Lord Shadow

1124 Order of Thinkers Dilemma II

He could send any of his Three Armies and one of them is enough to bring down the Order of Thinkers.

The Grand Researcher now realize what she lacks is people with individual power.

Yes, she had countless of robotic soldiers.

But these robotic soldiers no matter how powerful they were created, there is a limit to their power.

Most of her robotic soldier could not yet utilize the energy of the world. They also could not control the laws of the world and they could not perform magical spell.

Magic could not be used by mechanical creation like her robotic soldiers. It requires something mystical.

And this mystical thing is the soul.

At least that is what she had found out.

The Order of Thinkers might seem like they are only researching new advanced technology in the veins of mechanical technology but actually there is a lot of types of technology that they are researching

magic technology is one of them.

She found that magic particles response to some unknown force that binds people with magic particles.

She posited the theory that the unseen, intangible thing called souls existed and the soul connect any living beings with soul to some source of magical energy that is present in all of the Multiverses.

The Grand Researcher however understood the limitation of her knowledge.

Magic is unlike mechanical technology.

For most of human technology there is a whole orderly system to it, operating by certain laws that exist on Earth.

Physics, mathematics all of these principles of science could be used to derive a system where technology could advance and ultimately go

Magic…...magic however had myriads of paths. Some of them are orderly and could be make senses of.

Like some magic that utilizes the elements. There is a certain logic to it that could be applied to the creation and improvement of her robotic soldiers

Some even could be imitated by the robotic soldiers

But there was some magic that she has come into contact with that did not make sense at all. Most of these illogical magi seems to deal with the intangible.

'What should I do? Death Monarch is gone. the World Council would be delayed. Hirate would not propose any drastic measures right now. he himself has a lot of trouble with Hikigaya'

She said to herself. Then she heard footsteps from behind her. She looks back. There is tall lanky man approaching her. This man wears a monocle on his right eye

And he wears a white uniform

The uniform of a high echelon member of the Order of Thinkers is white. It resembles a bit of a lab coat. But there is badges on the shoulders

Across his eyes there is long line of scars. The scars used to be huge but the width of the scars had shrink and instead it is long now.

Eric' she said.

Eric Strauss is one of the early members of the Order of Thinkers and one of the confidant of the Grand Researcher.

'Grand Researcher'

He walks to the balcony and stand beside her.

There is silence for a few second.

They both look at the rising city in front of them. And they both have their thoughts. They let the sound of the construction and the air around them blows pass them

Then the Grand Researcher ask him

'How is the preliminary result of the scan?'

Eric then said

'The scan could only scan about thirty percent of the whole landmass. Beyond that, some invisible force mess with our detection system'

Grand Researcher face hardened a bit

'Which means we must increase the capability of our detection system.'

Eric nodded and added

'Don't worry. I have assigned some of the researcher to this'

'We must be fast. There is benefit to be made' Eric is silent for a second before he asks

'You want to sell it?'

Grand Researcher nodded. Eric frowned.  He seems to hesitate to say something before he shakes his head and said

'Please reconsider' the Grand Researcher look at her old friend.

'It is better not to talk with the Crime Alliance for a while. I suggest you limit the contact not only with the Crime Alliance but also with the Dark Syndicate. The White Owl also could not be trusted.' The Grand Researcher raised her eyebrows.

Eric added

'We don't know the intention of the White Owl. The only reason they turned to us is because they could not move those Three Great Powers. Doubt their intention, old friend' he said.

The Grand Researcher close her eyes and sighed. In that brief moment, she seems to get older. Eric is not burdened with her knowledge.

He is not burdened by the responsibility that she has so he could not understand fully why she did the things she did.

Then she said

'Death Monarch is not here'

Eric shakes his head

'That is not a good enough reason. He might not be here. But Pandemonium is still there. Pandemonium never needed Death Monarch to deal with us'

She then said

'As for the World Government, don't tell me you didn't know that they also use the Crime Alliance a few times. the Republic might have Katarina that hated those people in the Crime Alliance but those Senators of the Senate, which one of them did not have some deals with the criminals in the Crime Alliance? '

'Why do you think they deal with the Crime Alliance even if they wave the banner of eradicating those evil people? Other than Death Monarch and Katarina, the others wave that banner simply because the strongest man and woman in the world waves that banner'

The Grand Researcher added

'If we did not trade with the Crime Alliance, using their information and teleportation channel, how could we have survived the Multiversal Convergence with so little casualties?'

Eric was not convinced at all

'Are we the Republic? Are we the World Government?' he asks and for a while there is silence between these two people.

The question is simple and the meaning is strong.

The only reason that those two world power did those thing is precisely because they are strong enough to tide the waves that would come if it is exposed.

They might even have a few trump card if somehow the conflict would affect their relationship with Pandemonium

But the Order of Thinkers is not the World Government and it is not the Republic.

Eric stares at the Grand Researcher eyes. They look at each other stubbornly. Eric then sighed.

'We are still not able to verify the news. It is better not to be rash. Not to be the sore thumb in the eyes of Pandemonium' Eric said.

Eric had dealt with Death Monarch before.

That is a terrifying man. And a domineering one. He could see the consequences of ignoring the will of such a willful man.

And the Order of Thinkers is not a match against Pandemonium. And he also knew his friend. She is also stubborn.

But he fears that her stubbornness would lead the Order of Thinkers to a path of war against Pandemonium.

There is no problem to fight against any force that try to destroy them. The Order of Thinkers is not some world power bend on world domination.

Quite frankly it is quite pacifistic as the Order of Thinkers rarely wage war against any force in the world.

But that does not mean that the Order of Thinkers is afraid to fight or unable to fight. It is that they never have to fight since their interest rarely clashed with others interest.

Of course, this is referring to the other forces of the world. When compared to the other world power, usually the order of Thinkers had to laid down their head

Most of the core members of the Order of Thinkers are not people who wanted to fight wars.

They only wanted more power so that they could have more resources so that they could research and pursue the things that is important to them which is the knowledge of the world

If they were to fight, there is many weapons that they have developed that they could use that would shock the world.

But Pandemonium?

That is not a force that the Order of Thinkers could take on right now.

Maybe if they have some kind of leap in technological advancement far surpassing the current magical technology on Earth, there is a chance to at least defend themselves against Pandemonium.

But as of right now, as of this moment, Pandemonium is a force that could send only one of its armies and that is enough to level the entire ruling area of the Order of Thinkers.

The Grand Researcher thought for a moment and then said with a sigh

'It is a pity that we have to do this kind of thing. Eric, you know when we started this…. this is not what I wanted. But circumstances changes.'

Eric then smiles and said.

'maybe we don't have to'


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