Lord Shadow

1246 Deities Clashes

Another explosion of light happens and Azief face become pale. His energy drained even more but in front of him, there is now another titanic figure

It is the Ancient Rune Law Avatar. The Law Avatar of the Ancient Rune Law had its entire body carved with ancient runic characters.

Runes character spirals around him.

He pointed his finger to a small dust.

A rune character flew to that dust and the dust turns into a hundred feet tablet that is floating in space emanating a terrifying pressure.

The eyes of his Law Avatar of the Ancient Rune is filled with runic characters. And then his eyes glows and everywhere he looks, matters are transformed.

Not before long there is one hundred stone tablet floating in space. Some of them lined up behind the Law Avatar. Some of them spirals and circles the Law Avatar.

But each of them seems to have its own pressure and its own kind of power.

Rune given power and energy. Nearby stars already exploded.

And like the other two law Avatar, this Law Avatar also declared to the Heavens

'I Spoke the Ancient Words and write the Ancient letters forgotten by time and this is my Grand Path. Words have meaning and meaning brings power. I turn Words into Worlds and Heavens. I declare this to be the Truth!' And the moment he said that Azief finally felt no resistance at all.

All the pressure that he once felt before suddenly dissipated from him like it is a lie.

Like the other two Law Avatar, the Ancient Rune law Avatar flew to the rift.

The Law Avatar took one step, the space distorted and then he is right there in the edge of the separation line of the rift.

By now the rift almost dissipated. Azief never put much hope in it.

Azief was about to summon another law Avatar but then the moment he tries it he felt lethargic like he had never felt more tired than he is right now

He then saw energy leaking from his nose.

If he is a normal human, he probably would cough up blood. But because he is a being of pure energy when he does get injury from his wound, energy would leak.

And that is what is happening to him right now

There is puzzlement in his heart right now.

'Why can't I summon more?' he closes his eyes for a second and he could confirm that only three laws in his Inner consciousness is brought out

He could still use the other ten laws. But for some reason as he tries to summons them out, he suddenly was attacked by a backlash.

'Is it have something to do with that acknowledgement?' he thought to himself. For a moment, Azief halted his movement.

In the past it is easy for him to even summons all thirteen of his Law Avatar. And while he did feel a bit drained, it was not like this.

It was like suddenly his body lost a huge amount of energy

today, he just summons three Law Avatar and his energy in his body is almost exhausted.

Three of his Laws had dimmed. That is normal. But then why is everything so weird right now

'Something must have happened' Azief quickly tries to think of what went differently. Today is a day of many first for Azief.

He had never been this flustered before.

And never had he been caught so unaware of so many things.

If not for the fact that he had experienced many things in his life, he probably would panic. Instead, even in his most flustered moment, he keeps it together.

Then as he thinks of what went differently, something clicked in his mind.

He saw the clue.

Once again, he tries to bring out his Law Avatar. Only this time he did it carefully and the moment he felt the backlash, he stopped

'I sense it' he thought to himself

'Does it have something to do with the fact that as I grows weaker, I could sense it even more acutely? Like someone who is deprived of one senses making the other senses more sensitive?' Azief thought to himself.

Before, he could not sense it. But now, as he had brought out three of his Law Avatar he could sense it.

Each time his Law Avatar made a declaration, it was like something had acknowledge them. This something is an invisible force

And the moment it is acknowledged, somehow his law Avatar become even stronger and their control over their respective Laws become stronger and more masterful.

And that drains his energy.

Because, Azief believes that it also acknowledged him.

For some reason the stronger his Law Avatar become, the more energy he need to use to supply the base of his Law Avatar ability.

He is the Law Avatar.

But the law Avatar is not him.

But the energy they have is taken from him.

The base energy at least.

The advantage of using law Avatar is that as long as he provides the base of energy, the Law Avatar after being summoned could use the laws of their creation to supply energy to them.

As such, the situation is like this.

The two Law Avatars, the Avatar of the Worldly energy and the law Avatar of the Universal Law have more power than the Ancient runic law.

the reason is because the Ancient runic law is based on runes and there is not much of runic energy in this universe.

'This is good enough' he thought and the moment he thought like that a powerful sword intent cut toward the rift that separates him and Amara

A large explosion that reverberates across tens of thousands of kilometers from the point of collisions was produced.

The nearby debris of destroyed planets were annihilated because of the shockwave and then Azief saw Amara appeared in front of one of his Avatar.

Amara eyes is cold and Azief who was just about to try to communicate with her and trying again to make her understand, just give up on trying to strike a conversation

'This Goddess is really stubborn. I was deceived at that time' he thought ironically. When he first saw Amara, she was like the personification of love.

Gentle, caring and warmth.

But he forgets that love also have its dark side. And probably when she is angered, this dark side comes out

Amara comes bursting out from the space turbulence.

Just because she cut the rift into two and create an opening did not mean that there is no space turbulence around that area.

It was like a wall that has been breached.

Only this wall is a wall made of space rift.

And Amara in the time that Azief used to summons his Law Avatar, Amara seems to also uses certain Laws that she had mastered

Right now, on her hand is a sword. And Azief eyes narrowed as he saw that sword.

It is Lightbreaker.

He only saw Lightbreaker when it was wielded by Arial. He never saw it wielded by anyone else

And today, he saw it in the hands of Amara. Azief took a steps backward and space behind him seems to fragmented as one step backward had made Azief retreat a million miles away.

He is weak right now.

His energy is almost drained.

But he was not afraid at all. Instead there is a smirk on his face

Because the moment Amara appear pass the rift, Azief Law Avatar of Worldly Energy raise his spear.

Azief close his eyes and sit cross legged in space, a force field forms around him.

'This is really the feeling of a last Boss' Azief thought to himself. Instead of him fighting, he would let his Law Avatars fight for him

The space dust spirals around him creating a spinning circle structure that overlaid on top of each other.

Meanwhile Amara had to fight Azief Law Avatar who had been strengthened.

When Azief close his eyes, he could also experience the memories of his Law Avatar.

At the same time facing Amara who had passed the rift, Azief Worldly Energy Law Avatar did not give Amara any chance to get her bearings

The Law Avatar of Worldly Energy raise his spear and thrusted it forward toward Amara

The stars nearby dim and the space cracked and collapsed into itself.

Amara tries to deflect the spear, but Azief Law Avatar spins the spear.

When he spins it, a powerful storm breaks out from the edges of the spears pushing the deflection force of Amara sword.

If they were a normal martial artist, such thing probably could not have happened.

But they are now titans. Their height is around a thousand feet and their spears is also very large.

The spear thrusted forward but Amara was not afraid.

She moves the sword toward her chest and the spear struck the sword that is put in front of her chest.

Amara then kicks the space beneath her and she glided backward, creating trails of energy that send ripples through space.

Thunder, fire, water, metal these element gathers around Azief Law Avatar of Worldly Energy and the Law Avatar kick the space and he moves forward with the space around him seems to crack.

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