Lord Shadow

1370 The Important Question II

Jean is not a single individual.

He is the Left Chancellor of the Republic and he has great support from the people under the rule of the Republic and even in the Senate and the Assembly.

If he fought with Jean, regardless of the reason, there would be a war. And a war between great powers this time would not be like before

In the past, Azief could fight the World Government and not affect the course of the world that much but that is not the case now

And he has a lot of more things now. And he has more people he cares about now. Things have become…not so simple

Azief sighed.

'It is fortunate that Jean is not involved in that. I owe him' he said and Will raise his eyebrows.

He could guess what Azief owe Jean. It probably had something to do with the Multiversal Convergence

Will wanted to sigh. Things have changed a lot and people have also changed.

'As for the matter whether the Republic would come…' Will nodded

'They will come. The Senate agree to send a fleet to fetch her. Chaotic and in the verge of a civil war and a mass secession'

Will said

'It's that bad?'

'the powerful fought for people. For population. Not land. Not wealth' he said as he chuckles bitterly

'Because land is everywhere. The world has become too big. One could walk a hundred years and might see a few dozen villages'

Will was not exaggerating. If you are not a leveler on at least the level of Seed Forming, you probably would not be able to tour all over the world.

At least in Seed Forming you probably have controls over the energy of the world making it possible for you to venture out to the world

But if not, you would probably be stuck in your place of origin for the rest of your life.

'As for wealth, in this world the currency is still not determined but most people have used the energy stones. The purer it is, the more valuable it is. Even the criminal underworld traded using energy stones.'

Gold and silvers and all of that is not a good store of value or having any value at all in this current age.

Both Azief and Will knows this.

Because for beings like Azief, he could easily turn anything he touches into gold.

And the new fad is people.

Because in this world of magic and fantasy, people could become gods. And if their faction could cultivate a powerful person, then a force could rise up to the sky.

More people, more chances that among those people there is a person who could surpass the great heroes of the world.

This has good effect on normal people as none of the factions and forces that wanted to be stronger would do something crazy like massacring population.

Doing such a thing and oppressing people would not end in a good way as people would leave.

And they are always people who adhere to morals and righteousness and would slay these kind of people

The reason why the World Government was so popular in the beginning is because they protected the people

Say what you want about them, but in the initial Fall they have managed to create order and coordinate rescue effort and save a lot of people all over the world by coordinating with other powerful people that was allies of the World Government

If not for their mistake in dealing with Death Monarch, they could very well be the greatest world power

'Pandemonium?' Azief asked. Will frowned a bit. He sighed first before saying

'Wang Jian is coming'

'How about Athena and Freya?'

'They both are also coming' Azief narrowed his eyes and laughed. He understands what Will is saying to him

'They brought three ships?' Will shakes his head and said

'Three fleet. They brought three fleet to meet you. A sea armada is coming to welcome you back to Pandemonium. It made me envy you a little bit. Maybe I should create my own force'

Azief laughed

'You mean the fame?'

Will only laughed.

'Your army had expanded a lot since you last saw them. But I guess that is also in your calculation right? But do you expect it to be such a headache?' Will said with a smirk on his face

Azief smiles bitterly. Most of the time he did not pay that much attention to Pandemonium military forces

The reason is because as he grows stronger, most of the time he could handle anything by his lonesome.

There is no need for him to use any army against his enemies. Does that mean army is useless? No, it is simply because one does not kill a mosquito using a cannon

If there was ever a need to use his army, it was like during the Multiversal Convergence. But that is a freak accident.

The reason why Azief kept the army and keep expanding it is because if there is war between world powers, then the role of armies is very important.

For example, Azief could fight a world power alone.

But the world powers all have strategies to try to deal with him. Of course right now he is in Divine Comprehension so it is hard to find an enemy for him

But that does not mean that the world power is truly powerless to do anything. Using quantity against him still work.

Azief believe that the army still have a role to play because he had seen it. Odin is powerful and possess great magic but even he has his own soldiers and armies.

Azief did not say anything for a while.

He already had many problems but when he listens to Will saying that three of his generals are all coming to the Turbulent Sea but separate, he could tell that the internal division of the army is getting worse

But then he thinks of another possibility and the other possibility is also something that would give him headache.

'If I knew it is this troublesome, it might be better not to create Pandemonium at all' he thought to himself.

Will could tell what Azief was thinking so he said

'The Central Court seems to be the one that is fanning the flames between the Three Armies'

Azief heard it and he nodded.

'You're going to keep letting it happen?'

'I think Wang Jian, Athena and Freya knows that the Central Court is the one fanning the flames' he said suddenly.

Will raised his eyebrows but Azief did not put him in suspense for long

'They are just playing along with it'

'Why?' Will asked.

He did not understand much about politics.

He doesn't understand…. if Wang Jian, Freya and Athena all knows that the Central Court is the one that is fanning the flame and promoting the divide between the Three Armies why do they play along with it?

'Is there any reason for such a farce?' Will thought to himself

Azief sighed.

'There is' he answered

He then said

'I didn't think that they could think of such method. But, at least I know that they are loyal'

'I still don't understand, Azief'

'The reason why they play along with it is simply because they know that the reason I structure the relationship of the Central Court, the Three Armies and the Shadow Guards are all made for them to supervise each other, for them to fight each other and not to unite with each other'

Azief sighed again

'I did it in the beginning because I fear that my absence would leave Pandemonium vulnerable. Pandemonium is unlike me. I could not always control it because it is consisted of the people living in it. I could restrain my greed but Pandemonium couldn't. The only reason it had been able to do it is because I was the one holding the reins.'

'I created such organization and make them clash against each other so they would never let any faction gains total control over Pandemonium'

He paused for a second and Will look at his sworn brother with a new whole appreciation.

I guess his sworn brother if not for his pursuit for great strength would probably be quite the politician.

Azief did not know Will thoughts instead he asks

'Do you know the thoughts of these factions?'

Will shakes his head

Even though he does work in Pandemonium, he does not really have any official title. And that is something he and Azief both agree

After all, he is not always in Pandemonium.

Sometimes, when he felt like it he would go travel in the Speed Source or simply goes to another dimension or training with his teacher and going to some forbidden places in the Universe

Before, he and his teacher is chasing a broken star. There is someone there named Wargod and in that broken star, there is one of the Temple of the Savi'krian.

There is a legacy there for him to inherit.

It is not an ideal for him to have a job where he had to be there all the time. And Azief knows that

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