank into the ground, and it didn't hurt or itch at all.

quack quack!

Shouting loudly. The giant frogs began to swim up to the surface and rushed towards Jiang Si's side.

And the zombies on Jiang Si's side finally started.

uh uh roared loudly and rushed towards the giant frogs.

Rumbling, faint vibrations came.

The whole swamp became noisy.

The assembled zombies took the lead, lined up in two rows and rushed in front.

Ordinary zombies followed closely and hid behind.

As long as the two sides are in contact, the zombies can resist the forward rush of the frog clan, and they can attack from the rear.

The other cursed skeletons still did not move at this time.

They are not like zombies.

As the skeleton of an animal, it runs very fast, and it is too late to move after the melee begins.

Chi Chi Chi.

Uh uh uh……

quack quack!

The groans of the zombies were mixed with the roars of the frog clan, and the battle began the moment the zombies and the giant frog with the skinny sack came into contact.

The numbers are almost indistinguishable.

The frog clan has a total of 300 giant frogs.

And after the first battle just now, Jiang Si's number of undead reached as many as 290.

However, 50 of the giant frogs evolved into long-range venom frogs by coincidence.

Their attacks are not effective against zombies at all.

After the battle started, he was still spitting out venom.

But this has no effect at all except to make the zombies' hands slippery.

Because of this, the Cursed Skeletons who originally rushed to the rear gave up their assault on the Venom Frog.

From the rear, he rushed into the position of the giant frog with a tongue, and began to kill the main force of the frog clan from the rear.

The form is much more optimistic.

The reduction rate of the frogmen warriors was obviously faster than that of the undead.

And with the effect of the corpse evil halo, more frog corpses turned into new combined zombies to join the battle.

The teams of the two sides have been completely integrated, and the archer and Neva no longer shoot, but follow Jiang Si and focus on the frog king together.

The reason why the current balance of victory is tilted towards Jiang Si is precisely because the Frog King has not yet entered the battle.

It also tried to rush forward to fight, but under the restraint of Jiang Si, it had no chance to enter the battlefield at all.


A frog croak like a ferry whistle sounded, and the frog king tried to break into the battle again.

Jiang Si saw the opportunity and shot out the death energy in his hand.

Seeing the black air mass flying, the Frog King was already furious.

He hurriedly stopped the momentum and took two steps back.

This is already the third group of death qi thrown by Jiang Si.

And the frog king also suffered a big loss when the first group of death energy was thrown.

Death Qi doesn't look at the opponent's physical defense.

Just now, the frog king tried to disperse the thing with his tongue.

But just as the tip of its tongue touched the air mass, the dead air stuck to its tongue like glue, and quickly penetrated, and began to cause damage in the body.

That attack really made Frog King feel better.

After tumbling on the ground for a long time, he finally recovered.

This means that Jiang Si's current level of death entanglement is not high, and he can't release it continuously.

Otherwise, with this move alone, the frog king who can fight would be powerless to fight back.

Another attempt was unsuccessful, and the Frog King's anger was also ignited.

It was a quack smile again, no longer thinking about joining the battle.

The figure turned, but instead jumped towards Jiang Si.

In the face of Lv17's six-eyed fierce toad, Neva's heart couldn't help but feel terrified.

The racial level is not much different, and the ability to swallow the opponent alive is really difficult.

"My lord! Step back! Don't get caught by its tongue!"

Neva shouted while leading the skeleton archers to shoot frantically.

But the frog king has rough skin and thick flesh, plus a flexible tongue.

It's just dozens of ordinary arrows, which can't do any damage to it at all.

"grown ups!"

Neva shouted again, but Jiang Si did not move at all.

The expression on his face was still relaxed at this time, but he was overjoyed when he saw the frog king jumping towards him.

Open the inventory and take out a bottle of water and a large bag of things from it.

Splashed all the water on the body, tore the packaging bag, and poured the white powder on the body.

Jiang Si smiled, not retreating but advancing, and the distance between him and the frog king kept shortening.

At the same time, the Frog King's tongue shot out like lightning, heading straight towards Jiang Sijuan.

The speed was so fast that even Neva was unsure of being able to dodge.

Seeing this situation, she couldn't help but be stunned, and shouted hysterically:

"don't want!"

However, the moment the frog king's tongue touched Jiang Si's body.

The frog king seemed to be struck by lightning, his tongue quickly retracted, and panic flashed in his six eyes.


Jiang Si really laughed this time.

You frog, you know how to be afraid?

How about it?

This is the wisdom of human beings, and this is the industrial level of human beings!

Amphibians, frogs?

Then ask you, are you afraid of salt?

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