Lord Shadow

1120 The Problems of World Government II

If the Republic and the World Government is still an enemy like in the past, he would not be surprised that the Republic with Jean prowess would lay waste upon his sphere of influence

In the past this would not have been surprising because to them the world is very small and some resources is not in their continent

However, things have changed now.

Right now, internal security is valued more.

Because right now, each continent is so big that even if all landmasses of Earth was put in the current Earth, it would fit hundreds of Earth

It is even hard for one to imagine such vast landscape.

Hirate is quite sure another Age of Exploration would sweep across the world.

There is new sea to sail through, new continent to explore, all kinds of space void that probably could lead to some kind of pocket space that contain opportunity

Still, with the rise of Jean in the Republic, now, there is a change in the power structure between the world power.

The World Government used to be in equal position with the Republic.

And people of the world believes that the second world power is the World Government just below Pandemonium

Raymond could constrain Katarina. As for Death Monarch, he is in a class of his own.

The reason why Katarina could be constrained is because her leveling become slow after she started pursuing the Perfection Path like Death Monarch

So, to many people, the World Government could stay on the number two spot.

But now, everyone is clear. The number one power of the world is still Pandemonium with hidden dragons and crouching tigers all around in that continent

But….as for number two, everyone looks toward the Senate of the Republic.

The Republic have a Divine Comprehension leveler. Pandemonium has one. And for a while the World Government had one which is Hikigaya

But now Hikigaya had calls it quit and the World Government is now almost the same with the other four world power.

Somehow the status of being equal with the Republic is now being thrown to the side.

Hirate knows that to stabilize the World Government right now is not easy

And that is why he had been busy for the past couple of days.

And then there is Raymond who has come back and is now supervising the army of the World Government.

But Hirate did not feel at ease. Because right now, the World Government effectively have no way to defend against a Divine Comprehension leveler.

If Hikigaya had some murderous intention, the damage he could do to the World Government is incalculable. The same could be said for Jean and Death Monarch

Hirate hated feeling like this. Like he is a fish on a chopping block.

Raymond did not yet hear the news of what had happened. He doesn't want to spread it too much.

Death Monarch departure from the world would set off ripples across the world. And when these ripples spread, waves would rise, storms would descend and the world would be in chaos.

It is not like before where the World Powers could easily calm down this storm.

In the past, they simply just have to send a unit with a Disk Formation leveler to calm down a region or a country.

But now, with the distance so vast and the resistance of the magic particle have upon the Disk Formation leveler, fast response is not like before.

Some places couldn't even support a teleportation channel because of the weird space-time phenomenon around the area.

Some are blocked and interfered by invisible force.

Ironically, these places that could not accommodate a teleportation channel is also some of the places with the densest energy

Sometimes, I hope that Death Monarch is a bit more heartless. He is too emotional. 'Then he chuckles

'But if he is heartless, then I don't think I could keep my head' Hirate always had a complicated feeling about Death Monarch.

If only he had taken all of the World Government power and make sure that Death Monarch, Lord Shadow at that time die, then it is possible that the ruling power of the world is not Pandemonium but the World Government.

The only reason why the Republic could rise so uninterrupted is because of the relationship between Death Monarch and Katarina.

to some people even though the Republic and Pandemonium did not sign any alliance agreement, many people believe that if Katarina was harmed by any world power, Death Monarch would come knocking.

Unlike Katarina whose will is separate from the Republic, Death Monarch will is Pandemonium will.

But at the same time, Hirate thought that if Death Monarch had been killed that day, would humanity had reached here?

It was Death Monarch that spark the offensive against the Weronian. It is also him that is able to fight the Heavens and controls one third of the Heavenly Will

At that time time Hirate did not know the significance of this. It isn't until a few years later that he understood the significance of having control of the Heavenly Will

He had felt the heavenly Will getting stronger and having its own thoughts and desire. When one reached Disk Formation they could feel that subtle feeling

They could sense a bit of the Heavenly Will.

But Hirate who has probably one of the keenest Divine Sense in the world other than Death Monarch felt more than just a subtle feeling

He felt that the Heavenly Will wanted to slow down human development. Wanting to control. Wanting to not simply survive but dominate.

But it could not because one third of it is controlled by "that person"

Hirate could only sighed at all of this. It is useless reminiscing about the past. What is important right now is what he should do.

To the world and to the world power, losing Death Monarch right now is like losing a pillar. And that is why the reason Hirate agreed with Loki proposition.

Because whether they like it or not, right now, at least in this moment, Death Monarch is the only thing that could deter powerful enemies

The world fears that another enemy like the Demon King would appear again.

If such a powerful being set foot onto Earth again and they do not have Death Monarch with them to fight such being, Earth would suffer even more.

They could win if they throw everything they had to this being.

World Government had created a different kind of nuclear bomb.

There is even a space station on the Moon that could use magnetic force to throw meteorites from outer space with one hundred percent precision to the surface of Earth

The only reason why they could not do it when the Multiversal Convergence was happening is because those Otherworlders that come from advanced technology civilization disable it.

And the massive waves of energy knock most of the space station. Some were pushed tens of thousands of light years away while some exploded

Regardless of all of these weapons, such fight between Earth and such a powerful being, relying only on the tech, the casualties and the damage of such battle would inflict to the world is not something any world power wanted

They would probably rule a desolate land.

That is not the only thing he reads in the report.

At least this is something he could be proud of when he reads report that have all kinds of information in it

Pandemonium is not the only world power that have a powerful intelligence agency.

The World Government have their own intelligence agency and not to mention they also cooperated with some other information broker.

He knew more than some other world leaders.

Something happened in Pandemonium five days ago. In the past anything that happens in Pandemonium that is newsworthy would arrive on his desk before the day ended

Because at that time communication is fast.

And any moves of Pandemonium could change the situation of the world hence the World Government is not the only world power that pays attention to Pandemonium every move

But this time, something that happened five days ago, only a few hours ago, the news had been received by him and verified by his people.

This is the trouble of having no eye in the sky.

The distance between the continent had also widened and takes a few hundred thousand of kilometers even among the closest continent border.

The news he had received is about a fight.

And the findings of his people shocked him.

He reads the report two times to make sure he is not reading it wrong.

He frowned.

Most people put information in information cube so that it could easily be transferred into one mind. But such information node could be hacked.

Hirate would not let such thing happen to him.

After the last massive leak of information a few years ago, he had created a few measures. That is why he is right now reading report manually.

'Sasha is cooperating with the Broker. And judging from the investigation and the World Government spies in the Crime Alliance, the Broker is dead.'

Hirate shakes his head with an admiring smile on his face

'Loki, Loki. You really have a big gut. I didn't think that when almost all of the world power is hunting you, you still have time to return to Pandemonium and kill someone. And you did not even want to accept Death Monarch asylum'

Hirate never understood why the relationship between Death Monarch and Loki is so complicated.

How could he describe Loki action? Is it not because his relationship with Death Monarch is complicated?

He could clearly remain safe as long as he stays in Pandemonium. Instead he would rather be hunted by the world

But that is not his place to comment

Instead, he is thinking about something else when reading this report. Death Monarch is known to hate the Crime Alliance.

Yes, hate. Usually the transaction of a leader of such organization would speak about interest.

That is how it usually goes. Hirate had seen such thing when he was working with influential man before the Fall.

A plane is shot down. Hundreds of people die. But the leader of that country could forgive the country that shot down the plane if the interest is high enough

But that is not how Death Monarch rolls.

This is a man who could impose his will upon the world. he makes his likes and dislike clear. He does not speak reason if he doesn't want to.

This temperamental god that seems to make unpredictable moves, unswayed by benefits is one of the reason why so many people is afraid of him

Maybe if there is a silver lining to this, it is that Death Monarch rarely impose his will upon the world

It is not that he never did it. After all, he once forces the whole world to let go of all conflict for a year.

Everyone listens to him at that time and nobody wanted to stick out like a sore thumb. But most of the time he imposes his will upon the world it is based on collective benefit and welfare.

As such, right now, Hirate is worried about Sasha. He is not close with Sasha. But he knows right now the world do not need pandemonium in an internal war.

If Pandemonium is busy fighting an internal war, then some dark forces in the world is going to speed up their development.

And the Shadow Guards should not have a new leader right now. Better the devil he knows.

'Hmm... Will this lead to some conflict between Death Monarch and her?' He thoughts for a moment. He read a few more report and then he got up.

He closes the holographic projection and takes a deep breath. Outside his office the phone calls still did not stop

It seems he have to go to the Quorum Council to plan their next move. Pandemonium right now have no leader.

He then walks outside his office and look to his secretary.

'Mr. President' the secretary greeted the moment she saw Hirate. She was holding the phone. The phone keeps ringing.

Most of the communication device of the secretary seems so analog. That is because this kind of communication device is harder to hack.

It just looks like analog but the concept behind it is not so antiquated.

'There is some problem in the Moon. And…..the news is verified.' The secretary gives a folder of paper to Hirate. Hirate opens the folder and scan it with his Divine Sense The moment he did that he frowned.

'Loki is trying to increase his influence in the criminal underwork. How would Pandemonium respond to this?'

But the folder did not only have information about Loki. There is many other information inside it.

Then the secretary said with a timid voice and said

'And the Quorum members is saying that there is many countries and kingdoms that are- ' and the secretary try to choose the right words here as she said 'anxious'

Smiling bitterly, he told his secretary

'Tell them I would address them in the Quorum Council' Saying this he went away.


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