Lord Shadow

1503 Mourning A Friend

He was besieged by ten Disk Formation levelers.

Even though Oreki was in the peak realm of Disk Formation, he is still, after all a Disk Formation leveler's

They were the same rank

It is not like a Divine Comprehension leveler fighting a Disk Formation leveler. Unless they were heavily restricted like Hikigaya who is maintaining the formation that keep this island united, any Divine Comprehension levelers could wipe out the floor with dozens of normal Disk Formation levelers.

Oreki had to use his all to fight these people.

It is amazing that he even survived such battle. He had used many of his artifacts, most of which had been destroyed. He even had popped out all kinds of pills and uses all kinds of poisons to finally clinch that final victory.

Their fight devastated the entire eastern region that it almost takes out the entire central eastern region with them. There are no trees, no grass only scorched earth.

The dead bodies are on the ground. They do not have wounds but their orifice is emitting smokes. They were burned from inside out.

And Oreki slowly descended down on the ground.

'I might not be a powerful as Death Monarch, but I am still enough to kill all of you' he mocked the enemy as he opens his hand and three pills floated above his palm. He throws the three pills into his mouth and with each chewing motion, one could see that his injury is healing at an unprecedented rate and a vortex of energy surround him like he is being cocooned.

Just like Arno, he pinched something that is on his ears and reported to someone that his job is done

And not long after, his Raijin army arrives and quickly protect him as he healed himself.

Another part of the island pacified.

The world now sees all the people that they see in the lineup before fighting in these battle. The emperor of Wei from the Lotus order is also fighting and he manage to survive.

But his army was completely decimated. If it's not for Lee Sangmin that suddenly appears he would already be dead under the besiegement of the pirates

And there is also that man with the nondescript mask. That mask however had been broken and one could see the face behind the mask

A boyish face, a Frenchman

His patched grey robe has been torn apart in many places. His staff was broken and the space around that staff condense and broke and it repeated almost endlessly.

He is heaving his chest up and down, golden blood flows from his wound unceasingly

People who see his face remembers that face. Especially Europeans.

Null, one of the Three Holy Guardians of France.  But while he might eb a hero of France, he is a devil to many European nations.

Fighting alongside him is the Black Death Maximoff. They are both members of the Republic. It is not strange then why they would ally with each other and fighting side by side

But the enemy that they faced must be very powerful to force these two people to this extent.

Weirdly enough, everyone who was watching the battle do not know the identity of the person attacking both Null and Maximoff.

Null power seems to be neutralized.

Whenever he makes a move, this person would anticipate it and attack him before he could make any moves.

As for Maximoff, when this person makes a grabbing motion, Maximoff appears in front of him like he was pulled from the space time vortex.

Maximoff nearly died in one attack.

Their attack is not explosive nor does it affect large part of the area. But it was concentrated in one point.

The shockwave blast only affects small parts of the area but the destructive power lingered.

This is the difference.

When someone uses explosive power and its spread far and wide, the destructive aura would not linger because it spreads.

Thus, such places would easily eb healed by the world. The life force of the world would quickly replenish the area, healing it

But when a battle is concentrated into one place, where the destructive power did not spread, it instead would leave a trace of that destructive power to linger.

Making the place harder to be replenished after the battle.

Maximoff who is known for his ingenious way of using his bullet, seems to be restrained completely in front of this person.

But no one sems to know his name.

Some people even raise up the possibility that it might be Void.

But that possibility is quickly shot down when this person uses mystical abilities.

Everyone knows that while Void had the power to void any kinds of mystical abilities, he himself does not possess any magical or mystical abilities.

No one thought that the Crime Alliance and the pirate hide so deeply that they have this kind of person that could fight with two of the famous members of the world powers and even winning against them

The battle in this part of the island continues and everyone thought that with Null and Maximoff fighting side by side, that the world power forces would win.,

But then a shockwave exploded, a sword light erupted and Null clutch his neck.

'Uhuk,uhuk' he coughed and coming out of his mouth is blood and his energy is draining in a fast rate

From the empty space of his fingers, blood flows out and he fell down to his knees.

His blood was gold before it turns red, his entire cultivation base seems to degrade in just a matter of second.

Null fall down face first and he seems to gurgle before his body stopped twitching. His life force was depleted in just a few second

He turns his body and his face now faced the sky. He seems to want to say something but the blood that is coming out from his throat is preventing him from making any coherent words

The whole world went silent like they could not believe what they just saw

Null died.

This shocked everyone. And the people of France had mixed feeling when they saw Null died in this battle.

He was someone who is very cruel and evil…. yet it was also true that he won France great power so that they could negotiate with other European powers without being belittled or pushed down.

But to many people who were subject to his cruelty and his evil, they seem to cheer upon his death

Far away from the island, Jean suddenly looks toward the island direction.

All of his Time avatar scattered all over the vast world all looked toward the direction of the island.

Even though ten thousands of miles separated Jean and Null, his eyes seem to be able to see through all the obstacle so that his gaze landed on Null body.

The distortion and the turbulent space and time makes the image blurry in his eyes but Jean could still see the moment of Null death.

He wanted to save him but he was preoccupied and his mind is not as sharp.

It requires a high level of concentration to maintain all of these time avatars and also fighting at the same time.

He gritted his teeth but then he sighed

'Maybe, this is for the best' Jean said.

'Life is torture for you and so maybe death as a warrior, the way you wanted it….is a better death for you' Jean could hear and could see people cheering his death and only a few who were sad for his passing.

Jean could not help but close his eyes for that one moment and a tear was about fall down but he restrained himself from crying.

'Eve if the whole world condemns you…. I at least should stand by your side. Even villains have friends' he muttered to himself.

Maybe later in the future, history would call him all kinds of name just because he refuses to condemn Null.

But what does he care about what history said about him?

After all, those people are talkers.

And he and Null and those generals are the one who make history

Weak people complaining about strong people action is as ridiculous as a sheep trying to dictate how a lion make his move

Mock him! Condemn him! Insult him!

Would those thing have any effect on him?

He snorted and Jean focused back on his work.

At least the one thing he could do for his friend is to save the world

And maybe, that at least would redeem his friend

He saved the world countless of times and even now he is saving hundreds of thousands of people from the attack of the dark forces of the world.

Even now, as he is floating above the ten seas, tens of his main avatars floating above the ten seas, a hundred thousand more of his time avatar scattered all over the world all saving people...he wants to ask the world and want to ask the heavens, with this many people he had saved…. could it not redeem his friends?

If killing one person is equal to killing all life…. then what about saving a hundred thousands of lives?

What about saving a million?

Jean was mournful and so the weather of the ten seas changed affected by his mood. It is fortunate that the world has expanded and the heavenly will had become stronger.

If it was before, the moment that Jean felt sad and the moment his emotion affects the worldly laws, rain would fall down and it would fall down as long as he mourns his death

It would not be strange for the rain to bring about flooding and the changing of weather affect the world in a negative way

But now, only dark clouds and a few rains fall down over the ten seas.

Who could know that Jean the Time Manipulator is mourning the death of his friend.?

Who knows the sorrow in his heart?


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