Lord Shadow

1001 The Temptation to Break I

The Laws manifested again. This time his Nether Law body also made an appearance. Nether Law is the opposite of the Aether Laws.

Death aura pervaded every inch of space around him.

It is degradation, withering, entropy. Energy that flows through the realms of the living and the dead swirls around its entire body.

A Netherworld sea appears beneath his feet and souls could be seen inside it.

The very essence that flows through the realms of the living and dead is now stirring. Souls could be seen in every droplets of netherworld water.

And like all the other Laws that Azief cultivated, it is helping Azief to absorb more energy.

But right now, because of the very flawed energy of the Universe in the Milky Way, it is slowly becoming too much for him.

It is not like Azief would explode because of all of these energy.

But he is frowning now. It means it is not as easy as it seems.

The rate of absorption is faster than the rate of his All Source Law refines this energy

Chaos energy is quite different than normal energy. Azief take another step and another Law blooms into existence.

Reality around him is already distorting because of all the Laws that is swirling and covering him.

Destructive aspect, creation aspect all of it is around him, contradictory but in balance, a certain concept of duality that is perfected.

Azief roars as he could feel that his body is being overwhelmed by all kinds of Chaos energy. His All Source Law is overtaxed.

But he did not slow down his rate of absorption and he did not slow down the rate at which he is travelling.

Instead, he is getting faster and faster. Primordial law manifested and Azief become a titanic being that was bigger than Earth as he smashes into meteorites and dead barren planets

It was like he was a bulldozer. Each time he crashed, these planets would be pulverized into ashes and dust.

It did not explode outwards. Instead, they collapsed inwards before disappearing, like they were sucked into a void

Like some kind of anti-matter bomb struck them.

Each time Azief kick the space around him, he travels millions of light years ahead.

Scenery become more than just a blur, it becomes unrecognizable with his speed. It took him a few seconds before his vision synchronized with his speed.

But his eyes are shining golden blue as even in that state he could still keep up. His eyes did not only glow with light that could rival the shine of the sun, it is also full of mysteries.

Azief saw an even more beautiful sight as he uses his Primordial law.

He saw strings, saw circles and triangles, saw liens of energy and some kind of law and order in the Universe.

Around him, intangible concept seems to be pressured and breaks.

Laws of Space and Time is heavily affected than most.

Swirling energies come from every part of Milky Way Universe and seem to offer itself up to him, like he is some kind of monarch that is waiting for tribute.

Azief frowns deeper.

But he did not stop

He could sense that the impurities of energy ins his body is increasing in an exponential manner.

His frown become deeper.

before, there is no such impurities in his body.

Because of the path of Perfection that he had walked, his energy is pure. Very pure that it could neutralize any and all kinds of energy of the same kind

It is potent and as such, Azief control over them is impeccable.

The purity of one energy affect many things. One of them is the control over them

The more impure and saddled with other forms or type of energy, the harder is it to control it.

That is why those powerful Beings who have walked the Perfection path is very powerful and not someone that any being could fought.

In the Omniverse itself, there is only around less than twenty Beings that walked this path.

Considering the size of one Universe is already massive and hard to wrap your head around it size, one could only imagine how almost an impossibility it was for other people to walk the Perfection Path until the End

Omniverse is the entirety of all realities, of all parallel Universes, Dimension and so on and so forth.

And in that entire Omniverse, there might be less than twenty Beings of such level

Hence, it could almost be seen as a feat that is bordering on as an impossibility

Azief himself if not for a lot of luck, he would probably not be able to persevere until Divine Comprehension, to perfect his Path.

There were many times that Azief fear he would be left behind. It is an understandable fear. Because to truly walk the Perfection Path, he had expended more time than most people

For example, Raymond is Disk Formation leveler at the Peak realm. His true age is probably only ten or twelve years older.

Which means he did not spend that much time in Time Manipulation Spaces and he could be considered young.

But Azief when he does reach the peak of Disk Formation leveler, his true age is probably around more than two hundred years or more.

If not for the fact that he had ways around Time and Space, his development could be said to be very slow.

One could not blame him. Perfection Path requires more energy than most normal level p.

It is like those novels he read in the past

Time is a concept that is very important to the development of one ability to reach further especially since life is restrained by time and each life has its limit of lifespan….and more importantly potential.

This is subverted on Earth Prime since potential is not that important.

The reason is because of the All Source, giving the system to everyone and the classes that originated from the Laws of the World

If not for that, nobody would stand on the same starting line.

But while everyone did start in the same starting line, like a great reset, as time had passed and everyone had walk their own path, there is now differences between powers and strength.

While the importance of a person potential was subverted by the system, giving everyone the same chance to hone abilities, time however remains important.

Because time had a direct correlation with one lifespan limit. Out of everyone on Earth that had reached Disk Formation level, Azief had uses the most lifespan and time to reach that level.

His true age and true time differs heavily from the others.

There is a reason why Jean had a room of clocks. Inside that room, among other things that is related to time magic, it is a room to see the true time of Earth.

There were many dilation of time all over the world and as such this difference in time could permutated into various possibility.

Jean understood the threat and created the Room of Clocks.

It might not be his initial intention to create that room for the purpose of seeking the true time of Earth but it is without a doubt that now, one of the functions of the Room of Clocks also surveil the true time of Earth

To the eyes of the people who don't understand, it appears like Death Monarch raise his level according to the true time of Earth when in fact there were many factors in play.

There was that lost years when he was travelling with Will to find a way back home.

Then there were the years in the Fake World.

And there are also the years in the Ice Mountain.

The years he spends as Azul in the six sabers. The years he passed as the Sword Immortal in that world where the Demon Monkey once reside.

Time does have an effect.

It affected longevity.

This longevity is not affected by the external factors of one physique. It is like a rule, a law that affect every powerful being that break the limit of mortal body

The moment someone goes beyond the Pillar Forming level, while it gave them power, their longevity, their lifespan limit is locked.

Unless they could breakthrough to higher level, sooner or later, they would still die even if they were not killed

He believed that this has something to do with balance of life and death. Azief notices this and he believes that a few powerful people on Earth also realize this

But this matter of human lifespan is not a big problem.

Since even if you did not breakthrough to the higher level after the Disk Formation, those who reach Disk Formation could live for a few thousand years and with the help of some longevity pills or divine fruit, one could still extend a few thousand years of life

A few thousand years might be long enough for some people to do all the things they wanted to do on Earth

After all, not everyone is like Azief that wanted to seek the truth and wanted to walk his path until the end

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