Lord Shadow

1045 A Witness II

Other magical kind had to draw magic circles, or chanted spell or set up a ritual to draw the energy out from such stone.

But for the witches and warlocks of Earth prime, they could easily draw the energy of the world in the form of EXP like some kind of game.

But what these twenty-five people are doing is not absorbing the world energy into their body. And they are not taking the energy of the things around them to convert it into the energy of the restriction formation

Instead what they are doing is that they took the essence of this thing and channel it into the restriction dome

Essence, at this particular time, means simply the basic matter of the things, the core of what made something, something.

As such, the hardness of a stone is imbued into the restriction formation. The sharpness of a pebble is embedded into the formation. And so on and so forth

They are taking the intangible things that makes a something, something and imbued that properties to strengthen the restriction formation

If Loki wanted to break through this formation, he had to unravel all of this tangled properties.

This is far more complicated of a formation than the formation that Riana had set up in her basement

Such phenomenon could only happen because probably the formation magic is connected by three others discipline of magic.

Four positions. For discipline of magic. All for one restriction formation

Only that could explain why when formation magic is used, it transforms material form into energy that is sucked into the formation around these people and converted back into the sealing dome.

And as for the people in the North position, they were not singing, they were not writing runic characters and they did not draw any formation circles

Instead, they were sitting cross legged, closing their eyes, their bodies seem to be connected by some kind of strings of energies that is translucent.

And they each have a pendant on their neck. This pendant seems to supply power toward the sealing dome.

The energy contained in each pendant could probably grow an entire batch of soldiers enough to last them until they reach Seed Formation

And twenty-five have such pendant hanging on their neck. That itself is incredible.

The one hundred people was not ordered to attack Loki. Their target is Loki but they were not ordered to fight him

They were order to restrain him.

With the current situation of the world and the chaotic energy all over, the Pandemonium formation could not be used effectively.

At least not by Sasha at her current level. That is why she constructed a mini formation, designed to trap space and magical energy.

There is even rune in the formation. Magical energy is extremely weakened in this formation.

But not for Sasha. Inside the dome, she looks at Loki. But even after all of this, Loki still seems confident.

She did not know whether this is simply bravado or whether Loki had another trump card. But even if he has a trump card, does his trump card could break the formation?

Sasha had the advantage of knowing Loki won't kill him. Loki had no such advantage. She would not hesitate to fight with everything on the lien to force Loki to stay here in Pandemonium

As she was thinking of all this, the sound of laughter suddenly broke her thought.

Loki laughed, his smile seems carefree and his expression unbothered.

'What are you laughing about?' Sasha ask as she is ready to charge toward Loki.

Loki was about to say the reason why, but it was at this time, when Sash kicks the ground and launch herself toward Loki.

She is as fast as lighting as the wind around her breaks and the space distorted in a spiral because of her sudden speed that breaks the barrier of speed

A blast of air exploded around the area where she had kick the ground.

She begins her attack with a knee attack toward Loki face

'Hyargh!' her feet are heading straight toward Loki face. Loki eyes glance toward that leg and he duck down.

The feet miss its target but the force of that kick travel forward and hit the restriction formation.

The moment it hit the formation, the entire formation seems to stir.

The attack left a trail of straight lines of distorted air channel.

At the same time as Loki duck down from having his head almost being kick by such force, he strikes both of his palm to the ground as he launches his feet toward the sky, his upper body becoming vertical

Loki was quick on the uptake.

Sasha was never interested in talking too much this time. Before, she wanted to delay.

So, she did not object to speak a lot.

Loki forget. That Sasha has some of his brother trait. They do not like to talk too much.

So, he too would not hold back too much. Loki feet is about to hit Sasha. Sasha saw the missed attack and Loki counterattack

Sasha spin herself in circular motion and position her feet above Loki feet

Then she kicks Loki feet with her own feet, creating a blast of air as both of their attack clashed with each other


Since energy is sealed inside this space, their attack did not involve the worldly laws. Instead, it was like they were fighting using only their physical prowess.

In this kind of space, technique also matters.

They both were forced backward by the exchange of strikes

Sasha glided backward and landed gracefully on the ground as Loki uses the force of the kick and transfer it to his hand

He pushed his hand deep toward the ground.

The ground exploded toward the sky as the land around his one kilometers radius depressed two feet deep

The rebound force concentrated on his hand as he pushes his hand of the ground and launch himself to the air and like Sasha glided backward, like there is a string on his back that pull him backward.

Loki landed on the ground, look at Sasha, shakes his head and said

'Heh. So, be it. I'm going to beat you up until you have no choice but to listen' And then he launched himself toward Sasha.

Sasha did the same as she once again kicks the ground.

Loki punches toward her and she did the same.

The punch connected with each other and as it clashes with each other, the point of impact spirals because of the distortion of the space.

The ground beneath their feet is plucked up from the ground gathering into the spiral that was created because of the force around their fist.

The air also gathered in that spiral and space around both of them crack as the sound of something breaking could be heard


The force of their punch colliding against each other created another blast of shockwave.

The force surges up above and descend down below. It shakes the dome when the force hit the upper limit of the dome height.

As for the land beneath them, it cracks before pulverizing the soil beneath.

The land beneath their feet falls down, creating a large sinkhole in that area as both Loki and Sina jump backward avoiding to fall into the sinkhole.

Then they both kick the ground again and once again traded blows.

All of this happens in the span of two seconds from Loki attacking Sasha and then the force of their punch shakes the dome and pulverizes the ground that they are standing in.

And then they retreat and once again charged each other with blinding speed.

Both of them leave trails of explosion as they move in the dome, trading blows and exchanging strikes.

They both kick each other, punches toward each other and deflected each other moves.

Strikes and kicks were traded by the thousands in the span of second.

The leaves on the ground they were fighting on surges toward the sky and the wind blast that was generated because of their blows landed on the mini formation border when they deflected or miss each other.

The sound of explosion of shockwaves could be heard by the thousand in the span of a second that it overlapped each other.

One would find it hard to even see their silhouettes as they fight in a speed that surpassed the speed of sound.

The ground is full of depression, the effect of their attacks reflected in the ground. In the battle between these two, only they know how intense and how dangerous the battle between them

Loki had to hold back many times for fearing to kill Sasha. Sasha on the other hand exploded with all of her potential.

Even though her energy is drained after that singing, her physical prowess is still very much full of vigor.

This is probably why she did not hesitate to sing during that moment even though she knew that her energy would be drained.

Because she had this formation to use her other strength

She did not believe that her physical strength would be under Loki

In this battle, Loki uses his hand and feet like a saber. And Sasha uses her hands and feet like a sword.

Even though they have no sword and they have no saber, as their hands clashed, it is like a sword and saber clashing with each other


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