Lord Shadow




In the night of the day Loki returned to Pandemonium, another event was happening on the other side of the world that is as equally as important and even have a larger far reaching consequences.

Somewhere on the world, a butterfly is flapping its wind and on the other side of the world a storm is forming

While Loki and Yewa Hafar is putting down their chess pieces, plotting and scheming in the dark, there is one other player hidden in the background that no one knows about.

No one even knows that there is another one that is playing this chess game. And there lies the advantage of this unknown player

That person hides deeply and so secretively that two of the most knowledgeable men of the Universe could not even detect that person

And that person is on Greece, in Santorini.

What does that have to do what happens to the underground lab in Centre palace?


Will the Purple Speedster was unconscious after his battle with Sithulran. And he was in a coma.

It was nothing serious. But the blows he traded with Sithulran and the injurie inflicted on him was not a calamity. Instead it was a blessing.

Will…. gained enlightenment at the last moment when his conciseness faded away and his energy aligned with the green lightning energy he got inside the Temple under the Sea.

And in his coma….he saw something…..something that shock him to his very core and even made him doubt certain things in his life and even his sanity.

He was in a coma yet, oddly he is conscious on what is happening to his body. He seems to travel into a vast space of nothingness

Of course…. that is not the only thing he saw.

He knows that barely a day pass on the real world, but in his consciousness he witnesses something that taken a lot more time than that.

It felt like he is spending eternity in this nothingness of darkness and void.

And then he saw someone…...someone he knew. That person floats towards him in his consciousness, shrouded with green and purplish mist and whispered something to him.

The words wake him up.

he opens his eyes, because he seems to see something that transcend his understanding during his unconscious moment.

Immediately green lightning sparks out from him, swirling and coursing through his entire body and when he awoken he did not delay as he exploded into a thunderbolt shape and race out from his sanctuary.

He runs and runs and become like a whirlwind, blowing away anything around him as he keeps running like he is not going to stop.

His eyes are determined and his mind is clear even when he just woken up from an unexplainable coma.

There is a sense of purpose that moves his feet

Lightning covered him and golden, red, blue, black, and green color lightning exploded out from him and envelops him like he is in a protective shell of these colored lightning

He saw something when he was in a coma.

He did not understand a thing about what he sees. He even tries to convince himself that it is probably an illusion or some ridiculous dream.

But his heart keeps telling him…that it is not some illusion or some dream. For some unexplainable reason, he felt like he was there in that dream, experiencing those things.

The feeling he felt in that dream felt to real and raw.

The space around him folded with the green lightning seems to puncture a hole into Time pockets and force Time and Space to fold into itself but at the same Time it was being straightened out.

Will felt for the first time what ability he had gained in the Temple and why his teacher always recommended him to seek the Temple of Speed all across the Universe.

The green lightning, he absorbed in the Temple finally shows it powers.

He was not yet proficient in using that energy when he was fighting Sithulran but the coma made the energy that is dormant and inactivated to truly assimilate itself into the very core of Will power and Disk.

Now that energy enables him to even sense the flow of Time that flows throughout the world. He could feel it.

Could anyone imagine that? Feeling the abstract concept of Time flowing underneath your feet like a gentle wave of the ocean.

He was so acute in sensing the Time and the Space vectors that Will felt he could run on top of those lines of Times and enter into that line.

But he did not try it of course. He and his brother Azief knows the perils and consequences of Time travel is not cheap.

Though because Will is a Speedster the risk is higher on him.

Lightning in his eyes, lightning in his feet and lightning in his entire body and Time and Space warping and breaking down around him

His lightning is not like the lightning of Oreki.

His lightning embodied not the destruction of Oreki the Thunder Monarch or the annihilation power of the Tribulation Thunder of the Heavens.

His lightning is the pure representation of Speed. Of the purest force of Speed. A Speed Source that seems to flow throughout the vast expansive galaxy of the Universe.

He only has one objective right now.

That woman.

Erika...the one the world called The Oracle.

He saw her in his weird dreams. Well….it is not really a dream.

The surface of his skin collided against wind squalls and gravity forces him to slow his speed. But after his visit to the Temple he is no longer like before.

His Speed…. unlike before, felt more calm, more slow, yet at the same time faster.

It is the contradiction of Time. Each time Will move, the essence of speed energy he got from the Temple affect Time flows around him making him feel like he was running slow but because the Time flow around him is different t he was actually moving faster than before.

The kinetic motions of his body is stored inside his suit of lightning which he created from the pure source of Speed.

That kinetic energy could be released and boost Will attack. It is a new ability he unlocked after fully mastering the energy in that Temple.

He breathes in lightning and the kinetic energy around him like he is some kind of devourer of speed.

The places he passes experiences a slower time flow as he uses its speed to boost his speed even more.

His purple suit seems to turn green because of the enveloping lightning

Of course no one could see it since he is moving too fast for the eyes to capture or even reflected the light of his being.

The area around him distorted in a spiral like movement making him look blurry and unrecognizable even if someone managed to follow his speed

He phases through everything like he is the embodiment of speed.

Time and Space around him bend and seems to follow no rules at all. It took him no time at all to finally find Erika.

All of it seems long to describe but only five minutes passed from the moment he breaks out from his quartz capsule and circle the world to seek Erika.

That is who he seeks.

The woman he saw in his dreams. In that dream-like scape, he dreams of something terrible. Of red skies, of dust and rivers of blood.

Of a gigantic eye on the sky that is looking down upon all creation without feelings.

He stopped outside a large house on top of the hill. His entire existence and being is masked by the green lightning that is swirling around him.

It distorts Time and even imitates Time fragments.

The green lightning imitates the Time when Will was not here and envelop Will with it making anyone who uses Divine Sense will sense nothing at all because Will body was masked by the sense of Time when he was not here.

Will found more and more uses of this energy he got from the temple.

It is also probably why he sees that dream.

He is not sure why but he knows if it is true then what he saw in his dreams….is probably something that would happen in the future.

Or probably an alternate timeline and his mind was just unlucky enough to see it.

Will also understand a few things about Time and its Laws.

Considering that he is a Speedster and they are times that they sometimes slipped into a Time Tunnel, which is like the most terrible thing that could happen to Speedster, he made himself pretty knowledgeable about Time and the ideas surrounding it.

Time Tunnel is a phenomenon only Speedster could experience. At least Speedster are more prone of slipping themselves into a Time Tunnel.

He learned all of this from his teacher.

Time Tunnel is not something that is good. It might sound good because you could travel through time.

It only sound good on paper but it is quite terrible.


Anyway this full whole chapter would reveal something very shocking. Thing is this plot pint was conceived since Erika and WIll first appears. You will know what I mean after reading teh full whole chpater later.

And good news or bad news depending on how you take it. I have finished writing the ending of this arc. Only a few more correction on spelling and some grammar mistakes and undobtedly there will be a few typo that I will miss but I finished writing the end of this arc. And like I promsied you it will be frustrating.

And I will be on a break at the end of this arc. thougn I will not entirely stop writing since I will be posting Age of Heroes to webnovel and will also be focusing on Age of Adventure. So check that out if you havent yet check it out

And if you like the story please vote for it. Anyway, see you tommorrow

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