Lord Shadow

1142 An Unrecognizable World II

Azief could spare six days to delay and increase his strength because he believes in six days the Demon King would not do anything excessive to Katarina.

Because Katarina is a bait.

Of course his calculation might be wrong.

If it's wrong and the Demon King did something that is unforgivable to Katarina. He would make sure the entire Seresian world would pay for it.

His choice then would be simple.

He just has to increase his strength on Earth and when he had enough strength he could go to the Seresian world and exact his revenge.

And if he could think of this, he believes that the Demon King could also thought of the same thing

And without a bait, Azief is free to do what he wants.

And that is something that the Demon King would not do.

But because of what happened to the portal, right now Azief is anxious.

Because he believes that whatever causes this abnormality between the two point of the portal, it had caused the time between the wo world become normal again.

And normal time differences are not good for Azief.

Because the two world, to say it in a simple term, have two different time zone.

A day on Earth might be a month on the Seresian world.

Azief thought about all of this even as he felt the pull around his body become stronger.

'It's here' he thought to himself.

He is getting closer to the exit point. As he become closer to the exit point he raised his eyebrows

'Wait' he thought to himself.

There is something that he saw on the scene in front of him that made him felt weird.

Because as he comes closer and closer toward the exit point, he could see the other side of the exit point become even clearer.

Before it is a red sky. But now, it is a blue sky and there is even an aurora like colors on that sky.

It is a beautiful sky. But that is the problem. The sky of the Seresian world had always been red like blood.

'Am I really going to the Seresian world?' but before he could have another thought the force of the pulling multiply and he was sucked into the exit point

Behind him, the space collapses onto itself.

A string that connected the Seresian world and Earth prime was cut and the small ripples is so insignificant that no one would notice it.

At the same time on Earth Prime, it was during that time, the portal collapsed into itself and Jean had to teleport himself out of the island to escape the blast.

Time...is a very weird thing.

Azief on the other hand falls from the sky. His body seems to have lost all energy.

'Shit' he curses as he felt his body plunging from the sky toward the ground.  And it is not slow. He is plummeting at extreme speed that around him

It is like he is a meteor that enter into the atmosphere.

His entire body heats up due to the friction between his body and the air. And his entire body seems to glow brightly.

At that last moment, just right before he exited the portal channel, there was an explosion.

This explosion seems to negate any energy, everything around him seems to be pushed away.

The clouds around him burst into small particles before being voided into nonexistence.

If he is on Earth and not in that space, he is quite confident that he could survive and even cut through that explosion.

But in that space, he could not really move freely. Azief controls Laws. And most of his Laws is considered high tier laws.

But inside that space there is infinite laws with infinite variations.

The same Laws but not quite similar

Even if he could control some of the Laws, he could not control all of it.

And while there is an infinite energy in that space, the energy itself did not belong to the portal Instead it was separated from the tunnel.

It supported the tunnel but it did not give the tunnel more than the necessary energy.

Azief could not draw the energy to himself. If he did, the destabilization of the portal would become even worse.

And when it becomes worse, the path toward the Seresian world might be blocked or worse, cut off.

And that is not something he wanted.

So, he was left without energy.

And then there is the explosion.

And now here he is, plunging down to the ground with incredible speed.

But while Azief is frustrated he was not afraid or fearful.

Because the moment he was out, like a man dying out of thirst, he had found water.

As he is falling down, his body is gathering the energy around him like a plant devouring the sun energy.

And because he is a Divine Comprehension leveler, his rate of absorption of energy is very fast.

In just a matter of seconds, he had recovered at least one third of his energy.

While one third of his energy certainly doesn't seem that impressive, it is enough for him to survive.

His body sense the Laws of this world and he could feel it nourishing his body. And he took control of the Laws that is around him almost immediately.

Azief half expected that a thunderbolt would come down from the Heaven and struck him down. After all, he is an Otherworlders.

Seresian have a Heavenly Will.

Of course, that Heavenly Will might have been destroyed during the War of the Demon Emperor.

At that time Azief did not know yet the concept of Heavenly Will, of the concept that the world could develop an instinct and a Will-like intelligence creature.

At that time, he is also low level compared to him today.

So, at that time even if he is an Otherworlders, considering that he is a slave of a Demonic Prince and that he is weak, the Heavenly Will probably would not pay attention to him.

heavenly Will moves according to the concept of their survival.

At least newly born Heavenly Will thought only of their survival

They would rarely care about the destruction of the people living in that world as long as it did not touch the survival of the world itself.

But he understood later that even then the Seresian world had Heavenly Will.

But now as he is falling down and absorbing the energy around him, he does not feel the oppression of the world upon him

'Blue sky' he thought to himself.

He looks at the sky above him and saw blue skies and white clouds.

This is unlike the Seresian world he had been to.

How much time had passed? What happened to the Seresian world?

He also notices something else.

The energy of this world seems fresh. That is the best way to describe it. He did not know how else to describe this feeling of this energy

The last time he went to the Seresian world, the energy of the world was very scarce.

But there is a feeling of energy rejuvenation in this world.

There is too many question in his mind.

But he did not forget that he is falling down to the ground.

He changes the direction that he is facing and is now looking g at the ground.

He is only a few feet away from crashing to the ground and as his body is about to crash down, his body went still in the air.

Azief smirks

'Not so fast' he thought to himself

A powerful force exploded around him because of the sudden stopping.

The heat on his body is transferred to the ground as the ground itself exploded and waves and ripples of energy spread out from his body.

The air around him seems to distort because of the diffusion of the heat around his body

He was only one feet away from crashing to the ground when his entire body stopped in midair, his face looking at the ground lying flat, floating in the air.

His face is looking at the tall green grass.

The force spread out around him causing the land around one kilometers to be flattened.

The entre forest like some kind of earthshaking force had sweep through it causing it to be flattened.

Hills exploded into pieces of soils before being swept by another wave of energy and turning even that soil into merely dust.

The wind blows and the dust was carried away almost instantly

'Huu' Azief thought to himself.

If he had not taken control at that last moment, him crashing through the ground, with that much force would create a large crater and a powerful explosion that would probably inflict more damages then it is now.

Azief would try to refrain to let such a thing to happen.

He fears that someone have been paying attention to this place. If such explosion had happened, the Demon King might easily found his location

And once that happen, his only advantage right now would be lost.

Azief then slowly floats his body upwards as he floats on the air.

Then he changes his position which is lying down to a standing position and slowly floated down to the ground.

He looks around him and it was nothing like the Seresian world he had known.

There are large trees with green leaves and fruits.

Most of the time when he looks at the land of the Seresian world it is barren. The trees are not in abundance

And even then it did not have such a lush green leaves.

There are also no green grasses. At least not at the place he had been too when he was in the Seresian world

But suddenly, he is surrounded by things he never thought he would see. He also wonders why no one was guarding around the portal

'Am I that lucky of a person?' Azief thought to himself. He had prepared himself to be ambushed by Balfor Q'un and that he had to fight a desperate battle to save himself and Katarina.

But right now, there is no trace of Balfor Q'un around the area.

Is he really in the Seresian world? He then floated upwards and as he goes up, he saw something that made him widened his eyes

'What the hell?'


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