Lord Shadow

1098 [Bonus chapter] The Peach Tree I

In the past, Azief would hesitate to once again meddle in the matter of the world.

After the World Distribution event, Pandemonium kept a low profile, focusing on strengthening the internal matters of Pandemonium while at the same time increasing Pandemonium influence over the world in a subtle way.

The focus was never to control the world power but to make sure that Pandemonium is sufficiently protected against any interference form the world powers.

In a way, Azief decision to come out and began meddling in the world matters make Pandemonium bares its fangs to the world and the moment it came out, it became the leading figure of the world powers

It could be seen that Azief had never wanted to meddle with the world order.

But circumstances force him and other than exerting invisible pressure, Pandemonium, for the most part did not meddle that much in international matters unless it tangled with Pandemonium interest

But for most part, this is during Loki regency and not during where Azief is in town.

As such, if this was any other events, Azief would probably remain low profile and he would not be the one that would suggest another large event like the world distribution event

But this time, Azief would be active.

Because this time, unlike last time, the state of the world right now, these pain and suffering of the people of the world, is caused in part by him

The Seven continents are in chaos.

People are dying and monsters are roaming in the world.

There are new monsters in the sea and there are even more monsters that roams the land.

Some are large other are small, but regardless of their size, these new monsters all have their abilities and dangerous

There is now new unknown matters and monsters.

It is like humanity once again experience the event of the Fall. Then there is also the Otherworlders that also comes in during the Multiversal Convergence

Who knows whether these Otherworlders means no harm or an advance scout from other civilizations

They need to be monitored and their intentions need to investigated.

The societal and social change that would occur is also something that needs to be thought about. The world right now does not have resource crisis. If anything, there is all kinds of resources that is all over the world right now

Energy concern is also nonexistent right now.

This did not mean that there is no crisis. Instead, with such a large world, there is even more crisis. Only it takes a new form

Azief had senses something else when he merged with the world.

He senses a restriction.

Everything has a price. He could feel a certain oppression from the world and the laws that governs this very reality

No, it is not quite accurate to call it an oppression.

He thinks for a moment and the best way he could explain it, is that the laws of the world begins to mature.

And in maturing, the kiddie wheels are taken off.

Certain benefit that had been bestowed to humanity before is slowly being eroded. Most of the advantage that humans have had since the Fall is related to the All Source.

But now, the All Source seems to held back. Was it an action of preservation? Or is it to stimulate human growth and strength?

And then there is the energy all over the world

Azief did not think the abundance of all of these energy is all good things.

He could not pinpoint what is wrong with it but given enough time he would find it. That's the problem. He would not have enough time right now.

Two days is not enough for him to settle the world order. But, if he did not make a draft of the world order, then if he falls in Seresian world the world would be in chaos.

He sighed. His mind is thinking about the world order while his heart is thinking of Sofia rejection. Such a mixed feeling would paralyze a person.

But not him

He could not afford being paralyzed right now. He needs to rectify a lot of things, save Katarina, and save the world

At least, in this way, he could redeem even one third of his sins.

Azief sighed and his heart feel heavy as he looks at the sky and saw how tall and vast the sky really is.

There were large clouds and some part the sky is sparse.

The air is so refreshing that even taking a breath felt energizing. The view is so beautiful and full of colors.

The world like it had gained a layer of color sprayed onto it, blooms with such brilliance that one could not help marvel at the beauty of this new world

Like they were back in the prehistoric era, seeing the world as it is when it began filling the world with life.

The Earth is now so large that even though Azief could sense many things in this world with his Divine Sense, there is certain places that he could not sense clearly unless he come down to that place personally.

This is another problem.

In the past, any powerful enough Disk Formation leveler could use their Divine Sense to guard an entire continent

With a Divine Sense that could envelop the whole world, one continent is easy to surveil.

Hence, in the past, it did not matter whether the Disk Formation leveler is in the capital of the world power that governs the area or in the edge of the border

Because no matter where they are, they could use their Divine Sense to detect any intruder.

And after the Orvanian came to the world, there is a release of new technology that made it easier to surveil the area under the dominion of the great power

Most of the important places of the world power is guarded by at least one Disk Formation leveler.

This is also the way the World powers exercise their power and influence over the dominion they controlled

But because of the Article of the World Distribution, Disk Formation leveler could not simply make a move easily unless the other forces is also using a Disk Formation leveler.

This is how the world power kept the peace and the stability of the world.

Disk Formation leveler could be considered as an intercontinental ballistic missile, an ICBM that any world power could launch any moment

But now that simplicity could no longer be afforded. A mere Disk Formation leveler could no longer be able to scan the entire world

If even Divine Comprehension leveler could not scan the whole world in detail., how could a Disk Formation level would be able to do such a thing?

In a way, because the world is small before, it is easy.

But now, not only the whole world had expanded a hundredfold, but the energy in the world right now seems to prevent mass surveillance from Divine Sense

Like a frequency had been changed.

No, to be exact it is like there is too many frequencies and it is hard for a Divine Sense to follow the frequencies as it collided and entangled with other frequencies

One could think it like a line of communication being disturbed and causes one to only listen to static noise.

Either the world power had to adjust and create new and more advanced technology to monitor their dominion and area of influence or they could station their Disk Formation leveler on the border of their territory.

After the expansion of the world and the surge of energy in the world, Azief predicted there would be many new Disk Formation leveler that would be born

Azief could think of some measures that the world power would take and also some measures that he also needs to take.

When he was merging with the world, he could see, that the largest continent of the world right now is Pandemonium.

Pandemonium is actually Australia.

Some people might have forgotten that. At least, the new generation would probably be weirded out to hear the name Australia.

One of the worst affected continent other than Asia (excluding Japan) is Australia.

All kinds of monsters and beast appears in that land and most of people in Australia were either eaten by the beast, killed by anarchist, or die trying to escape the land

Of course, it is not like there is no people from Australia that survives. But since the era of the Seven Great Powers began Pandemonium had always been Pandemonium

The officials of the court had always discouraged using the name Australia for fear of instilling any nationalism.

People need to understand that the old world order had crumbled.

Most of the world power had also accepted this.

Even the Republic which is based on Moscow which is predominantly controlled by the Russian in the beginning is now filled with Senators from all kind of race and nationalities.

Of course, there is a main difference between the Senate and Pandemonium.

The Senate still acknowledges old world borders and even protected the sovereignty of certain kingdoms and government regime if they were to throw their support over to the Republic.

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