Lord Shadow

1127 A Raven at the Starting of a New Era III

The moment she touches the envelope she could feel the magic that covers every inch of the envelope.

Sealing formation lights up from the red wax and become visible. Lines and bizarre symbol and shapes reveal itself on the envelope.

It is like the moment that envelope touches her finger, it unseals itself. Then the top of the envelope popped open.

Eric was shocked at what happen but once he regains his senses, he asks the Grand Researcher.

'You're going to read it?'

The Grand Researcher seems to be thinking of something again and then after a few second pause she nodded.

Eric face changes.

'Loki is not someone we should be allying with right now.' That letter, that serpent that eat its own tail, the theatrical of it all, dramatic reveals, it has all the signature of the Trickster.

Eric had heard the report that says the trickster had sought refuge with the Crime Alliance.

Loki is bad news.

If their cooperation with Crime Alliance is exposed, they could still find a way to salvage themselves from that situation.

But Loki? Loki right now is the enemy of the world

He shudders to think the consequences of cooperating with a person that nearly bring about the destruction of Earth

They are already preparing to defend themselves on the charge of human experimentation. If they were to have more accusation put on top of their head, they would be buried with sanction.

This is the hypocritical nature of the world power. They could easily destroy the Order of Thinkers but the Order brought them benefits and improvement in technology advancement

Destroying them would then bring them no benefits. And they also fear the vacuum that would be left in Antarctica.

It would also violate the very spirit of the Article of Distribution. There is still the attitude of the Three Great Powers that the world powers had to take into account

They fear that the order of Thinkers would go too far in their research so they impose sanctions and took away their resources.

Eric is thinking of the consequences that would; happen if the whole world finds out that they are consorting with the enemy of Earth. To be honest, it is not like Loki is the sole reason for the Multiversal Convergence to happen.

As one of the members of the Order of Thinkers he knows that the only reason the Multiversal Convergence had happened is because the barrier between worlds and dimension breaks.

While it does take a huge amount of energy to causes such tear in space time that it even affects dimension, it is undeniable that the continuous use of the World Gate by the World Government and the other method of the other world power who travels through other world unlimitedly is the cause of the Multiversal Convergence.

But it is easier to scapegoat Loki as the one responsible for all the calamity.

Loki was the perfect patsy

The Order of Thinkers are not like Pandemonium that it could disregard the opinion of the people of the world.

Those great powers are actually waiting for the Order of Thinkers to make a mistake so that they could slap some more restriction on them

Then there are other new factions and forces that wanted to take over Order of Thinkers spots., There is too many problems that could popup right now.

Now the stakes are even higher.

Antarctica no longer lack any resources. The land itself now become even more tempting and the benefit now outweighs the risk

Eric had thought of a few plans to make sure that the Order of Thinkers could be independent from the interference of the other world power.

The plan of colonizing the planets in the solar system is also an ongoing project. But allying with Loki, one wrong move and they could be everyone enemy.

Eric forehead creased. The Grand Researcher notices it and she understood why Eric is worried.

But unlike Eric, the Grand Researcher knows more about what truly happen in the Multiversal Convergence.

Or at least she thinks she knows the cause and effect of it. She does not dare claim one hundred percent certainty but she is quite sure of her deduction of what truly happen and who is truly responsible for the Multiversal Convergence

How could she be the leaders of the Order of Thinkers if she could not see through the secret. Of course she did not have any evidence. By now, all evidence of her speculation might have been wiped out by the interested parties.

But she knows that Loki is probably not the one responsible for the Multiversal Convergence. But since nobody wanted to deviate from the official story, she too would not stir the already muddied water

And allying with Loki is not entirely all bad. After all, there is still one variable that Eric failed to see.

'Let see what the Trickster wanted to say first' Eric only frowned at this. the Grand Researcher brought out the letter.

The letter is empty. But the Grand Researcher did not panic. She knows some methods of identification for encrypted letters like this.

This kind of magical encryption technique is quite novel., she thought to herself

She thinks it is one of that method.

She cut one of her finger with her nails and one drop of her golden blood falls onto the letter.

She expected to see some words, an enticement or a proposal of some sorts to cooperate.

But when the golden blood drops onto that letter and dissolve onto the paper, a formula appears.

It is continuous equation and formula and every few seconds, there is more and more formula that appears as the previous one would dissipate.

The Grand Researcher had photographic memory so she could remember each of the formula and the more she reads, the more she frowned.

'This…. I don't believe this'

'What?' Eric could not see it from his vantage point so he walks closer to the Grand Research, standing close beside her as he also looks at the letter.

He could not make heads and tails of it because he did not see the earlier formula.

'A weapon' she said. But her eyes did not move away from the letter.

It is a weapon. A weapon of quantum destruction with ultimate precision.

A new kind of weapon that could replace a nuclear weapon and surpasses it power limits.

This kind of weapon is powerful enough to even kill Essence Creation leveler and probably even those above Essence Creation leveler.

At least that is her thought. After all, this is only her estimation of this weapon.

Then the formula stopped. A word appears.


Then the word Euronium dissipated and a word appears on the letter.

'If you want to know more, meet me'

Then the letter suddenly burned up and the Grand Researcher toss the letter to the air before the letter turns into ash.

There is only silence in that room as the Grand Researcher and Eric look at the ash being blown by the wind that blows from the outside.

She is still filled with that feeling of seeing something wonderful that her heart beats wildly.

Those formulas, the equation that seems to open a new door of knowledge to her…...how could she not be excited?

Why did the trickster send this to her?

To her, this is a great temptation.

Such weapon not only contain great power, the very concept of constructing this weapon and creating this source of energy that is powerful enough to not only contend with the powerhouse of the world but also able to kill such powerhouses, shows that this technology would touch many principles of new advanced technology and new knowledge.

The fact that Loki had such thing is a testament of the Trickster resourcefulness. It seems the world still underestimated the Trickster.

It is then understandable that he did not need to rely on the protection of Pandemonium.

She had been thinking of rejecting Loki offer. Her act of opening the letter and reading it was simply as a courtesy.

After all, she knows maybe someday she had to deal with the Trickster.

She had all the intention to reject whatever the Trickster wanted to propose.

But that formula and the temptation of this weapon…. she is now slowly changing her mind.

Eric look at the Grand Researcher and he was surprised to her smiling. At that time, he knew that the Grand Researcher had made her decision.

The wind blows bringing the ash in the air away.

But there was something that she did understand.

And that is how should she contact the Trickster? There is no coordinate embedded in the secret letter.

Is it another puzzle? Or is there a riddle somewhere in the letter that she failed to see?

She had heard the Trickster penchant for riddles and puzzles.

But she did not think that Loki would make it that hard for her to find him.

The letter had also been destroyed so it is not like she could trace the origin of the letter and its energy signature.

Eric did not know what she is thinking and was about to say something. But then he stops in his track.

He narrowed his eyes as he come closer to the balcony. The Grand Researcher also notices Eric sudden movement.

She looks at the direction that Erick is looking and in the distance she could see a bird flying toward the balcony.

At first she thought it is a normal bird. But then her eyes narrowed

It could not be a normal bird.

This place is already high enough. Not to mention there is still the squalls of wind that would suddenly formed in random moments.

The only birds that could fly in such conditions are the evolved birds and large birds like Griffins and other large or mystical birds

There are even all kinds of formation around this area.

While it is not strange to see a bird as it is a living thing that is not really restricted by the formation, the fact that this bird looks like an ordinary bird, makes it all even more weird.

These height is not somewhere where normal bird could fly toward. Around the balcony there is clouds.

That is how high the new headquarters of the Order of Thinkers.

'What is that?' she said as she narrowed her eyes looking at the bird. Then her eyes widened for a second and there is a smile on her face

Eric expression however hardened. The bird fly toward the balcony and landed. And there, perched on the edge of the balcony railing, a raven.

She looks at the raven and she laughed

The echoes of her laugh reverberates around the empty room.


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