Lord Shadow

1402 The Truth That Is Hidden

'Please wait before chasing me off, Your Excellency'

Golden Face knows that while the medallion of the Red Table is like a seal of the king in the criminal world, this medal simply could not deter someone like Pirate Lord Mary

Pirate Lord Mary is one of the Ten Pirate Lords. One of the rulers of the Ten Seas. Their methods are different than the people on land.

On land, these pirates do not possess great power but on the sea, these people are very powerful. They know the routes; they know the mood of the sea.

And some said, that they could hear the Song of the Sea.

Golden Face does not understand what is the Song of the Sea is but this is the reason why pirates are still here and why no one could eradicate pirates from the sea

It is truly not easy to tangle with one of the Pirate Lords especially when they are on their turf.

Mary look at Golden Face and then said

'Speak' she said it simply but from her words come gales of wind and the simple words turns into a roar.

Golden Face still stands there. A red aura seems to surround him; the red medallions floats in the air creating a barrier around Golden Face.

Mary narrowed her eyes but she did not do anything else.

'Raymond is there' he suddenly said. Mary close her eyes, pretending she did not listen

'The Divine Archer is also there'

There is silence on the deck. The wind blows by, the seagulls squawks but other than that, there is an utter silence on the deck

Golden Face just stands there and waited. Pirate Lord Mary look at Golden Face. It seems he is throwing the question to her.

She closes her eyes and lean her back to her throne then sighing she ask

'So, what do you expect me to do?'

Golden Face come a step closer.

But a burly man who sat on the edge of the ship suddenly makes a move and he appears in front of Golden Face, his hand stretched forward.

'Step back' he said with a snarl on his face.

Golden Face halted. The man stopping Golden Face is the first mate of Pirate Lord Mary, Ice King Gray Becker.

He made name for himself alongside Bloody Mary, fighting many of the pirates in the world to gain recognition from the pirate lords.

Some even said that his battle power is even stronger than the captain herself. Gray Becker look at Golden Face.

He doesn't like this guy. Golden Face has always given him the creeps. His voice sometimes could show his emotion. But Golden Face always wears that golden face shaped mask, always hiding his face.

And that mask gives him a very bad feeling. He never met Golden Face personally. But he knows of this existence.

The Dog of the Red Table.

That is the title people gave him. But even if he is a dog, this is not a dog you could simply beat. Because even if you want to beat him, you have to think who is the owner of this dog

'Your Excellency, you don't need me to tell you what will happen if Raymond got his hand on the Trident. There would be another Divine Comprehension leveler in the world. You want that?'

Mary close her eyes again and lean back her body to her throne. She sighed and she seems to be thinking of something

Golden Face then said

'I know that you are worried creating conflict with the world powers' at this, no one said anything. Even though pirate usually fight even with the slightest provocation, they did not rise up to deny it.

The pirates of today are unlike the pirates of the past, of pirate before the Fall.

Before the Fall, pirates could capture a tanker oil and then even negotiate with people and nations to give them money like those Somali pirates on the coast of Somalia.

But, the world changes in a big way after the Fall

And when Death Monarch establishes the Seven World Powers, the world entered into a state of stability, of strongman ruling the world

Godlike people with godlike abilities.

And the sea become even more dangerous.

One might ask what does piracy brings to the table? In the past, it is to bring money or resources.

But what after the Fall?

Even years after the initial Fall, money is just paper and did not have any functions.

Powerful people liked Death Monarch is rumored to have never used money after the Fall. If he wanted things, he would just say the word, and the world would send it to him.

Then what does the pirate wants?

It is not money anymore. It is resources. And also the pirates like always gone into the work of smuggling.

Since the Seven World powers usually have conflict with one another, smuggling and kidnaping and transporting people form one place to another is a very lucrative business.

What they smuggle is energy stone and that is also what they robbed. Sometimes, it is an artifact. Others times, it is precious materials or weapon.

And a lot of times people.

Even though the world had changed, the job of a pirate did not change that much.

But unlike the Crime Alliance who thoroughly were hunted by Pandemonium, the Pirates very much knows to keep their head down so that they would get in the crosshairs of powerful people.

Mary understood this.

And so does her crew.

Pirates are powerful....to a certain extent.

But if behemoth like Pandemonium began to look at them, then even they could not stand the pressure.

They lack the organization and power that the Crime Alliance had.

And fighting with Raymond, forging deadly feud with him is not something that any of the Pirate Lords wanted.

Mary understood that right now is the best possible situation. The people fighting for the trident is not a direct power of the Pirate Lords.

With this, she could still maintain whatever small relationship the pirates have with the great powers.

But if she stops Raymond, and succeeding in stopping him, what is that if not a deadly feud?

Because she knows, and Golden Face knows and also everyone near this island knows, that Raymond wanted the Trident to break through to Divine Comprehension, to claim his spot as the fourth Divine Comprehension leveler in the world.

And breaking that chance, Hirate would not be happy. Golden Face could tell that Mary is hesitating so he said

'What if I told you that you would be fine? That you would have the backing of the Red Table?' Mary looks at Golden Face and then she laugh

'Did you forget what I said? Red Table does not control the sea'

'Yes, but that Trident does. And if you have it, the whole Ten Seas would be under your control' Golden Face had this trump card. There is only one way to force these pirate lords to move.

And that is to convince them that if they won the Trident, the shackles that binds them would be broken.

And the poisonous thing about this scheme was that Golden Face is not lying.

Mary look at Golden Face

'What do you mean?' The pirate lords know that the Trident is powerful but this is not the first time that they see an artifact that is a replica of a divine artifacts.

For example, there is Athena in Pandemonium who have the Sword of Ares. But it is not the real Sword of Ares

If it is Athena would probably be able to cut more than just flesh.

From what they understand, the myths in the world are not necessarily myths.

Some are very real. They know that the so called gods and deities of the ancient times might be aliens that once come to Earth

And there is weapons that they use. And the weapons they use could cut down celestial bodies as easily as a sword could cut a branch of a tree.

But, most of the artifact that have names to it, usually is a replica or an incarnation of that weapon.

But a true divine weapon? Hearing this how could Mary not feel shocked.

'Then, this changes things' she thought to herself.

Golden Face could see that Mary face changes

'Elaborate' Mary said

'My pleasure'

Golden Face then began explaining to her the power of that trident. And from whom the source of this information came from.

By now, Golden Face knows that he has to be truthful if he wanted Pirate Lord Mary to do her best in making sure that the trident does not fall to the hands of the world powers.

The more Mary heard about the power of the trident, the more her face expression changes.

Golden Face finished telling the effect of the trident toward Mary. For a moment, Mary stands there, transfixed.

Then she looks toward that pulsating wind barrier in the distance.

And her eyes are full of desire.

Inside that wind barrier is a weapon.  A powerful weapon that could get the World Powers to get off their back.

There are no precious resources in this world right now that could compare to the importance of this one particular weapon.

This is her thought right now. She also knows that Golden Face would not share this information with her if not for the fact that the Earthshaker is in there.

To the Crime Alliance, even if the Pirates get the trident, they might not notice its true worth.

Most of the pirate lords that is vying for the weapon is simply because they were commissioned by some people

They are many powerful reclusive people in this world that wanted an artifact. Some of the clients might even be some faction in the world powers that wanted it.

'So, that is the plan' she thought in her heart.


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