Lord Shadow

1056 A Joyful Reunion I

The maze also functions like the address code in the key. It is ever changing. But since he is the one who design the maze, he understood the logic of the maze.

But, he did not need to solve the maze since he is the administrator of the Nowhere Land. His key is of course different from other people key.

And this is actually a backdoor. It is faster than using the other methods. And there is only a few staff that was allowed to use this backdoor.

He walks inside the maze.

And Trisha follow him from behind.

The maze is full of white misty air.

For the staff, this misty air, at most would only hinder a bit of their sight.

It did not matter whether you are Pillar Forming leveler or Disk Formation leveler, no matter what kind of powerful vision you have, once you were blocked by this mist, it would hinder your vision.

This mist like most of the thing that is in the Nowhere Land is also not something that is naturally here. Like the walls of the facility is taken from some other land, this mist was taken somewhere around the Stonehenge.

Loki did not simply come to the Stonehenge every year to just talk with Erika. It would not be like him to do things without purpose.

He also grabs a few things there.

However, the mist reacts differently to enemies. To enemies, the mist would not simply hinder their vision, it would also poison them

It is not lethal however. As most of it is kind of like a tranquilizer.

After all, this place is mostly about keeping people inside. While it is not easy to enter this place, to get out of it, is even harder.

And Loki borrows some theme from World Government prison, The Maze.

Well, it is not like the World Government original idea to add a maze on the entrance of their prison. They too got the idea from the Maze of the Minotaur.

Then after going out of the maze, finally they arrived toward the building of the prison.

Loki nodded in satisfaction as he looks at the new and improved look of the building.

'It seems that there have been a lot of changes even to this bleak land'

Trisha walks and stand beside Loki and said

'Well, the prison needs to be bleak for the prisoners. It doesn't have to be like that for the workers too right?'

Loki nodded

Then Trisha added

'We deal with torturing people, madmen, psychopaths. You would not believe the things that come out of their mouth. Though we do torture them once in a while to release our stress, still, it is not good to always be subjected to such mental stress'

She said

'It would not be bad for us to relax a bit during our rest time. I built a few rec rooms for them. And the simulation staff were kind enough to help. One of the person working in the simulation room had the same personality as that one office character, so we called him Dwight'

Loki raised his eyebrows and said

'I watch the memory disc. The Office is quite funny' she said and not missing a beat she continues

'Though the people in the Killing Room, I mean, the Extermination Chamber always seems giddy for some reason when it is their shift. I think they have something wrong in their heads just like the prisoners' she said

Loki eyebrows raised higher and said

'I don't think that they would like it if they heard such words coming from you'

'Ah, don't worry about it my lord. They know what I think of them. And they don't really care. After all, the background of those people serving as the executioner of the Extermination Room is not one would call usual background of good people. They have some stories.'

Then she chuckles looking at Loki

'Just joking. Taking some pages out of your playbook, my lord'

Loki chuckles.

'You become cheekier as years passes'

'And my lord is still the same. pretending not to understand, pretending to be blind. Why am I so cheeky? Why I do not like being called a child? It seems my lord would always pretend' She sighed

Loki only smiles bitterly.

'Let us go inside before we talk about certain things' Trisha nodded.

As they walk outside the building of the prison, Loki could see some staff of the prison drinking coffee under the canopy while talking with each other

Some is laughing with each other while some is reading something from their AI phone. It almost seems like they do not know what is happening outside the world right now

Well, not every organization in the Nowhere Land is military armed organizations or clandestine operatives.

Some of them maintained the internal working of the Nowhere Land and did not meddle on the outside world matters.

Every once in a while Loki would encounter some of the staff walking along the hallway. They all bowed towards him with respect.

Even though Loki wears a different face every time he came to the facility, it is not hard to recognize that he is Loki.

After all, Trisha walk one step back behind him like some kind of bodyguard.

This is a respect accorded to him and that alone is a sign to the staff.

Trisha is one of the highest ranking people in the Nowhere Land.

And her other two sisters.

But even then, the three sisters would walk behind Trisha as she is their oldest sister and it would not be that Trisha walk behind them

There is only one other person that have a higher ranking than her and that would be the creator of the Nowhere Land, Loki the Trickster.

So, when they see that Trisha humbled herself to this person, even if Loki change his face to a beggar, people would still know it is Loki the Trickster

They quickly passed the normal hallways and then reaches toward a room. The area around the room is all guarded with robotic soldiers.

The robots are all controlled by the Artificial Intelligence of the facility. Trisha only raise her hand and the robots all nodded.

Loki did not want to transform to the face he had used to register himself with the facility but the AI of the facility already is accustomed to the ever changing face of the Trickster.

Loki open the room with another key and Trisha follow him inside. Inside the room, there is a portal. But this portal is chained by four floating chains. The chain itself is stuck on four stone tablets

These stone tablets seem to hold this chain from being sucked into the portal.

Loki walk toward the portal and enter it without hesitation. Trisha also enters and a second later, they are now in the Prison

'Ah, home sweet home' Loki said. Loki then touch the walls.

He nodded in satisfaction.

'Glad to see that there is no problem with the walls.' He thought to himself.

The prison interior is made by cementing it with mixture of certain soil found in the Bubble Land.

One of the concerns of his when the world expansion happens was that the cement would broke off.

One had to be prepared for all possibilities after. Trisha then said

'There are some cells that have the cement falls off. Greisha is containing them. But other than that, the prison wall is still quite intact, my lord'

'That's good. As for Greisha…. Haish…I don't know what to do with her. She is too young but I do not deny that she had a talent. A dangerous talent but a talent nonetheless. Her flaw is that she is too eager. And she wanted my acknowledgement all the time.'

'She loves you. To her, you are her father. She wanted to make you proud. And out of the three of us, you love her the most'

Loki shakes his head.

'I dint know why you and Riana both think like that' He sighed and there was silence in the halls. No one is walking along the halls.

There is a section of the many hallways inside the prison which is reserved for Loki and a few others.

As such there is no sight of the staff walking around

'I know' he said

'I know that he wanted to make me proud. She did not have to do that. I am already proud of her. That is why it is so hard for me. She is taking more and more risk.'

'Tell her that'

'I did. But, she thinks that I am saying that because I do not trust her as I trust you or Riana. That is why I try not to involve her too deep' Loki could not tell this to others. He did not even tell this to Sina.

Sina knows that the three sisters for Loki is like his daughter.

But other than that, she did not know much. Because the matters of the Three Sisters are his matters and those three.

It is a part of his life he is not fond of sharing with other people. Because he wanted to protect those three.

At least this, he did not reveal to anyone.

It is hard for Loki because he did not want to forge so many bonds.

Forging bonds of brotherhood with Death Monarch is imperative and even inside his calculation.

Even if he did not forge such bond with Death Monarch, he was tasked to at least not be his enemies.

After all, he came here to help and not to become enemies with the one person that could stop what will happen

That is not something he had to worry about since this is in his plan. That included Sofia and the other figures near Death Monarch

All those people also did not need him to worry about them. They are all capable enough and their destiny is strong.

Loki only guided them sometimes, giving something to them that should be theirs, smooth out a few path in advance and favors like that

But as for the Three Sisters, these three little kids that he had picked up, they were not in his plan.

And while he tries to not develop too strong of a feeling, trying not to be attached, how could it be easy?

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