Lord Shadow

1060 A New Variable

Loki rub his chin as he tries to remember certain memories in his mind.

'I think I remember it right? There should be no mistake about something so important. A new variable?'

'If I'm not mistaken it is the Marriage, the World War, and only then it would be the Attack of the Last Son of Yrinia'

Yes, he saw Fir Her Waz, the Last Son of Yrinia in the information packed into one of the runes in his laptop-like device.

Loki need to know more.

His fate is very related to Fir Her Waz. He got the Book of Mysteries from the wreckage of Fir Her Waz ship.

He did not even have to think too much to know that this has Yewa Hafar trace all over it.

Only he knew the connection between him and Fir Her Waz and have the means to give Fir Her Waz the location of Earth without revealing himself.

If not, Fir Her Waz would be wandering space for a lot longer.

It seems that Yewa Hafar has begins his counterattack.

It might be because that Yewa Hafar wanted to remove the unstable factor which is him, that today, this event happens.

Loki snap his finger and the office door is tightly closed and runes glowed all over the walls as it mixed and connected with each other

Unless someone who is Divine Comprehension that is trying to open the door, anyone below Divine Comprehension had to expend a lot of time simply to open that door.

He did not want to be disturbed. He walks to the runes and touches it.

The moment he touches it; vision appears in his mind. He saw a large continent. It is unlike any continent that he had seen before.

Loki could move in this vision. As he willed it, he appears inside the vision in a translucent form.

This vision is not some premonition or some illusion but a recording.

But unlike normal recording, he could go inside the recording and even interact with the things inside the recording.

It combines simulation abilities which is calculated by the magical hexes that is embedded in the program of the laptop.

But it is not that he is travelling into the past.

While he could affect what happens in the recording, it did not change anything that happens in reality because this is simply a recording.

He saw a forest that is burning with high intensity.

The flames reached the clouds and burns the clouds. There is trail of clouds from above trialing down.

Loki narrowed his eyes toward the location and he teleported to that forest. Even before a second could pass he is already at the forest

He wanted to confirm something.

If it is true, then there is another problem that he had to solve.

He already had a lot to digest. He had got the information that Odin wanted to meet Azief.

That is another problem that he had to solve. He also needs to quickly increase his strength so that he could prevent Odin from meeting Azief too early.

He knows Odin probably have his own plans. But, Loki fears that Odin would interfere with his plans. Too much cook will spoil the broth

They might share the same objective or not. At least, he needs to talk with Odin. As for reaching Odin level, that could only be achieved if he is a Sovereign.

But at least he could negotiate with Odin. After all, Odin, like him, knows what will happen in the future.

There is always something that they could talk about…if it is about this topic.

And then before he could even rest after solving the problem of his daughter and the Broker Book of Secrets, now, there is a chance that Fir Her Waz is on Earth

That is what one of the runes of observation that he had put on the clouds is showing him when he did a cursory glance to the runes before

He had put a lot of runes of observation on the skies of Earth before. It is subtle and it did not touch upon Heaven Will as such, it is not discovered by the Heavens and by Death Monarch

After all, the other runes that is connected to the runes of observation is the runes of stealth.

He did not want to believe in it which is why he touches the runes and enter into the recording to see it carefully.

Maybe, it is also a trap by Yewa Hafar. Maybe he disguises himself as Fir Her Waz to force him to make a move or disturb some of his plans.

After all, Yewa Hafar probably knows where he got his powers. So, it is not out of the realm of possibility for Yewa Hafar to do such a thing.

He could see that whatever causing this flame it is not a normal flame. The heat seems to distort the space around the flame

'Advanced technologies mixed with some kind of energy particles.' Loki concluded. The smile fills the sky. And Loki tries to analyze it the best he can.

This happens a few hours ago.

Right now, the area might have changed so he is using all of his observational ability to make sure that he could use it later to track this area.

He tries to remembers some part of the topography of the area. There are no creatures wandering about. Some part of it is damp.

'Coming out from the sea' Another conclusion is made. However, there is a lot of trees and forest.

The grass is green and tall, and each of them seems to emits energy in and out of their pores. Loki take a few more glance before he flew toward the area of the fire

'Something falls down from the sky'

'I truly hope it is not you, Fir Her Waz' he thought to himself.

As he flew he memorized all of the surrounding. At the same time, he calculated the possible changes that would happen to this area.

With so many continent popping left and right all over the world right now, it would be hard and time consuming for him to try to find each continent one by one.

As such, he could only try to deduce the possible changes of this continent and create a similar enough sketches so that he could come here again

He appears in front of a crater. The flames are all around the area, engulfing the area, scorching the ground

Around the crater a powerful shockwave exploded. It flattened the forest. Loki look at all this uninterestedly.

There is still ripples of the shockwave lingering all around the area.

'A powerful impact. Would the regeneration of the world energy cover up this impact?' his face turns dark as he had the answer.

It is very possible. Loki look to his left and right and he nodded to himself.

Judging by all the energy that is all around this newly birthed continent, it would not be long before the area around the crater would be covered up by fast growing vegetation. This is what he is afraid of

This differs heavily from the way he got the Book of mysteries.

Yes, he did get the Book of Mysteries from the wreckage of Fir Her Waz ship. But the circumstances are not like this.

Fir Her Waz did land on Earth.  He landed during the time of the Sixth Sovereign. Or was it the Five? Loki slowly forgotten some details.

At that time, Loki is recovering back to Half Sovereign. But, many have known that the Will of the World had been ripped apart and the path to Ascension had been broken

Many people have different thoughts on why Raymond had spearheaded such attack on the will of the world but regardless of why, it greatly disadvantaged Loki

At that time of course, Loki did not know why. It is only after being a Sovereign that he knows why Raymond did such a thing.

And like the God of Death, Loki did not agree with what Raymond and the few other Sovereigns had done

He might be doing it with the bets of intention but it was not his decision to make.

And no one knows whether what he did truly would stop some of the tragedy that Raymond think might happen.

What happens instead was the domination of Sovereigns over all creation in the Milky Way galaxy and a few other colonized galaxy

It was then that Loki found the spaceship during the reigns of the Sovereigns

But the spaceship location at that time was that it is under an underwater cave. Inside the spaceship, he found the Book of Mysteries and manage to learn the things inside it.

At that time, he was also learning magic from Morgana.

The Book of Mysteries bring him to another level and he found a way to reach the path of Ascension without going the normal route that Death God had created

He succeeded.

That is how it happens the last time. This time however, it is too different. Someone that should have appeared after a few Sovereign had been born is appearing now.

The Battle for the Divine Throne did not yet even commence. Azief is still not walking toward the path of Ascension.

That itself is a big miscalculation. Then now the location of the spaceship is also wrong

Loki is in a dilemma. He already knew all the spells in the Book of Mysteries. Of course possessing its physical copy also have its advantages.

But this is reserved for him after he returned back to the origin. Only the can certain things flows along its course.

He could not just take the book right now. But he also could not just leave this out of nowhere and risk it falling to some other people hands.

This is no longer the problem of Death Monarch

This is the problem that he himself might not be in the equation in the future.

He clicked his tongue.

'Got to make sure everything is orderly.' He did not believe that he is the one that says such thing.

Loki come closer to the center of the explosion. Flames pass by him and ripples of shockwave seems to phase through him

Because it is simply a recording and Loki held full control of this recording, he could wish anything to happen inside here.

He could stop time here to see battles that he could not view in his current speed, and he could even zoom in and zoom out to see things that he might miss

Surveillance system of the magical era is very terrifying. He then saw a pile of metals. And his expression become…. complicated.

Because even though some of the metals look like it was destroyed completely.

On the parts that are not, the pile of metal that is very big looks like a spaceship that Loki had seen before

'Shit, it is really him' Then he saw someone coming out from the piles of metals. Purplish light haze seems to leak from the spaceship.

Energy around the area seems to be deconstructed. Loki look at the ship. It is damaged harder than from what he remembers.

The wings of the spaceship seem to be shredded apart. There are also deep gashes on the side of the spaceship

The inner hull however is fine.

Loki do not know where the other part of the ship had gone to.

Loki shake his head and instead of focusing his mind on the wrong thing, he changes his perspective and once again he is back in front of the area where he saw someone coming out from the pile of metals

Loki saw Fir Her Waz coming out from the wreckage. green skin and purple blood.

The Last Son of Yrinia.

The one who had fought against the heroes of the world. Loki is very interested in where Fir Her Waz is going but then the recording began to become blurry

'Ah, shit'

Loki look around him and he could see that energy that the ship had emanated seem to reach with the surrounding causing him unable to get the other parts of this scene.

The world inside the recording stopped.

The recording had ended. Loki could only shake his head and then his consciousness is back inside his body

Not even one second had passed.

'There is Fir Her Waz. Then there is Odin. There is still my plan of infiltrating the Crime Alliance. This is not making it easy for me' he said to himself.

He walks to his chair and then sighed. As he sighed lean back feeling the leather skin on his back, he rubs his temple

He then closes the laptop and push one of the same button on the side of the laptop as the laptop once again shrinks to its original size.

Loki opens his drawer and threw it in.

Then he brought out something that look like an old telephone during the eighties. A digit desk telephone where he had to pull the number

There are only three numbers that he pulled before the line connected him to someone. Loki is talking with someone and he talks with this man for quite some time.

Sometimes he frowns and sometimes he sighed.

Whatever he is talking about with this man, it is clear that Loki attach quite an importance toward the call as he surrounded himself with all kinds of noise and sound cancelling properties

Even though the office itself is free from any surveillance device and it should not be possible for anyone to overhear or try to do some surveillance on Loki, in a prison facility that he created, a measure that could even be considered as overkill, Loki had always been cautious.

But this goes beyond cautiousness. It is clear that for some matters he did not treat it as secretive as this.

Or maybe, it is because he did not yet get all the memories for Number Two and so, it I always advisable for him to act such a way rather than leaking some of his plans.

For about half an hour they talk to each other and then Loki put down the phone back into the drawer.

'One task down' He got up from his chair and then he takes a deep breath.

'Better wait a few more days before moving rashly' he thought to himself as he went out from his office to join his family


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