Lord Shadow


The cold wind blows and Jean sighed

Azief still did not notice what is happening there. And Jean did not like being the bearer of bad news.

He failed to protect Katarina.

That is what makes him mad. He could not have thought that the Demon king would appear there?

If he knew, he would of course send his real body here to protect her

But Jean thought that everything is done already so he focusses his attention on his Time Avatar.

If his real body was here, the Demon king with his Divine Comprehension realm would not be able to get Katarina that easily.

Jean could hide her in some kind of Time Pocket and she would be safe.

Azief reaction could be guessed. And there is also Boris

Jean knows how much Boris love his sister. He would never let his sister suffer any wrongs. He had failed those people.

He sighed a she thinks of many things in his mind. Jean after all is a member of the Republic. And Katarina is the High Chancellor of the Republic.

People might think that the Demon King caught the wrong person.

Everyone in the world knows that Death Monarch woman is Sofia the Divine Archer.

But….to those who in the know, they all knew how complicated the relationship between Death Monarch, Ice Queen and the Divine Archer really is

Even those who were not in the know could smell that there is something about the relationship of these three people.

Azief would not let Katarina be in danger and like Boris, Azief is very protective of Katarina

One could see the care he put toward Katarina safety with the many measures he put in place for her.

He cares about her, more than he let on. If he does not care about her, why would he flung her away. Why would he task Jean to look after her?

Jean sighed again. Behind him, the third wave of the blast is about to sweep the area. He did not even pay attention to that blast that had been slowly become weaker with each wave.

The Time Shield around him was erected automatically absorbing the energy blast.

It is still hard for him to send a message to Azief.

So, he stands there.

He knows he needs to do something to make sure that things would not be too hard on Azief later.

Like Will, Jean could guess what Azief would choose to do if he knew that Katarina was kidnapped by the Demon King.

This time, the one that arrived in this place is Jean true body.

He no longer in his Law Avatar form. His Law Avatar form was grinded into nothingness as he tries to navigate the chaotic time and space channel

But just because he no longer in his Law Avatar form did not mean he is weak

Instead time and space around him seems to move according to his will and his control over Time strengthened.

He had to spread himself out before so while it is good that he could use all of that Time powers to save people, his power was also spread out, reducing his impact when he switches to offense.

He looks at the area where Balfor had disappeared. He maintains the Time around it and he stands guards around it.

If Azief wanted a way on how to go to the Seresian world, this is the place where he could breach it

And Jean also had a few tricks under his sleeve. Time energies surrounded the crack and seems to meld with the laws that govern the space tears.

He sighed a bit and then look toward the distance.

'Azief, you should notice it by now' At the same time on space, Sith'venar order his fleet to use the tracker to immediately go to the Seresian world.

As for Azief, he is still floating in the air at the site of the battle, not knowing what had just happened a few seconds before he slashes that last strike

He is looking at the disintegrating body of the Demon King as it slowly turns into a motes of light that is full with energy that would nourish the world.

But he did not smile. He did not laugh or felt happy for the death of his enemy

He only felt unease.

He did not understand why at the last moment; the Demon king seems to given up on fighting. It did not make sense.

It is without a doubt that everything he had planned work perfectly like a clockwork.

He managed to not only fight the Demon King, he even managed to force him to a dead road.

But…. even so…. the Demon King is someone who is in Essence Creation realm. And that is only because he is constrained by the suppressive power of the World Orb.

His level is probably stronger than Essence Creation and might surpassed it.

It is impossible that such a powerful creature did not have any lifesaving measures.

The more it moves according to his plan, the more helpless the Demon King appears, the more Azief felt unease.

It felt like he is being schemed upon. On his hand there is no longer the sword. The Wheel above his head however is still spinning

But it is no longer giving any energy to Azief.

And it is slowly about to stop. Azief still could not help feeling that there is something wrong even though he had won the fight.

It felt…too easy. Of course, if one looks at Azief effort in trying to win, one could hardly say that it is an easy fight.

There were many preparations, many plots and scheme that had to be set up beforehand to reach this favorable conclusion.

But Azief still felt that even after all that he had employed, with every preparation that he had muster, it still felt like the win was too easy.

Azief did not even use the other trials that is embedded in the Wheel of Rebirth and Reincarnation.

'There is something wrong with all of this' this kind of thought could not be erased from his mind

He did not deactivate the Wheel. Instead he slowly floated down toward the ground

The area around the radius of one meter around him is stable, with no disintegration of space or the turbulence of energy.

Of course the same could not be said for the surrounding area.

As he is the eye of the storm, he is spared from feeling the wave after waves of the shockwave blast of his strike that is circling the world right now

Right now, there is no longer any red sky.

There is only the golden sky.

And the blast of energy is slowly dispersing from the area of the battle becoming weaker with each waves.

The Will of the World is greedily taking in all of the energy that is coming off from the Demon King corpse.

Azief then landed on the dry ground.

He could see a lot of things in the area now that he is on the ground.

This dry land is actually the seabed of an ocean. But during the fight between him and the Demon king, the sea area around this part become dry.

All he could see for miles and miles is dry land like some kind of desert with weird earth structure.

Some of them is the rock formation formed deep in the dark of the deep sea revealed to him.

Most of them however had been destroyed as it was forced to withstand the terrible pressure of the battle between Azief and then Demon King head on.

The sea all over the world is also returning to normal.

The frozen surface melted and with the Will of the World retreating back to its consciousness, it slowly heals the world.

The places where thunders and lightning ravaged the forest, is now slowly being sow with energy.

And even the many large and deep pothole is now being covered and buried by the sudden outgrowth of grass and trees

One could see this force of life falling from the heavens toward the world like some kind of raindrop with each raindrop possessing potent life energy

The pressure of the Heaven had disappeared and people could all got up.

All in all, everything is trying to become normal once again. The expansion of the world is also slowly consolidating.

Azief saw that there is some opening of volcanoes that was blocked because of the many large debris that had fallen toward the area and because of the pressure of his energy.

The smokes of the magma and the lava could not even rise up to the sky because he had cut all the molecules.

But now that he no longer emanated such pressure and the sword strike had been completed, the Laws of the world is coming back.

He could also hear the rumbling and feel the tremors on the ground.

The block of water is coming back to flood this dry land into a vast sea once again. As such a great wall of water is rushing from the four direction toward this empty area to fill it back up.

Of course if that were to happen, the sea-level would drop as it would need who knows how much water to fills this dry area back into the ocean.

Azief did not care much about the rushing block of water rushing toward him.

He looks up and he saw the Wheel up there, gigantic and appearing like a holy sun, emanating bright golden colors

One would be forgiven to think that it is the sun.

Even though Azief is actually in pain right now, he still activates the Wheel.

Then he coughs a bit

"I know I should not suppress it too much' he thought to himself.

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