Lord Shadow

1082 [Bonus chapter]Alone

The world powers are very terrifying when they truly get serious.

The resources they have, the manpower they possess, the kind of weapons and magical means that they could employ is endless.

Especially those who had deep foundation and a large pool of talent like Pandemonium, the Republic and the World Government.

Because they were ones of the first that was established, they attracted more talents.

And most of them had cultivated that talent as such it is not as easy to compare their achievement with the upstart that is the Four Great Powers.

Most of them hide their true power, used only in desperate measures when their own survival is threatened to the point of no return

And while it almost seems like Azief is invincible right now, he is not.

Loki would say that only Sovereigns are truly invincible. It is the reason why a Sovereign is enough to deter all forces in the world and in the Universe.

They are the true deterrent, filling the function of a nuclear bomb.

Only the difference was that a Sovereign surpassed the capability of a nuclear bomb. It is more like a galaxy ending destruction weapon.

But the reason why all the other great powers did not interfere in this matter is because if they do fight, even if they could win, the loser is still Earth.

Not only that, if they survive, it would sow a seed of irreconcilable feud between them

Then there is the World Government.

The only one with enough authority to lead the other great powers to attack Death Monarch and Jean is the World Government but considering the actions that Hirate had taken over the years it would be hard for him to allied himself with the other great power

(The Three Great Powers is sometimes called the Three Giants or the Three Titans to differentiate them from the other four world powers. The Three Great Powers that is referred as the Three Titans is Pandemonium, The Republic of Earth (the other name for the Republic) and the World Government)

The Three Titans of the world power is united. The other four great powers had always been looking to undermine the influence of the Three Titans

If Hirate turns his back on the resolution of the other two titans of the world power, he would only be strengthening the power of the Four Great Powers.

And there is another reason.

Which is right now, there is a lot of problems that needs to be solved by each great power most importantly the border of their influence.

This is not yet addressed but it would probably be addressed in the next World Council.

For now, most of the great powers is sending messages for the people of their dominion to gather around the Capital of their force.

But because of the massive size of Earth right now, the message did not reach everywhere and there are still many things that needs to be researched

So most of the citizens of the great powers right now is scattered.

Other than their military force most of their normal citizens is separated from the capital of their force by millions of miles away.

And yet, even with all of these problems, all the great powers in the world is focusing their attention to this one place in the world.

They sent all kinds of surveillance probe, the highest tech that they could offer.

Some of them are even adjusting the frequency of the connection every few hours as the energy of the world sometimes messes up with the frequency.

This is time consuming and requires a lot of manpower. Yet none of the great powers think that this effort is a waste.

Jean like always is concentrating hard on the portal. Sometimes his eyebrows would be raised up and sometimes he would scrunch his face.

The area around him itself is affected by his mood and time is in chaos but did not affect the entirety of the island.

As such, the area around the hill seems to experience time reversion. It is like one part of the island is undergoing time moving backward while on the other part of the island it is moving forward normally.

Like some kind of an anti-universe of some sort.

Sitting under a large tent on the other side of the hill, free from the side effect of Jean powerful and miraculous Time Laws is Sofia.

The tent does not look shabby. It was more like she was glamping. The tent is tall and huge. There is even a bed with thick comforter and essence diffuser inside the tent.

Outside the tent, on the left side of the tent, there is a tree stump that she had place there where she put her cooking utensils.

While Disk Formation theoretically did not have to eat, the growth of many energy fruits had created a trend among the leveler who do not need to eat

In the past, some of them chooses not to eat simply because there is no benefit in eating. Azief eats simply because he wanted to remind himself of his own humanity.

Some other people eat simply to just taste the spices and enjoy the scent of it and not to fill their stomach.

But with the emergence of the energy fruit, eating is no longer simply something that needs to be ignored.

Some chefs that have powerful and mystical cooking technique could create food that bring endless benefit to one body when one digested it.

That feeling of fullness could once again be felt when eating energy based food.

Not to mention it would rid of any impurities in one body.

Unlike Azief whose energy is very pure; most people could not help but absorb impurities when they absorbed the energy of the world

It would gather and if it's become too much, it would manifest in one body in the form of diseases and illness.

Yes, it seems that even levelers could not escape illness and diseases. Only the diseases are a different kind of disease the sickness is not the sickness like before the Fall.

It requires people to research more about this new diseases and illnesses

Until one reaches a certain level, it seems that immortality and longevity is still a hard path to pursue.

Because of that it seems that Chef and Doctor class would be making a resurgence back in this world of magic and fantasy once again.

On the back of the tent is a lazy chair and a table where four people could down on the chair and eat together.

There is a shade that could be extended from the tent to cover this small area on the bac k of the tent.

Sofia might be living in a tent, but she is living in style.

Around the ten kilometers radius of the tent, even though one could not see it, there is formation arrays and runic characters embedded deep into the ground.

When there were still many people in the island, some of them volunteer to set up the protection array to increase the protection around her tent

She did not refuse. Because of that she did not have difficulties living here. And even if she does have difficulties, it is not like Sofia is a soft persimmon.

She used to live in forest and in the early formation of World Government she had travels many places and had to live in swamp area and fought in many unlivable places.

It is just that the reputation as the Divine Archer and the woman of Death Monarch overshadowed all of her other achievement.

And Sofia is not someone that likes to brag. She is now inside the tent sitting on a beautiful carved chair.

It does look like it was carved when in fact there is someone who is a Druid who could shape vines into whatever shapes he wanted to.

That Druid created the chair for her and as for the details, some Sculptor added in the details. Sofia knows they just want to curry favor with her and she did not mind it.

She is in the tent…...alone

She just woke up from her sleep. Like eating, sleeping is not necessary. But, nowadays, she felt tired and it is only when she sleeps that she could rid of that tiredness.

And it does not only happen to her. Many people had noticed it. Some people believe this is related to the change of the world

It seems to slowly changes humanity.

Other than those who could control Laws, it seems that no other levelers below Divine Comprehension could escape feeling this tiredness other than eating some Stamina Pills or something that have the same effect

The moment she woke up; she went bathing in the nearby creek.

Then she returns back to her tent and eat some breakfast. And now, she just sits on one of the chairs in her tent, taking a bit of a break

It has been quite some time that she could truly sleep.

Most of the time, she just closes her eyes and the sleep is something that she could manually induce but with her Divine Sense always on surveillance

She forgot how good it is to sleep and for a moment forget some of her problems.

Right now she is alone.


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