Lord Shadow

1072 The Cave

'I don't think much time has pass. It is easier coming back than going there' he mutters to himself.

There is a trace of helplessness in his tone of voice

It took him probably only a few hours to travel back to Pandemonium when it takes probably half a day to travel to the black hole

Why then it is so fast? Why did it not take him this small amount of time when he was flying toward the black hole?

Azief uses some kind of methods of travel that is akin of teleportation when he is going back home.

To be more accurate, he folded the space between his current position and the place where he wanted to go

He could not fold space to a place that he had never been before. That is why he did not just fold space and go to the black hole before.

Because he had never been to the area of the black hole.

Of course, this method would not work so well if he wanted to cross to other worlds like this

Because if he wanted to cross worlds like Earth Two or other dimensions, he did not only have to fold the space in between that distance, he also had to fold the multiversal barriers and dimensional barrier that separates his world and the other worlds.

It is harder than one thinks to do such a thing.

As for folding space from the area of the black hole to Earth it is easier, because his manipulation of time was minimal and space itself is full of unexplainable time phenomenon that his manipulation of time could not be considered changing the very flow of the timeline

And it is also because he was folding space in the same Universe and not him folding space of another world, to traverse it that it became easier.

There is a trail left by him when he travelled toward the black hole

These trails are the trails of energy from him. Like a checkpoint. Once he reached a place, he could easily come back to that place using the Laws that existed around him.

Of course, the reason Azief could do so is because some of his Laws touched upon the Laws of Time and Space.

For example, if someone cultivated other kinds of Laws that do not touch the Laws of Space and Time (which is one of the high tier Law in the Omniverse), then they could not teleport themselves like Azief did.

It is still related to understanding the Laws that they cultivated and also their own strength.

Right now, if he wanted to go back to the area of the black hole, he could easily go there and it is probably faster than before.

This is why Azief could easily teleport anywhere on Earth even though the Earth had become so much larger.

Azief slowly floated down to the ground

'Hmm. So, even this place changed.' He thought to himself.

He did not know how many days he had been gone. But he estimated around four days. He went back earlier than expected because of his failure of condensing his soul

But it is not all bad news.

He now got the legacy of Etherna and he also manage to maintain the condensed Law Avatar in his incomplete soul.

The only law Avatar that he could bring out right now is the Omni Law Avatar.

But that alone is enough.

While he could not bring out the other twelve Law Avatar, the Laws that he cultivated did not disappear.

He could still command the other twelve Laws even if he did not summon his Law Avatar since it is a part of him now.

As for the other Avatar it is in his incomplete soul.

Azief then walk around the cave. These cave is one of the cave that Sasha had prepared for him as a diversion.

She probably said to the world that he is in seclusion in this cave. And looking at how there is so many protection formations around the area, Sasha is really selling the story well.

Azief knew of this and that is why he decided to fold space to this cave. And he did not want to go to the Palace yet.

He fears that there would be something wrong when he folded space.

He did not want to tear apart the Centre Palace if he had some mishap when trying to teleport back home.

It is also because this is the first time he tries to fold space of this large. The size of Earth did not require him to fold space that span tens and millions of light years away.

It had always been easy for him to go anywhere in the world in a matter of a few minutes. He could be in Asia one second and in Europe another second later.

But to fold space that span such a distance, this is his first time. So, he is quite cautious about it. His reasoning is quite logical.

If there is some mishap, at least only the area of the cave would be affected

If instead he teleported himself to the Centre Palace and something wrong had happened, then it would implicate many people.

He is not in the habits of wanting to wreak havoc.

'Hmm. It is quite different' he suddenly mutters as he looks the area of the cave.

'So, even this place is affected' he thought to himself.

when he enters this cave before, the ceiling of the cave is merely ten feet. It is a small cave but have a lot of network of other caves when you enter inside.

Still, the main cave itself is small. If you go down the other network of cave you might found some other unground cave that is bigger but the main cave is narrow and ha d short ceiling

Now, however, the ceiling of the cave is around a hundred feet. And on the ceiling there is red, blue, purple crystal that seems to be jutting out from its surface

This is no longer just a small cave. This is one titanic cave that could fit probably millions of people.

And even though it is inside a cave, Azief could feel that the airing is pretty good. Air seems to be in abundance and energy of the world is also thick in here.

His Divine Sense spread out all over the cave to find out that this cave is the size of a small country.

And before, when he enters, the place itself is very dark and gloomy. But now? Now, there is colorful crystals that seems to emanate energy.

It emanates energy and light. And also air, as Azief notices.

'Peculiar and interesting' he thought to himself

There is also trees that is probably foreign to this world. It seems to be been birthed out from the cave walls, like it is born from the rock instead the soil.

The tree had brown thick trunk with many separated branches and green leaves.

It looks like the same kind of tree one would see in the world but the fruits are golden in color with red stripes.

Then there is the grass.

The grass is green and tall. It was like Azief in a field of reed. It smells like the grass on Earth and it is not itchy but instead like some kind of carpet grass.

Azief walk to the cave wall and knock the stony wall. It left a dent but Azief frowns a bit

'Not only the interior of the cave changes, even the properties of the cave changes' Azief notices in that moment that the density of the rocks of this cave had grown stronger and denser.


'It seems even an Energy Disperse Stage leveler would have a hard time trying to destroy this cave' he thought to himself

He saw a spiral of energy around the surface of the wall and saw how the dent seem to rebound slowly. Like the cave is about to return back to its original form before it is being hit.

This cave no longer follows any laws of matters instead it seems that it is now a structure of energy.

Azief deduces all of this in his mind.

It seems after this, any Energy Disperse stage leveler would find it hard to battle and affect the world that much.

And as for Seed Forming and Disk Formation leveler, while their battle would still affect the world, it would not be as exaggerated as before.

Seed Forming battle might affect a small portion of the city while a Disk Formation battling each other might affect a state but it would affect an entire nation like before.

'The world had become stronger' he muttered.

This is only Azief estimation and not something that is set in stone.

Some people who could fight exceeding their limit of course could not be measured by normal common sense

Azief only sighed.

'The world getting stronger…. that means…. the Heavens would also be stronger' there is murderousness in his tone when he said such a word.

'I hope nothing happens. I am not in the mood' he thought to himself. Azief had a premonition just now.

And it is because of that his heart is full of killing intent. But it was only for a brief second before he brought back his feeling in check.


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